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We report the parallax and proper motion of five L dwarfs obtained with observations from the robotic Liverpool Telescope. Our derived proper motions are consistent with published values and have considerably smaller errors. Based on our spectral type versus absolute magnitude diagram, we do not find any evidence for binaries among our sample, or, at least no comparable mass binaries. Their space velocities locate them within the thin disk and based on the model comparisons they have solar-like abundances. For all five objects, we derived effective temperature, luminosity, radius, gravity and mass from a evolutionary model(CBA00) and our measured parallax; moreover, we derived their effective temperature by integrating observed optical and near-infrared spectra and model spectra (BSH06 or BT-Dusty respectively) at longer wavelengths to obtain bolometric {bf flux using} the classical Stefan-Boltzmann law: generally the three temperatures for one object derived using two different methods with three models are consistent, while at lower temperature(e.g. for L4) the differences among the three temperatures are slightly larger than that at higher temperature(e.g. for L1).
171 - S.V. Jeffers 2013
Theoretical predictions suggest that the distribution of planets in very young stars could be very different to that typically observed in Gyr old systems that are the current focus of radial velocity surveys. However, the detection of planets around young stars is hampered by the increased stellar activity associated with young stars, the signatures of which can bias the detection of planets. In this paper we place realistic limitations on the possibilities for detecting planets around young active G and K dwarfs. The models of stellar activity based on tomographic imaging of the G dwarf HD 141943 and the K1 dwarf AB Dor and also include contributions from plage and many small random starspots. Our results show that the increased stellar activity levels present on young Solar-type stars strongly impacts the detection of Earth-mass and Jupiter mass planets and that the degree of activity jitter is directly correlated with stellar vsinis. We also show that for G and K dwarfs, the distribution of activity in individual stars is more important than the differences in induced radial velocities as a function of spectral type. We conclude that Jupiter mass planets can be detected close-in around fast-rotating young active stars, Neptune-mass planets around moderate rotators and that Super-Earths are only detectable around very slowly rotating stars. The effects of an increase in stellar activity jitter by observing younger stars can be compensated for by extending the observational base-line to at least 100 epochs.
Using the Position and Proper Motion Extended-L (PPMXL) catalogue, we have used optical and near-infrared colour cuts together with a reduced proper motion cut to find bright M dwarfs for future exoplanet transit studies. PPMXLs low proper motion uncertainties allow us to probe down to smaller proper motions than previous similar studies. We have combined unique objects found with this method to that of previous work to produce 8479 K<9 M dwarfs. Low resolution spectroscopy was obtained of a sample of the objects found using this selection method to gain statistics on their spectral type and physical properties. Results show a spectral type range of K7-M4V. This catalogue is the most complete collection of K<9 M dwarfs currently available and is made available here.
249 - Yu. Lyubchik 2012
We analyse medium-resolution spectra (Rsim 18000) of 19 late type dwarfs in order to determine vsini-s using synthetic rather than observational template spectra. For this purpose observational data around 2.2 $mu$m of stars with spectral classes from G8V to M9.5V were modelled. We find that the Na I (2.2062 and 2.2090 $mu$m) and $^{12}$CO 2-0 band features are modelled well enough to use for vsini determination without the need for a suitable observational template spectra. Within the limit of the resolution of our spectra, we use synthetic spectra templates to derive vsini values consistent with those derived in the optical regime using observed templates. We quantify the errors in our vsini determination due to incorrect choice of model parameters Teff, log $g$, $v_{rm micro}$, [Fe/H] or FWHM and show that they are typically less than 10 per cent. We note that the spectral resolution of our data(sim 16 km/s) limited this study to relatively fast rotators and that resolutions of 60000 will required to access most late-type dwarfs.
In light of the growing interest in searching for low mass, rocky planets, we investigate the impact of starspots on radial velocity searches for earth-mass planets in orbit about M dwarf stars. Since new surveys targeting M dwarfs will likely be carried out at infrared wavelengths, a comparison between V and Y band starspot induced jitter is made, indicating a reduction of up to an order of magnitude when observing in the Y band. The exact reduction in jitter is dependent on the photosphere to spot contrast ratio, with greater improvements at smaller contrasts. We extrapolate a model used to describe solar spot distributions to simulate the spot patterns that we expect to find on M dwarfs. Under the assumption that M dwarfs are near or fully convective, we randomly place starspots on the stellar surface, simulating different levels of spot coverage. Line profiles, distorted by spots are derived and are used to investigate the starspot induced jitter. By making assumptions about the degree of spot activity, detection limits for earth-mass planets in habitable zones are simulated for between 10 and 500 observation epochs. We find that <= 50 epochs are required to detect 1 - 2 MEarth planets (with < 1 per cent false alarm probability) orbiting slowly rotating 0.1 and 0.2 MSun stars. This sensitivity decreases when typical rotation velocities and activity levels for each stellar mass/spectral type are considered. No detections of below 20 MEarth planets are expected for <= 500 observations for the most active stars with vsini >= 20 km/s and dark spots.
