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Structure and dynamics of complex networks usually deal with degree distributions, clustering, shortest path lengths and other graph properties. Although these concepts have been analysed for graphs on abstract spaces, many networks happen to be embedded in a metric arrangement, where the geographic distance between vertices plays a crucial role. The present work proposes a model for growing network that takes into account the geographic distance between vertices: the probability that they are connected is higher if they are located nearer than farther. In this framework, the mean degree of vertices, degree distribution and shortest path length between two randomly chosen vertices are analysed.
We reconsider the problem of percolation on an equilibrium random network with degree-degree correlations between nearest-neighboring vertices focusing on critical singularities at a percolation threshold. We obtain criteria for degree-degree correlations to be irrelevant for critical singularities. We present examples of networks in which assortative and disassortative mixing leads to unusual percolation properties and new critical exponents.
We study a simple reaction-diffusion population model [proposed by A. Windus and H. J. Jensen, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, 2287 (2007)] on scale-free networks. In the case of fully random diffusion, the network topology cannot affect the critical death rate, whereas the heterogeneous connectivity can cause smaller steady population density and critical population density. In the case of modified diffusion, we obtain a larger critical death rate and steady population density, at the meanwhile, lower critical population density, which is good for the survival of species. The results were obtained using a mean-field-like framework and were confirmed by computer simulations.
We apply a novel method (presented in part I) to solve several small-world models for which the method can be applied analytically: the Viana-Bray model (which can be seen as a 0 or infinite dimensional small-world model), the one-dimensional chain small-world model, and the small-world spherical model in generic dimension. In particular, we analyze in detail the one-dimensional chain small-world model with negative short-range coupling showing that in this case, besides a second-order spin glass phase transition, there are two critical temperatures corresponding to first- or second-order phase transitions.
We present, as a very general method, an effective field theory to analyze models defined over small-world networks. Even if the exactness of the method is limited to the paramagnetic regions and to some special limits, it gives the exact critical behavior and the exact critical surfaces and percolation thresholds, and provide a clear and immediate (also in terms of calculation) insight of the physics. The underlying structure of the non random part of the model, i.e., the set of spins staying in a given lattice L_0 of dimension d_0 and interacting through a fixed coupling J_0, is exactly taken into account. When J_0geq 0, the small-world effect gives rise to the known fact that a second order phase transition takes place, independently of the dimension d_0 and of the added random connectivity c. However, when J_0<0, a completely different scenario emerges where, besides a spin glass transition, multiple first- and second-order phase transitions may take place.
We examine the global organization of heterogeneous equilibrium networks consisting of a number of well distinguished interconnected parts--``communities or modules. We develop an analytical approach allowing us to obtain the statistics of connected components and an intervertex distance distribution in these modular networks, and to describe their global organization and structure. In particular, we study the evolution of the intervertex distance distribution with an increasing number of interlinks connecting two infinitely large uncorrelated networks. We demonstrate that even a relatively small number of shortcuts unite the networks into one. In more precise terms, if the number of the interlinks is any finite fraction of the total number of connections, then the intervertex distance distribution approaches a delta-function peaked form, and so the network is united.
We examine the global organization of growing networks in which a new vertex is attached to already existing ones with a probability depending on their age. We find that the network is infinite- or finite-dimensional depending on whether the attachment probability decays slower or faster than $(age)^{-1}$. The network becomes one-dimensional when the attachment probability decays faster than $(age)^{-2}$. We describe structural characteristics of these phases and transitions between them.
The question of robustness of a network under random ``attacks is treated in the framework of critical phenomena. The persistence of spontaneous magnetization of a ferromagnetic system to the random inclusion of antiferromagnetic interactions is investigated. After examing the static properties of the quenched version (in respect to the random antiferromagnetic interactions) of the model, the persistence of the magnetization is analysed also in the annealed approximation, and the difference in the results are discussed.
The combination of the compactness of networks, featuring small diameters, and their complex architectures results in a variety of critical effects dramatically different from those in cooperative systems on lattices. In the last few years, researchers have made important steps toward understanding the qualitatively new critical phenomena in complex networks. We review the results, concepts, and methods of this rapidly developing field. Here we mostly consider two closely related classes of these critical phenomena, namely structural phase transitions in the network architectures and transitions in cooperative models on networks as substrates. We also discuss systems where a network and interacting agents on it influence each other. We overview a wide range of critical phenomena in equilibrium and growing networks including the birth of the giant connected component, percolation, k-core percolation, phenomena near epidemic thresholds, condensation transitions, critical phenomena in spin models placed on networks, synchronization, and self-organized criticality effects in interacting systems on networks. We also discuss strong finite size effects in these systems and highlight open problems and perspectives.
We investigate the standard susceptible-infected-susceptible model on a random network to study the effects of preference and geography on diseases spreading. The network grows by introducing one random node with $m$ links on a Euclidean space at unit time. The probability of a new node $i$ linking to a node $j$ with degree $k_j$ at distance $d_{ij}$ from node $i$ is proportional to $k_{j}^{A}/d_{ij}^{B}$, where $A$ and $B$ are positive constants governing preferential attachment and the cost of the node-node distance. In the case of A=0, we recover the usual epidemic behavior with a critical threshold below which diseases eventually die out. Whereas for B=0, the critical behavior is absent only in the condition A=1. While both ingredients are proposed simultaneously, the network becomes robust to infection for larger $A$ and smaller $B$.

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