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We discuss various methods to obtain the resolution volume for neutron scattering experiments, in order to perform absolute normalization on inelastic magnetic neutron scattering data. Examples from previous experiments are given. We also try to provide clear definitions of a number of physical quantities which are commonly used to describe neutron magnetic scattering results, including the dynamic spin correlation function and the imaginary part of the dynamic susceptibility. Formulas that can be used for general purposes are provided and the advantages of the different normalization processes are discussed.
The superconducting system La2-xBaxCuO4 is known to show a minimum in the transition temperature, Tc, at x = 1/8 where maximal stripe order is pinned by the anisotropy within the CuO2 planes that occurs in the low-temperature-tetragonal (LTT) crystal structure. For x = 0.095, where Tc reaches its maximum value of 32 K, there is a roughly coincident structural transition to a phase that is very close to LTT. Here we present a neutron scattering study of the structural transition, and demonstrate how features of it correlate with anomalies in the magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity, and thermoelectric power. We also present measurements on a crystal with 1% Zn substituted for Cu, which reduces Tc to 17 K, enhances the spin stripe order, but has much less effect on the structural transition. We make the case that the structural transition correlates with a reduction of the Josephson coupling between the CuO2 layers, which interrupts the growth of the superconducting order. We also discuss evidence for two-dimensional superconducting fluctuations in the normal state, analyze the effective magnetic moment per Zn impurity, and consider the significance of the anomalous thermopower often reported in the stripe-ordered phase.
The nature of the magnetic correlations in Fe-based superconductors remains a matter of controversy. To address this issue, we use inelastic neutron scattering to characterize the strength and temperature dependence of low-energy spin fluctuations in FeTe$_{0.35}$Se$_{0.65}$ ($T_c sim 14$ K). Integrating magnetic spectral weight for energies up to 12 meV, we find a substantial moment ($agt 0.26 mu_B/$Fe) that shows little change with temperature, from below T$_c$ to 300 K. Such behavior cannot be explained by the response of conduction electrons alone; states much farther from the Fermi energy must have an instantaneous local spin polarization. It raises interesting questions regarding the formation of the spin gap and resonance peak in the superconducting state.
We report neutron scattering studies on static magnetic orders and spin excitations in the Fe-based chalcogenide system Fe$_{1+delta}$Se$_{x}$Te$_{1-x}$ with different Fe and Se compositions. Short-range static magnetic order with the bicollinear spin configuration is found in all non-superconducting samples, with strong low-energy magnetic excitations near the $(0.5,0)$ in-plane wave-vector (using the two-Fe unit cell) for Se doping up to 45%. When the static order disappears and bulk superconductivity emerges, the spectral weight of the magnetic excitations shifts to the region of reciprocal space near the in-plane wave-vector $(0.5,0.5)$, corresponding to the collinear spin configuration. Our results suggest that spin fluctuations associated with the collinear magnetic structure appear to be universal in all Fe-based superconductors, and there is a strong correlation between superconductivity and the character of the magnetic order/fluctuations in
We performed elastic neutron scattering measurements on the charge- and magnetically-ordered multiferroic material LuFe(2)O(4). An external electric field along the [001] direction with strength up to 20 kV/cm applied at low temperature (~100 K) does not affect either the charge or magnetic structure. At higher temperatures (~360 K), before the transition to three-dimensional charge-ordered state, the resistivity of the sample is low, and an electric current was applied instead. A reduction of the charge and magnetic peak intensities occurs when the sample is cooled under a constant electric current. However, after calibrating the real sample temperature using its own resistance-temperature curve, we show that the actual sample temperature is higher than the thermometer readings, and the intensity reduction is entirely due to internal sample heating by the applied current. Our results suggest that the charge and magnetic orders in LuFe(2)O(4) are unaffected by the application of external electric field/current, and previously observed electric field/current effects can be naturally explained by internal sample heating.
