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There is ongoing debate regarding the extent that environment affects galaxy size growth beyond z>1. To investigate the differences in star-forming and quiescent galaxy properties as a function of environment at z=2.1, we create a mass-complete sample of 59 cluster galaxies Spitler et al. (2012) and 478 field galaxies with log(M)>9 using photometric redshifts from the ZFOURGE survey. We compare the mass-size relation of field and cluster galaxies using measured galaxy semi-major axis half-light radii ($r_{1/2,maj}$) from CANDELS HST/F160W imaging. We find consistent mass normalized (log(M)=10.7) sizes for quiescent field galaxies ($r_{1/2,maj}=1.81pm0.29$ kpc) and quiescent cluster galaxies ($r_{1/2,maj}=2.17pm0.63$ kpc). The mass normalized size of star-forming cluster galaxies ($r_{1/2,maj}=4.00pm0.26$ kpc ) is 12% larger (KS test $2.1sigma$) than star-forming field galaxies ($r_{1/2,maj}=3.57pm0.10$ kpc). From the mass-color relation we find that quiescent field galaxies with 9.7<log(M)<10.4 are slightly redder (KS test $3.6sigma$) than quiescent cluster galaxies, while cluster and field quiescent galaxies with log(M)>10.4 have consistent colors. We find that star-forming cluster galaxies are on average 20% redder than star-forming field galaxies at all masses. Furthermore, we stack galaxy images to measure average radial color profiles as a function of mass. Negative color gradients are only present for massive star-forming field and cluster galaxies with log(M)>10.4, the remaining galaxy masses and types have flat profiles. Our results suggest given the observed differences in size and color of star-forming field and cluster galaxies, that the environment has begun to influence/accelerate their evolution. However, the lack of differences between field and cluster quiescent galaxies indicates that the environment has not begun to significantly influence their evolution at z~2.
We report the first results from a survey for 1665, 1667, and 1720 MHz OH emission over a small region of the Outer Galaxy centered at $l approx 105.0deg , b approx +1.0deg$ . This sparse, high-sensitivity survey ($Delta Ta approx Delta Tmb approx 3.0 - 3.5$ mK rms in 0.55 km/s channels), was carried out as a pilot project with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT, FWHM $approx 7.6$) on a 3 X 9 grid at $0.5deg$ spacing. The pointings chosen correspond with those of the existing $^{12}$CO(1-0) CfA survey of the Galaxy (FWHM $approx 8.4$). With 2-hr integrations, 1667 MHz OH emission was detected with the GBT at $gtrsim 21$ of the 27 survey positions ($geq 78%$ ), confirming the ubiquity of molecular gas in the ISM as traced by this spectral line. With few exceptions, the main OH lines at 1665 and 1667 MHz appear in the ratio of 5:9 characteristic of LTE at our sensitivity levels. No OH absorption features are recorded in the area of the present survey, in agreement with the low levels of continuum background emission in this direction. At each pointing the OH emission appears in several components extending over a range of radial velocity and coinciding with well-known features of Galactic structure such as the Local Arm and the Perseus Arm. In contrast, little CO emission is seen in the survey area; less than half of the $gtrsim 50$ identified OH components show detectable CO at the CfA sensitivity levels, and these are generally faint. There are no CO profiles without OH emission. With few exceptions, peaks in the OH profiles coincide with peaks in the GBT HI spectra (obtained concurrently, FWHM $8.9$), although the converse is not true. We conclude that main-line OH emission is a promising tracer for the dark molecular gas in the Galaxy discovered earlier in Far-IR and gamma-ray emission. Further work is needed to establish the quantitative details of this connection.
We reinvestigate numerically the classic problem of two-dimensional superfluid flow past an obstacle. Taking the obstacle to be elongated (perpendicular to the flow), rather than the usual circular form, is shown to promote the nucleation of quantized vortices, enhance their subsequent interactions, and lead to wakes which bear striking similarity to their classical (viscous) counterparts. Then, focussing on the recent experiment of Kwon et al. (arXiv:1403.4658) in a trapped condensate, we show that an elliptical obstacle leads to a cleaner and more efficient means to generate two-dimensional quantum turbulence.
In a recent experiment, Kwon et. al (arXiv:1403.4658 [cond-mat.quant-gas]) generated a disordered state of quantum vortices by translating an oblate Bose-Einstein condensate past a laser-induced obstacle and studying the subsequent decay of vortex number. Using mean-field simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, we shed light on the various stages of the observed dynamics. We find that the flow of the superfluid past the obstacle leads initially to the formation of a classical-like wake, which later becomes disordered. Following removal of the obstacle, the vortex number decays due to vortices annihilating and reaching the boundary. Our results are in excellent agreement with the experimental observations. Furthermore, we probe thermal effects through phenomenological dissipation.
Malliavin weight sampling (MWS) is a stochastic calculus technique for computing the derivatives of averaged system properties with respect to parameters in stochastic simulations, without perturbing the systems dynamics. It applies to systems in or out of equilibrium, in steady state or time-dependent situations, and has applications in the calculation of response coefficients, parameter sensitivities and Jacobian matrices for gradient-based parameter optimisation algorithms. The implementation of MWS has been described in the specific contexts of kinetic Monte Carlo and Brownian dynamics simulation algorithms. Here, we present a general theoretical framework for deriving the appropriate MWS update rule for any stochastic simulation algorithm. We also provide pedagogical information on its practical implementation.
