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299 - Pengfei Zhu , H. Berger , J. Cao 2013
We report the experimental demonstration of femtosecond electron diffraction using high-brightness MeV electron beams. High-quality, single-shot electron diffraction patterns for both polycrystalline aluminum and single-crystal 1T-TaS2 are obtained utilizing a 5 femto-Coulomb (~3x10^4 electrons) pulse of electrons at 2.8 MeV. The high quality of the electron diffraction patterns confirm that electron beam has a normalized emittance of ~50 nm-rad. The corresponding transverse and longitudinal coherence length are ~11 nm and ~2.5 nm, respectively. The timing jitter between the pump laser and probe electron beam was found to be ~ 100 fs (rms). The temporal resolution is demonstrated by observing the evolution of Bragg and superlattice peaks of 1T-TaS2 following an 800 nm optical pump and was found to be 130 fs. Our results demonstrate the advantages of MeV electron diffraction: such as longer coherent lengths, large scattering cross-section and larger signal-to-noise ratio, and the feasibility of ultimately realizing 10 fs time-resolved electron diffraction.
111 - C. Martin , E. D. Mun , H. Berger 2012
We report the observation of Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations in single crystals of the Rashba spin-splitting compound BiTeI, from both longitudinal ($R_{xx}(B)$) and Hall ($R_{xy}(B)$) magnetoresistance. Under magnetic field up to 65 T, we resolved unambiguously only one frequency $F = 284.3pm 1.3$ T, corresponding to a Fermi momentum $k_{F} = 0.093pm 0.002$AA$^{-1}$.The amplitude of oscillations is strongly suppressed by tilting magnetic field, suggesting a highly two-dimensional Fermi surface. Combining with optical spectroscopy, we show that quantum oscillations may be consistent with a bulk conduction band having a Rashba splitting momentum $k_{R}=0.046pm$AA$^{-1}$.
The magneto-electric (ME) coupling on spin-wave resonances in single-crystal Cu2OSeO3 was studied by a novel technique using electron spin resonance combined with electric field modulation. An external electric field E induces a magnetic field component mu_0 H^i = gamma E along the applied magnetic field H with gamma=0.7(1) mu T/(V/mm) at 10 K. We found that ME coupling strength gamma is temperature dependent and highly anisotropic. gamma(T) nearly follows that of spin susceptibility J(T) and rapidly decreases above the Curie temperature Tc. The ratio gamma/J monotonically decreases with increasing temperature without an anomaly at Tc.
The topological insulator Bi2Se3 shows a Raman scattering response related to topologically protected surface states amplified by a resonant interband transition. Most significantly this signal has a characteristic Lorentzian lineshape and spin-helical symmetry due to collision dominated scattering of Dirac states at the Fermi level E_F on bulk valence states. Its resonance energy, temperature and doping dependence points to a high selectivity of this process. Its scattering rate (Gamma=40 cm-1=5 meV) is comparable to earlier observations, e.g. in spin-polaron systems. Although the observation of topological surface states in Raman scattering is limited to resonance conditions, this study represents a quite clean case which is not polluted by symmetry forbidden contributions from the bulk
Reflection and transmission as a function of temperature have been measured on a single crystal of the magnetoelectric ferrimagnetic compound Cu$_{2}$OSeO$_{3}$ utilizing light spanning the far infrared to the visible portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The complex dielectric function and optical properties were obtained via Kramers-Kronig analysis and by fits to a Drude-Lortentz model. The fits of the infrared phonons show a magnetodielectric effect near the transition temperature ($T_{c}sim 60$~K). Assignments to strong far infrared phonon modes have been made, especially those exhibiting anomalous behavior around the transition temperature.
We report an angular resolved photoemission study of Na0.73CoO2 where it is found that the renormalization of the quasiparticle (QP) dispersion changes dramatically upon a rotation from GM to GK. The comparison of the experimental data to the calculated band structure reveals that the QP-renormalization is most pronounced along the GK-direction, while it is significantly weaker along the GM-direction. We discuss the observed anisotropy in terms of multiorbital effects and point out the relevance of magnetic correlations for the band structure of Na0.73CoO2.

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