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Three dimensional (3D) Dirac semimetals are 3D analogue of graphene, which display Dirac points with linear dispersion in k-space, stabilized by crystal symmetry. Cd3As2 and Na3Bi were predicted to be 3D Dirac semimetals and were subsequently demonstrated by photoemission experiments. As unveiled by transport measurements, several exotic phases, such as Weyl semimetals, topological insulators, and topological superconductors, can be deduced by breaking time reversal or inversion symmetry. Here, we reported a facile and scalable chemical vapor deposition method to fabricate high-quality Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 microbelts, they have shown ultrahigh mobility up to 1.15*10^5 cm^2/V s and pronounced Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. Such extraordinary features are attributed to the suppression of electron backscattering. This research opens a new avenue for the scalable fabrication of Cd3As2 materials towards exciting electronic applications of 3D Dirac semimetals.
A new type of logs, the command log, is being employed to replace the traditional data log (e.g., ARIES log) in the in-memory databases. Instead of recording how the tuples are updated, a command log only tracks the transactions being executed, thereby effectively reducing the size of the log and improving the performance. Command logging on the other hand increases the cost of recovery, because all the transactions in the log after the last checkpoint must be completely redone in case of a failure. In this paper, we first extend the command logging technique to a distributed environment, where all the nodes can perform recovery in parallel. We then propose an adaptive logging approach by combining data logging and command logging. The percentage of data logging versus command logging becomes an optimization between the performance of transaction processing and recovery to suit different OLTP applications. Our experimental study compares the performance of our proposed adaptive logging, ARIES-style data logging and command logging on top of H-Store. The results show that adaptive logging can achieve a 10x boost for recovery and a transaction throughput that is comparable to that of command logging.
103 - Gang Chen , Yi-Jian Du , Shuyi Li 2014
In this note, we investigate relations between tree-level off-shell currents in nonlinear sigma model. Under Cayley parametrization, all odd-point currents vanish. We propose and prove a generalized $U(1)$ identity for even-point currents. The off-shell $U(1)$ identity given in [1] is a special case of the generalized identity studied in this note. The on-shell limit of this identity is equivalent with the on-shell KK relation. Thus this relation provides the full off-shell correspondence of tree-level KK relation in nonlinear sigma model.
163 - Gang Chen , Yi-Jian Du 2013
In this paper, we investigate tree-level scattering amplitude relations in $U(N)$ non-linear sigma model. We use Cayley parametrization. As was shown in the recent works [23,24] both on-shell amplitudes and off-shell currents with odd points have to vanish under Cayley parametrization. We prove the off-shell $U(1)$ identity and fundamental BCJ relation for even-point currents. By taking the on-shell limits of the off-shell relations, we show that the color-ordered tree amplitudes with even points satisfy $U(1)$-decoupling identity and fundamental BCJ relation, which have the same formations within Yang-Mills theory. We further state that all the on-shell general KK, BCJ relations as well as the minimal-basis expansion are also satisfied by color-ordered tree amplitudes. As a consequence of the relations among color-ordered amplitudes, the total $2m$-point tree amplitudes satisfy DDM form of color decomposition as well as KLT relation.
210 - Kuang Zhang , Gang Chen , 2013
In this paper we explore the spin-orbit-induced bound state and molecular signature of the degenerate Fermi gas in a narrow Feshbach resonance based on a generalized two-channel model. Without the atom-atom interactions, only one bound state can be found even if spin-orbit coupling exists. Moreover, the corresponding bound-state energy depends strongly on the strength of spin-orbit coupling, but is influenced slightly by its type. In addition, we find that when increasing the strength of spin-orbit coupling, the critical point at which the molecular fraction vanishes shifts from zero to the negative detuning. In the weak spin-orbit coupling, this shifting is proportional to the square of its strength. Finally, we also show that the molecular fraction can be well controlled by spin-orbit coupling.
