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Let $I$ be an arbitrary ideal generated by binomials. We show that certain equivalence classes of fibers are associated to any minimal binomial generating set of $I$. We provide a simple and efficient algorithm to compute the indispensable binomials of a binomial ideal from a given generating set of binomials and an algorithm to detect whether a binomial ideal is generated by indispensable binomials.
Let $mathcal{A}={{bf a}_1,ldots,{bf a}_n}subsetBbb{N}^m$. We give an algebraic characterization of the universal Markov basis of the toric ideal $I_{mathcal{A}}$. We show that the Markov complexity of $mathcal{A}={n_1,n_2,n_3}$ is equal to two if $I_{mathcal{A}}$ is complete intersection and equal to three otherwise, answering a question posed by Santos and Sturmfels. We prove that for any $rgeq 2$ there is a unique minimal Markov basis of $mathcal{A}^{(r)}$. Moreover, we prove that for any integer $l$ there exist integers $n_1,n_2,n_3$ such that the Graver complexity of $mathcal{A}$ is greater than $l$.
Minimal Markov bases of configurations of integer vectors correspond to minimal binomial generating sets of the assocciated lattice ideal. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the elements of a minimal Markov basis to be (a) inside the universal Gr{ o}bner basis and (b) inside the Graver basis. We study properties of Markov bases of generalized Lawrence liftings for arbitrary matrices $Ainmathcal{M}_{mtimes n}(Bbb{Z})$ and $Binmathcal{M}_{ptimes n}(Bbb{Z})$ and show that in cases of interest the {em complexity} of any two Markov bases is the same.
Let $Lsubset mathbb{Z}^n$ be a lattice and $I_L=langle x^{bf u}-x^{bf v}: {bf u}-{bf v}in Lrangle$ be the corresponding lattice ideal in $Bbbk[x_1,ldots, x_n]$, where $Bbbk$ is a field. In this paper we describe minimal binomial generating sets of $I_L$ and their invariants. We use as a main tool a graph construction on equivalence classes of fibers of $I_L$. As one application of the theory developed we characterize binomial complete intersection lattice ideals, a longstanding open problem in the case of non-positive lattices.
104 - Hara Charalambous 2010
Let $R=Bbbk[x_1,..., x_n]$ and $M=R^s/I$ a multigraded squarefree module. We discuss the construction of cochain complexes associated to $M$ and we show how to interpret homological invariants of $M$ in terms of topological computations. This is a generalization of the well studied case of squarefree monomial ideals.
Let $R=Bbbk[x_1,...,x_m]$ be the polynomial ring over a field $Bbbk$ with the standard $mathbb Z^m$-grading (multigrading), let $L$ be a Noetherian multigraded $R$-module, let $beta_{i,alpha}(L)$ the $i$th (multigraded) Betti number of $L$ of multidegree $a$. We introduce the notion of a generic (relative to $L$) multidegree, and the notion of multigraded module of generic type. When the multidegree $a$ is generic (relative to $L$) we provide a Hochster-type formula for $beta_{i,alpha}(L)$ as the dimension of the reduced homology of a certain simplicial complex associated with $L$. This allows us to show that there is precisely one homological degree $ige 1$ in which $beta_{i,alpha}(L)$ is non-zero and in this homological degree the Betti number is the $beta$-invariant of a certain minor of a matroid associated to $L$. In particular, this provides a precise combinatorial description of all multigraded Betti numbers of $L$ when it is a multigraded module of generic type.
Let $k$ be a field, $ mathcal{L}subset mathbb{Z}^n$ be a lattice such that $Lcap mathbb{N}^n={{bf 0}}$, and $I_Lsubset Bbbk[x_1,..., x_n]$ the corresponding lattice ideal. We present the generalized Scarf complex of $I_L$ and show that it is indispensable in the sense that it is contained in every minimal free resolution of $R/I_L$.
Let $A$ be a semigroup whose only invertible element is 0. For an $A$-homogeneous ideal we discuss the notions of simple $i$-syzygies and simple minimal free resolutions of $R/I$. When $I$ is a lattice ideal, the simple 0-syzygies of $R/I$ are the binomials in $I$. We show that for an appropriate choice of bases every $A$-homogeneous minimal free resolution of $R/I$ is simple. We introduce the gcd-complex $D_{gcd}(bf b)$ for a degree $mathbf{b}in A$. We show that the homology of $D_{gcd}(bf b)$ determines the $i$-Betti numbers of degree $bf b$. We discuss the notion of an indispensable complex of $R/I$. We show that the Koszul complex of a complete intersection lattice ideal $I$ is the indispensable resolution of $R/I$ when the $A$-degrees of the elements of the generating $R$-sequence are incomparable.

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