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We present bulk property measurements of NpIr, a newly synthesized member of the Np-Ir binary phase diagram, which is isostructural to the non-centrosymmetric pressure-induced ferromagnetic superconductor UIr. Magnetic susceptibility, electronic transport properties at ambient and high pressure, and heat capacity measurements have been performed for temperature T = 0.55 - 300 K, in a range of magnetic fields up to 14 T and under pressures up to 17.3 GPa. These reveal that NpIr is a moderately heavy fermion Kondo system with strong antiferromagnetic interactions, but there is no evidence of any phase transition down to 0.55 K or at the highest pressure achieved. Experimental results are compared with ab initio calculations of the electronic band structure and lattice heat capacity. An extremely low lattice thermal conductivity is predicted for NpIr at temperatures above 300 K.
We report time-of-flight neutron scattering measurements of the magnetic spectrum of Tb3+ in Tb2Ti2O7. The data, which extend up to 120 meV and have calibrated intensity, enable us to consolidate and extend previous studies of the single-ion crystal field spectrum. We successfully refine a model for the crystal field potential in Tb2Ti2O7 without relying on data from other rare earth titanate pyrochlores, and we confirm that the ground state is a non-Kramers doublet with predominantly |+/-4> components. We compare the model critically with earlier models.
We present a study of the magnetic and crystallographic structure of TbMnO$_3$ in the presence of crossed electric and magnetic fields using circularly polarised X-ray non-resonant scattering. A comprehensive account is presented of the scattering theory and data analysis methods used in our earlier studies, and in addition we present new high magnetic field data and its analysis. We discuss in detail how polarisation analysis was used to reveal structural information, including the arrangement of Tb moments which we proposed for $H = 0$ T, and how the diffraction data for $H<H_C$ can be used to determine specific magnetostrictively induced atomic displacements with femto-metre accuracy. The connection between the electric polarisation and magnetostrictive mechanisms is discussed. Similar magnetostrictive displacements have been observed for $H > H_C$ as for $H < H_C$. Finally some observations regarding the kinetics and the conservation of domain population at the transition are described.
A neptunium analogue of the LaFeAsO tetragonal layered compound has been synthesized and characterized by a variety of experimental techniques. The occurrence of long-range magnetic order below a critical temperature T_N = 57 K is suggested by anomalies in the temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, Hall coefficient, and specific heat curves. Below T_N, powder neutron diffraction measurements reveal an antiferromagnetic structure of the Np sublattice, with an ordered magnetic moment of 1.70(0.07) mu_B aligned along the crystallographic c-axis. No magnetic order has been observed on the Fe sublattice, setting an upper limit of about 0.3 mu_B for the ordered magnetic moment on the iron. High resolution x-ray powder diffraction measurements exclude the occurrence of lattice transformations down to 5 K, in sharp contrast to the observation of a tetragonal-to-orthorhombic distortion in the rare-earth analogues, which has been associated with the stabilization of a spin density wave on the iron sublattice. Instead, a significant expansion of the NpFeAsO lattice parameters is observed with decreasing temperature below T_N, corresponding to a relative volume change of about 0.2% and to an invar behavior between 5 and 20 K. First-principle electronic structure calculations based on the local-spin density plus Coulomb interaction and the local density plus Hubbard-I approximations provide results in good agreement with the experimental findings.
This article reports a detailed x-ray resonant scattering study of the bilayer iridate compound, Sr3Ir2O7, at the Ir L2 and L3 edges. Resonant scattering at the Ir L3 edge has been used to determine that Sr3Ir2O7 is a long-range ordered antiferromagnet below TN 230K with an ordering wavevector, q=(1/2,1/2,0). The energy resonance at the L3 edge was found to be a factor of ~30 times larger than that at the L2. This remarkable effect has been seen in the single layer compound Sr2IrO4 and has been linked to the observation of a Jeff=1/2 spin-orbit insulator. Our result shows that despite the modified electronic structure of the bilayer compound, caused by the larger bandwidth, the effect of strong spin-orbit coupling on the resonant magnetic scattering persists. Using the programme SARAh, we have determined that the magnetic order consists of two domains with propagation vectors k1=(1/2,1/2,0) and k2=(1/2,-1/2,0), respectively. A raster measurement of a focussed x-ray beam across the surface of the sample yielded images of domains of the order of 100 microns size, with odd and even L components, respectively. Fully relativistic, monoelectronic calculations (FDMNES), using the Greens function technique for a muffin-tin potential have been employed to calculate the relative intensities of the L2,3 edge resonances, comparing the effects of including spin-orbit coupling and the Hubbard, U, term. A large L3 to L2 edge intensity ratio (~5) was found for calculations including spin-orbit coupling. Adding the Hubbard, U, term resulted in changes to the intensity ratio <5%.
Magneto-electric multiferroics exemplified by TbMnO3 possess both magnetic and ferroelectric long-range order. The magnetic order is mostly understood, whereas the nature of the ferroelectricity has remained more elusive. Competing models proposed to explain the ferroelectricity are associated respectively with charge transfer and ionic displacements. Exploiting the magneto-electric coupling, we use an electric field to produce a single magnetic domain state, and a magnetic field to induce ionic displacements. Under these conditions, interference charge-magnetic X-ray scattering arises, encoding the amplitude and phase of the displacements. When combined with a theoretical analysis, our data allow us to resolve the ionic displacements at the femtoscale, and show that such displacements make a significant contribution to the zero-field ferroelectric moment.
The magnetic structure of multiferroic Ni$_3$V$_2$O$_8$ has been investigated using non-resonant X-ray magnetic scattering. Incident circularly polarized X-rays combined with full polarization analysis of the scattered beam is shown to yield high sensitivity to the components of the cycloidal magnetic order, including their relative phases. New information on the magnetic structure in the ferroelectric phase is obtained, where it is found that the magnetic moments on the cross-tie sites are quenched relative to those on the spine sites. This implies that the onset of ferroelectricity is associated mainly with spine site magnetic order. We also demonstrate that our technique enables the imaging of multiferroic domains through polarization enhanced topography. This approach is used to image the domains as the sample is cycled by an electric field through its hysteresis loop, revealing the gradual switching of domains without nucleation.
We have made an extensive study of the magnetic and electrical properties of double-hexagonal closepacked NpPd3 and a range of U(1-x)Np(x)Pd3 compounds with x=0.01, 0.02, 0.05, and 0.50 using magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and heat capacity measurements on polycrystalline samples, performed in the temperature range 2-300 K and in magnetic fields up to 9 T. Two transitions are observed in NpPd3 at T=10 and 30 K. Dilute Np samples (x<0.05) exhibit quadrupolar transitions, with the transition temperatures reduced from those of pure UPd3.
Non-resonant X-ray magnetic scattering has been used to study the magnetic structure of multiferroic TbMnO3 in its ferroelectric phase. Circularly polarized X-rays were combined with a full polarization analysis of the scattered beam to reveal important new information on the magnetic structure of this canonical multiferroic. An applied electric field is shown to create a magnetic nearly mono-domain state in which the cylcoidal order on the Mn sublattice rotates either clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on the sign of the field. It is demonstrated how this technique provides sensitivity to the absolute sense of rotation of the Mn moments, and to components of the ordering on the Tb sublattice and phase shifts that earlier neutron diffraction experiments could not resolve.

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