A dynamically constrained coalescence model based on the phase space quantization and classical limit method was proposed to investigate the production of light nuclei (anti-nuclei) in non-single diffractive (NSD) pp collisions at $sqrt{s}$=7 and 14 TeV. This calculation was based on the final hadronic state in the PYTHIA and PACIAE model simulations, the event sample consisted of 1.2$times 10^8$ events in both simulations. The PACIAE model calculated $bar D$ yield of 6.247$times 10^{-5}$ in NSD pp collisions at $sqrt{s}$=7 TeV is well comparing with the ALICE rough datum of 5.456$times 10^{-5}$. It indicated the reliability of proposed method in some extent. The yield, transverse momentum distribution, and rapidity distribution of the $bar D$, $^3{bar{He}}$, and $_{barLambda} ^3{bar H}$ in NSD pp collisions at $sqrt{s} $=7 and 14 TeV were predicted by PACIAE and PYTHIA model simulations. The yield resulted from PACIAE model simulations is larger than the one from PYTHIA model. This might reflect the role played by the parton and hadron rescatterings.
We construct and analyze a microscopic model for insulating rock salt ordered double perovskites, with the chemical formula A$_2$BBO$_6$, where the B atom has a 4d$^1$ or 5d$^1$ electronic configuration and forms a face centered cubic (fcc) lattice. The combination of the triply-degenerate $t_{2g}$ orbital and strong spin-orbit coupling forms local quadruplets with an effective spin moment $j=3/2$. Moreover, due to strongly orbital-dependent exchange, the effective spins have substantial biquadratic and bicubic interactions (fourth and sixth order in the spins, respectively). This leads, at the mean field level, to three main phases: an unusual antiferromagnet with dominant octupolar order, a ferromagnetic phase with magnetization along the $[110]$ direction, and a non-magnetic but quadrupolar ordered phase, which is stabilized by thermal fluctuations and intermediate temperatures. All these phases have a two sublattice structure described by the ordering wavevector ${boldsymbol Q} =2pi (001)$. We consider quantum fluctuations and argue that in the regime of dominant antiferromagnetic exchange, a non-magnetic valence bond solid or quantum spin liquid state may be favored instead. Candidate quantum spin liquid states and their basic properties are described. We also address the effect of single-site anisotropy driven by lattice distortions. Existing and possible future experiments are discussed in light of these results.
103 - Gang Chen , I. Miotkowski , 2009
The group IB impurities (Cu, Ag, and Au) incorporated into II-VI zinc blende hosts of ZnTe and CdTe exhibit well resolved excitation lines followed by a photoionization continuum in their infrared absorption spectra. They are associated with transitions from a 1s-like ground state to various p-like excited state characteristic of a hole bound to a Coulomb center. Their spacing agree well with those predicted in the effective mass theory for single acceptors as expected for group IB elements substitutionally replacing the group IIB cations of the host. The occurrence of the simultaneous excitation of the Lyman transitions in combination with the zone center longitudinal optical phonon and hence lying in the photoionization continuum and displaying Fano-like asymmetries are features described and interpreted.
Close-packed, classical dimer models on three-dimensional, bipartite lattices harbor a Coulomb phase with power-law correlations at infinite temperature. Here, we discuss the nature of the thermal phase transition out of this Coulomb phase for a variety of dimer models which energetically favor crystalline dimer states with columnar ordering. For a family of these models we find a direct thermal transition from the Coulomb phase to the dimer crystal. While some systems exhibit (strong) first-order transitions in correspondence with the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm, we also find clear numerical evidence for continuous transitions. A second family of models undergoes two consecutive thermal transitions with an intermediate paramagnetic phase separating the Coulomb phase from the dimer crystal. We can describe all of these phase transitions in one unifying framework of candidate field theories with two complex Ginzburg-Landau fields coupled to a U(1) gauge field. We derive the symmetry-mandated Ginzburg-Landau actions in these field variables for the various dimer models and discuss implications for their respective phase transitions.
436 - Gang Chen , Zidong Chen , 2007
We analytically investigate the ground-state properties of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with few ⁸⁷Rb atoms inside a high-quality cavity quantum electrodynamics. In the SU(2) representation for atom, this quantum system can be realized a generalized Dicke model with a quadratic term arising from the interatomic interactions, which can be controlled experimentally by Feshbach resonance technique. Moreover, this weak interspecies interaction can give rise to an important zero-temperature quantum phase transition from the normal to the superradiant phases, where the atomic ensemble in the normal phase is collectively unexcited while is macroscopically excited with coherent radiations in the superradiant phase. Finally, we propose to observe this predicted quantum phase transition by measuring the direct and striking signatures of the photon field in terms of a heterodyne detector out of the cavity.

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