We present parallaxes of 11 mid-to-late T dwarfs observed in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey. We use these results to test the reliability of model predictions in magnitude-color space, determine a magnitude-spectral type calibration, and, estimate a bolometric luminosity and effective temperature range for the targets. We used observations from the UKIRT WFCAM instrument pipeline processed at the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit. The parallaxes and proper motions of the sample were calculated using standard procedures. The bolometric luminosity was estimated using near- and mid-infrared observations with two different methods. The corresponding effective temperature ranges were found adopting a large age-radius range. We show the models are unable to predict the colors of the latest T dwarfs indicating the incompleteness of model opacities for NH3, CH4 and H2 as the temperature declines. We report the effective temperature ranges obtained.
Radial-velocity planet search campaigns are now beginning to detect low-mass Super-Earth planets, with minimum masses M sin i < 10 M_earth. Using two independently-developed methods, we have derived detection limits from nearly four years of the highest-precision data on 24 bright, stable stars from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search. Both methods are more conservative than a human analysing an individual observed data set, as is demonstrated by the fact that both techniques would detect the radial velocity signals announced as exoplanets for the 61 Vir system in 50% of trials. There are modest differences between the methods which can be recognised as arising from particular criteria that they adopt. What both processes deliver is a quantitative selection process such that one can use them to draw quantitative conclusions about planetary frequency and orbital parameter distribution from a given data set. Averaging over all 24 stars, in the period range P<300 days and the eccentricity range 0.0<e<0.6, we could have detected 99% of planets with velocity amplitudes K>7.1 m/s. For the best stars in the sample, we are able to detect or exclude planets with K>3 m/s, corresponding to minimum masses of 8 M_earth (P=5 days) or 17 M_earth (P=50 days). Our results indicate that the observed period valley, a lack of giant planets (M>100 M_earth) with periods between 10-100 days, is indeed real. However, for planets in the mass range 10-100 M_earth, our results suggest that the deficit of such planets may be a result of selection effects.
The detailed study of the exoplanetary systems HD189733 and HD209458 has given rise to a wealth of exciting information on the physics of exoplanetary atmospheres. To further our understanding of the make-up and processes within these atmospheres we require a larger sample of bright transiting planets. We have began a project to detect more bright transiting planets in the southern hemisphere by utilising precision radial-velocity measurements. We have observed a constrained sample of bright, inactive and metal-rich stars using the HARPS instrument and here we present the current status of this project, along with our first discoveries which include a brown dwarf/extreme-Jovian exoplanet found in the brown dwarf desert region around the star HD191760 and improved orbits for three other exoplanetary systems HD48265, HD143361 and HD154672. Finally, we briefly discuss the future of this project and the current prospects we have for discovering more bright transiting planets.
We use signal enhancement techniques and a matched filter analysis to search for the K band spectroscopic absorption signature of the close orbiting extrasolar giant planet, HD 189733b. With timeseries observations taken with NIRSPEC at the Keck II telescope, we investigate the relative abundances of H2O and carbon bearing molecules, which have now been identified in the dayside spectrum of HD 189733b. We detect a candidate planet signature with a low level of significance, close to the ~153 km/s velocity amplitude of HD 189733b. However, some systematic variations, mainly due to imperfect telluric line removal, remain in the residual spectral timeseries in which we search for the planetary signal. The robustness of our candidate signature is assessed, enabling us to conclude that it is not possible to confirm the presence of any planetary signal which appears at Fp/F* contrasts deeper than the 95.4 per cent confidence level. Our search does not enable us to detect the planet at a contrast ratio of Fp/F* = 1/1920 with 99.9 per cent confidence. We also investigate the effect of model uncertainties on our ability to reliably recover a planetary signal. The use of incorrect temperature, model opacity wavelengths and model temperature-pressure profiles have important consequences for the least squares deconvolution procedure that we use to boost the S/N ratio in our spectral timeseries observations. We find that mismatches between the empirical and model planetary spectrum may weaken the significance of a detection by ~30-60 per cent, thereby potentially impairing our ability to recover a planetary signal with high confidence.
The paper was withdrawn due to another possible solution to the dataset that is significantly different in nature. This issue will be addressed shortly and clarified with an additional data point.

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