The aim of this report of the Working Group on Hadronic Interactions and Air Shower Simulation is to give an overview of the status of the field, emphasizing open questions and a comparison of relevant results of the different experiments. It is shown that an approximate overall understanding of extensive air showers and the corresponding hadronic interactions has been reached. The simulations provide a qualitative description of the bulk of the air shower observables. Discrepancies are however found when the correlation between measurements of the longitudinal shower profile are compared to that of the lateral particle distributions at ground. The report concludes with a list of important problems that should be addressed to make progress in understanding hadronic interactions and, hence, improve the reliability of air shower simulations.
89 - B. W. Holwerda 2012
Our aim is to explore the relation between gas, atomic and molecular, and dust in spiral galaxies. Gas surface densities are from atomic hydrogen and CO line emission maps. To estimate the dust content, we use the disk opacity as inferred from the number of distant galaxies identified in twelve HST/WFPC2 fields of ten nearby spiral galaxies. The observed number of distant galaxies is calibrated for source confusion and crowding with artificial galaxy counts and here we verify our results with sub-mm surface brightnesses from archival Herschel-SPIRE data. We find that the opacity of the spiral disk does not correlate well with the surface density of atomic (Hi) or molecular hydrogen (H2) alone implying that dust is not only associated with the molecular clouds but also the diffuse atomic disk in these galaxies. Our result is a typical dust-to-gas ratio of 0.04, with some evidence that this ratio declines with galactocentric radius, consistent with recent Herschel results. We discuss the possible causes of this high dust-to-gas ratio; an over-estimate of the dust surface-density, an under-estimate of the molecular hydrogen density from CO maps or a combination of both. We note that while our value of the mean dust-to-gas ratio is high, it is consistent with the metallicity at the measured radii if one assumes the Pilyugin & Thuan calibration of gas metallicity.
We have mapped faint 1667 OH line emission (TA approx 20 - 40 mK in our approx 30 beam) along many lines of sight in the Galaxy covering an area of approx 4circ times 4circ in the general direction of l approx 108circ, b approx 5circ. The OH emission is widespread, similar in extent to the local HI (r </= 2 kpc) both in space and in velocity. The OH profile amplitudes show a good general correlation with those of HI in spectral channels of approx 1 km/s; this relation is described by TA(OH) approx 1.50 times 10^{-4} TB(HI) for values of TB(HI) </approx 60 - 70 K. Beyond this the HI line appears to saturate, and few values are recorded above approx 90 K. However, the OH brightness continues to rise, by a further factor approx 3. The OH velocity profiles show multiple features with widths typically 2 - 3 km/s, but less than 10% of these features are associated with CO(1-0) emission in existing surveys of the area smoothed to comparable resolution.
Astronomers usually need the highest angular resolution possible, but the blurring effect of diffraction imposes a fundamental limit on the image quality from any single telescope. Interferometry allows light collected at widely-separated telescopes to be combined in order to synthesize an aperture much larger than an individual telescope thereby improving angular resolution by orders of magnitude. Radio and millimeter wave astronomers depend on interferometry to achieve image quality on par with conventional visible and infrared telescopes. Interferometers at visible and infrared wavelengths extend angular resolution below the milli-arcsecond level to open up unique research areas in imaging stellar surfaces and circumstellar environments. In this chapter the basic principles of interferometry are reviewed with an emphasis on the common features for radio and optical observing. While many techniques are common to interferometers of all wavelengths, crucial differences are identified that will help new practitioners avoid unnecessary confusion and common pitfalls. Concepts essential for writing observing proposals and for planning observations are described, depending on the science wavelength, angular resolution, and field of view required. Atmospheric and ionospheric turbulence degrades the longest-baseline observations by significantly reducing the stability of interference fringes. Such instabilities represent a persistent challenge, and the basic techniques of phase-referencing and phase closure have been developed to deal with them. Synthesis imaging with large observing datasets has become a routine and straightforward process at radio observatories, but remains challenging for optical facilities. In this context the commonly-used image reconstruction algorithms CLEAN and MEM are presented. Lastly, a concise overview of current facilities is included as an appendix.
We derive total (atomic + molecular) hydrogen densities in giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in the nearby spiral galaxy M33 using a method that views the atomic hydrogen near regions of recent star formation as the product of photodissociation. Far-UV photons emanating from a nearby OB association produce a layer of atomic hydrogen on the surfaces of nearby GMCs. Our approach provides an estimate of the total hydrogen density in these GMCs from observations of the excess far-UV emission that reaches the GMC from the OB association, and the excess 21-cm radio HI emission produced after these far-UV photons convert H2 into HI on the GMC surface. The method provides an alternative approach to the use of CO emission as a tracer of H2 in GMCs, and is especially sensitive to a range of density well below the critical density for CO(1-0) emission. We describe our PDR method in more detail and apply it using GALEX far-UV and VLA 21-cm radio data to obtain volume densities in a selection of GMCs in the nearby spiral galaxy M33. We have also examined the sensitivity of the method to the linear resolution of the observations used; the results obtained at 20 pc are similar to those for the larger set of data at 80 pc resolution. The cloud densities we derive range from 1 to 500 cm-3, with no clear dependence on galactocentric radius; these results are generally similar to those obtained earlier in M81, M83, and M101 using the same method.

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