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Adaptive Logging for Distributed In-memory Databases

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 Added by Chang Yao
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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A new type of logs, the command log, is being employed to replace the traditional data log (e.g., ARIES log) in the in-memory databases. Instead of recording how the tuples are updated, a command log only tracks the transactions being executed, thereby effectively reducing the size of the log and improving the performance. Command logging on the other hand increases the cost of recovery, because all the transactions in the log after the last checkpoint must be completely redone in case of a failure. In this paper, we first extend the command logging technique to a distributed environment, where all the nodes can perform recovery in parallel. We then propose an adaptive logging approach by combining data logging and command logging. The percentage of data logging versus command logging becomes an optimization between the performance of transaction processing and recovery to suit different OLTP applications. Our experimental study compares the performance of our proposed adaptive logging, ARIES-style data logging and command logging on top of H-Store. The results show that adaptive logging can achieve a 10x boost for recovery and a transaction throughput that is comparable to that of command logging.

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In this paper, we propose the DN-tree that is a data structure to build lossy summaries of the frequent data access patterns of the queries in a distributed graph data management system. These compact representations allow us an efficient communication of the data structure in distributed systems. We exploit this data structure with a new textit{Dynamic Data Partitioning} strategy (DYDAP) that assigns the portions of the graph according to historical data access patterns, and guarantees a small network communication and a computational load balance in distributed graph queries. This method is able to adapt dynamically to new workloads and evolve when the query distribution changes. Our experiments show that DYDAP yields a throughput up to an order of magnitude higher than previous methods based on cache specialization, in a variety of scenarios, and the average response time of the system is divided by two.
DGCC protocol has been shown to achieve good performance on multi-core in-memory system. However, distributed transactions complicate the dependency resolution, and therefore, an effective transaction partitioning strategy is essential to reduce expensive multi-node distributed transactions. During failure recovery, log must be examined from the last checkpoint onwards and the affected transactions are re-executed based on the way they are partitioned and executed. Existing approaches treat both transaction management and recovery as two separate problems, even though recovery is dependent on the sequence in which transactions are executed. In this paper, we propose to treat the transaction management and recovery problems as one. We first propose an efficient Distributed Dependency Graph based Concurrency Control (DistDGCC) protocol for handling transactions spanning multiple nodes, and propose a new novel and efficient logging protocol called Dependency Logging that also makes use of dependency graphs for efficient logging and recovery. DistDGCC optimizes the average cost for each distributed transaction by processing transactions in batch. Moreover, it also reduces the effects of thread blocking caused by distributed transactions and consequently improves the runtime performance. Further, dependency logging exploits the same data structure that is used by DistDGCC to reduce the logging overhead, as well as the logical dependency information to improve the recovery parallelism. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of our proposed technique against state-of-the-art techniques. Experimental results show that DistDGCC is efficient and scalable, and dependency logging supports fast recovery with marginal runtime overhead. Hence, the overall system performance is significantly improved as a result.
Blockchain has come a long way: a system that was initially proposed specifically for cryptocurrencies is now being adapted and adopted as a general-purpose transactional system. As blockchain evolves into another data management system, the natural question is how it compares against distributed database systems. Existing works on this comparison focus on high-level properties, such as security and throughput. They stop short of showing how the underlying design choices contribute to the overall differences. Our work fills this important gap and provides a principled framework for analyzing the emerging trend of blockchain-database fusion. We perform a twin study of blockchains and distributed database systems as two types of transactional systems. We propose a taxonomy that illustrates the dichotomy across four dimensions, namely replication, concurrency, storage, and sharding. Within each dimension, we discuss how the design choices are driven by two goals: security for blockchains, and performance for distributed databases. To expose the impact of different design choices on the overall performance, we conduct an in-depth performance analysis of two blockchains, namely Quorum and Hyperledger Fabric, and two distributed databases, namely TiDB, and etcd. Lastly, we propose a framework for back-of-the-envelope performance forecast of blockchain-database hybrids.
This paper presents yet another concurrency control analysis platform, CCBench. CCBench supports seven protocols (Silo, TicToc, MOCC, Cicada, SI, SI with latch-free SSN, 2PL) and seven versatile optimization methods and enables the configuration of seven workload parameters. We analyzed the protocols and optimization methods using various workload parameters and a thread count of 224. Previous studies focused on thread scalability and did not explore the space analyzed here. We classified the optimization methods on the basis of three performance factors: CPU cache, delay on conflict, and version lifetime. Analyses using CCBench and 224 threads, produced six insights. (I1) The performance of optimistic concurrency control protocol for a read only workload rapidly degrades as cardinality increases even without L3 cache misses. (I2) Silo can outperform TicToc for some write-intensive workloads by using invisible reads optimization. (I3) The effectiveness of two approaches to coping with conflict (wait and no-wait) depends on the situation. (I4) OCC reads the same record two or more times if a concurrent transaction interruption occurs, which can improve performance. (I5) Mixing different implementations is inappropriate for deep analysis. (I6) Even a state-of-the-art garbage collection method cannot improve the performance of multi-version protocols if there is a single long transaction mixed into the workload. On the basis of I4, we defined the read phase extension optimization in which an artificial delay is added to the read phase. On the basis of I6, we defined the aggressive garbage collection optimization in which even visibl
In recent years, there has been a substantial amount of work on large-scale data analytics using Hadoop-based platforms running on large clusters of commodity machines. A less-explored topic is how those data, dominated by application logs, are collected and structured to begin with. In this paper, we present Twitters production logging infrastructure and its evolution from application-specific logging to a unified client events log format, where messages are captured in common, well-formatted, flexible Thrift messages. Since most analytics tasks consider the user session as the basic unit of analysis, we pre-materialize session sequences, which are compact summaries that can answer a large class of common queries quickly. The development of this infrastructure has streamlined log collection and data analysis, thereby improving our ability to rapidly experiment and iterate on various aspects of the service.
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