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In citation networks, the activity of papers usually decreases with age and dormant papers may be discovered and become fashionable again. To model this phenomenon, a competition mechanism is suggested which incorporates two factors: vigorousness and dormancy. Based on this idea, a citation network model is proposed, in which a node has two discrete stage: vigorous and dormant. Vigorous nodes can be deactivated and dormant nodes may be activated and become vigorous. The evolution of the network couples addition of new nodes and state transitions of old ones. Both analytical calculation and numerical simulation show that the degree distribution of nodes in generated networks displays a good right-skewed behavior. Particularly, scale-free networks are obtained as the deactivated vertex is target selected and exponential networks are realized for the random-selected case. Moreover, the measurement of four real-world citation networks achieves a good agreement with the stochastic model.
We study the spontaneously induced general relativity (GR) from the scalar-tensor gravity. We demonstrate by numerical methods that a novel inner core can be connected to the Schwarzschild exterior with cosmological constants and any sectional curvature. Deriving an analytic core metric for a general exterior, we show that all the nontrivial features of the core, including the locally holographic entropy packing, are universal for the general exterior in static spacetimes. We also investigate whether the f(R) gravity can accommodate the nontrivial core.
By making use of renormalized mean-field theory, we investigate possible superconducting symmetries in the ground states of t1-t2-J1-J2 model on square lattice. The superconducting symmetries of the ground states are determined by the frustration amplitude t2/t1 and doping concentration. The phase diagram of this system in frustration-doping plane is given. The order of the phase transitions among these different superconducting symmetry states of the system is discussed.
We investigate the generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSL) in generalized theories of gravity. We examine the total entropy evolution with time including the horizon entropy, the non-equilibrium entropy production, and the entropy of all matter, field and energy components. We derive a universal condition to protect the generalized second law and study its validity in different gravity theories. In Einstein gravity, (even in the phantom-dominated universe with a Schwarzschild black hole), Lovelock gravity, and braneworld gravity, we show that the condition to keep the GSL can always be satisfied. In $f(R)$ gravity and scalar-tensor gravity, the condition to protect the GSL can also hold because the gravity is always attractive and the effective Newton constant should be approximate constant satisfying the experimental bounds.
We show that the field equation of Brans-Dicke gravity and scalar-tensor gravity can be derived as the equation of state of Rindler spacetime, where the local thermodynamic equilibrium is maintained. Our derivation implies that the effective energy can not feel the heat flow across the Rindler horizon.
We study the Hawking radiation of (4+n)-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole imbedded in the space-time with positive cosmological constant. The greybody and energy emission rates of scalars, fermions, bosons, and gravitons are calculated in the full range of energy. The valuable information on the dimensions and curvature of space-time is revealed. Furthermore, we investigate the entropy radiated and lost by black hole. We find their ratio near unit in favor of the Bekensteins conjecture.
227 - Shao-Feng Wu , Guo-Hong Yang , 2008
We derive the generalized Friedmann equation governing the cosmological evolution inside the thick brane model in the presence of two curvature correction terms: a four-dimensional scalar curvature from induced gravity on the brane, and a five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet curvature term. We find two effective four-dimensional reductions of the Friedmann equation in some limits and demonstrate that they can be rewritten as the first law of thermodynamics on the apparent horizon of thick braneworld.
We consider the Randall-Sundrum brane-world model with bulk-brane energy transfer where the Einstein-Hilbert action is modified by curvature correction terms: a four-dimensional scalar curvature from induced gravity on the brane, and a five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet curvature term. It is remarkable that these curvature terms will not change the dynamics of the brane universe at low energy. Parameterizing the energy transfer and taking the dark radiation term into account, we find that the phantom divide of the equation of state of effective dark energy could be crossed, without the need of any new dark energy components. Fitting the two most reliable and robust SNIa datasets, the 182 Gold dataset and the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS), our model indeed has a small tendency of phantom divide crossing for the Gold dataset, but not for the SNLS dataset. Furthermore, combining the recent detection of the SDSS baryon acoustic oscillations peak (BAO) with lower matter density parameter prior, we find that the SNLS dataset also mildly favors phantom divide crossing.

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