111 - Guangyong Xu 2009
Neutron and x-ray scattering studies on relaxor ferroelectric systems Pb(Zn$_{1/3}$Nb$_{2/3}$)O$_3$ (PZN), Pb(Mg$_{1/3}$Nb$_{2/3}$)O$_3$ (PMN), and their solid solutions with PbTiO$_3$ (PT) have shown that inhomogeneities and disorder play important roles in the materials properties. Although a long-range polar order can be established at low temperature - sometimes with the help of an external electric field; short-range local structures called the ``polar nano-regions (PNR) still persist. Both the bulk structure and the PNR have been studied in details. The coexistence and competition of long- and short-range polar orders and how they affect the structural and dynamical properties of relaxor materials are discussed.
Using neutron diffraction, we have studied the magnetic field effect on charge structures in the charge-ordered multiferroic material LuFe$_2$O$_4$. An external magnetic field is able to change the magnitude and correlation lengths of the charge valence order even before the magnetic order sets in. This affects the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of the material and induces a giant magneto-electric effect. Our results suggest that the magneto-electric coupling in LuFe$_2$O$_4$ is likely due to magnetic field effect on local spins, in clear contrast to the case in most other known multiferroic systems where the bulk magnetic order is important.
We report on neutron-scattering results on the impact of a magnetic field on stripe order in the cuprate La$_{1.875}$Ba$_{0.125}$CuO$_4$. It is found that a 7 T magnetic field applied along the {it c} axis causes a small but finite enhancement of the spin-order peak intensity and has no observable effect on the peak width. Inelastic neutron-scattering measurements indicate that the low-energy magnetic excitations are not affected by the field, within experimental error. In particular, the small energy gap that was recently reported is still present at low temperature in the applied field. In addition, we find that the spin-correlation length along the antiferromagnetic stripes is greater than that perpendicular to them.
We present high energy x-ray (67 keV) and neutron scattering measurements on a single crystal of K$_{1-x}$Li$_x$TaO$_3$ for which the Li content ($x=0.02$) is less than $x_c = 0.022$, the critical value below which no structural phase transitions have been reported in zero field. While the crystal lattice does remain cubic down to T=10 K under both zero-field and field-cooled ($E le 4$ kV/cm) conditions, indications of crystal symmetry lowering are seen at $T_C=63$ K where the Bragg peak intensity changes significantly. A strong and frequency-dependent dielectric permittivity is observed at ambient pressure, a defining characteristic of relaxors. However an extensive search for static polar nanoregions, which is also widely associated with relaxor materials, detected no evidence of elastic neutron diffuse scattering between 300 K and 10 K. Neutron inelastic scattering methods were used to characterize the transverse acoustic and optic phonons (TA1 and TO1 modes) near the (200) and (002) Bragg peaks. The zone center TO1 mode softens monotonically with cooling but never reaches zero energy in either zero field or in external electric fields of up to 4 kV/cm. These results are consistent with the behavior expected for a dipolar glass in which the local polar moments are frozen and exhibit no long-range order at low temperatures.
We report neutron inelastic scattering on single crystal 0.68Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3O3)-0.32PbTiO3 (PMN-0.32PT), a relaxor ferroelectric material that lies within the compositional range of the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB). Data were obtained between 100 K and 600 K under zero and non-zero electric field applied along the cubic [001] direction. The lowest energy, zone-center, transverse optic phonon is strongly damped and softens slowly at high temperature; however the square of the soft mode energy begins to increase linearly with temperature as in a conventional ferroelectric, which we term the soft mode recovery, upon cooling into the tetragonal phase at TC. Our data show that the soft mode in PMN-0.32PT behaves almost identically to that in pure PMN, exhibiting the same temperature dependence and recovery temperature even though PMN exhibits no well-defined structural transition (no TC). The temperature dependence of the soft mode in PMN-0.32PT is also similar to that in PMN-0.60PT; however in PMN-0.60PT the recovery temperature equals TC. These results suggest that the temperature dependence and the energy scale of the soft mode dynamics in PMN-xPT are independent of concentration on the Ti-poor side of the MPB, but scale with TC for Ti-rich compositions. Thus the MPB may be defined in lattice dynamical terms as the concentration where TC first matches the recovery temperature of the soft mode. High-resolution x-ray studies show that the cubic-to-ferroelectric phase boundary shifts to higher temperatures by an abnormal amount within the MPB region in the presence of an electric field. This suggests that an unusual instability exists within the apparently cubic phase at the MPB.

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