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87 - Gad Koren 2015
Ultrathin $rm Bi_2Se_3$-NbN bilayers comprise a simple proximity system of a topological insulator and an s-wave superconductor for studying gating effects on topological superconductors. Here we report on 3 nm thick NbN layers of weakly connected superconducting islands, overlayed with 10 nm thick $rm Bi_2Se_3$ film which facilitates enhanced proximity coupling between them. Resistance versus temperature of the most resistive bilayers shows insulating behavior but with signs of superconductivity. We measured the magnetoresistance (MR) of these bilayers versus temperature with and without a magnetic field H normal to the wafer (MR=[R(H)-R(0)]/{[R(H)+R(0)]/2}), and under three electric gate-fields of 0 and $pm2$ MV/cm. The MR results showed a complex set of gate sensitive peaks which extended up to about 30 K. The results are discussed in terms of vortex physics, and the origin of the different MR peaks is identified and attributed to flux-flow MR in the isolated NbN islands and the different proximity regions in the $rm Bi_2Se_3$ cap-layer. The dominant MR peak was found to be consistent with enhanced proximity induced superconductivity in the topological edge currents regions. The high temperature MR data suggest a possible pseudogap phase or a highly extended fluctuation regime.
106 - Gad Koren 2014
In a search for a simple proximity system of a topological insulator and a superconductor for studying the role of surface versus bulk effects by gating, we report here on a first step toward this goal, namely the choice of such a system and its characterization. We chose to work with thin film bilayers of grainy 5 nm thick NbN films as the superconductor, overlayed with 20 nm thick topological layer of $rm Bi_2Se_3$ and compare the transport results to those obtained on a 5 nm thick reference NbN film on the same wafer. Bilayers with ex-situ and in-situ prepared $rm NbN-Bi_2Se_3$ interfaces were studied and two kinds of proximity effects were found. At high temperatures just below the superconducting transition, all bilayers showed a conventional proximity effect where the topological $rm Bi_2Se_3$ suppresses the onset or mid-transition $T_c$ of the superconducting NbN films by about 1 K. At low temperatures, a cross-over of the resistance versus temperature curves of the bilayer and reference NbN film occurs, where the bilayers show enhancement of $T_c(R=0)$, $I_c$ (the supercurrent) and the Andreev conductance, as compared to the bare NbN films. This indicates that superconductivity is induced in the $rm Bi_2Se_3$ layer at the interface region in between the NbN grains. Thus an inverse proximity effect in the topological material is demonstrated.
75 - Tal Kirzhner , Gad Koren 2013
Critical currents $I_c$ were measured in Superconducting - normal - superconducting SNS c-axis junctions, where S was optimally doped $YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-delta}$ below $T_c$ (90 K) and N was $La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4$ above its $T_c$ ($<$25 K) but in the pseudogap regime. $I_c$ was measured versus temperature T in junctions with various N-barrier thicknesses $d$ and doping levels $x$. From the proximity effect relation $I_c(T)propto exp[-d/xi_N(T)]$, the normal coherence length $xi_N(T)$ of N was extracted and plotted versus T. Besides finding a long range proximity effect as reported also by others, we found a crossing at about 55 K above which $xi_N(x=0.1)>xi_N(x=0.18)]$. This unexpected result where junctions with lower carrier density in the barrier have higher conductance, is attributed to the presence of pre-formed pairs in the pseudogap regime of the cuprate barrier. Our data yields a new phase diagram of $xi_N(T,x)$ whose contours of constant $xi_N$ follow the trend of the superconducting dome of $La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4$ above its $T_c$, with $xi_N$ enhancement in the underdoped regime above 55 K.
Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy we have investigated the spatial evolution of the anomalous c-axis zero bias conductance peak, discovered in a previous study by our group, in epitaxial La$_{1.88}$Sr$_{0.12}$CuO$_4$ thin films. We found an anisotropic spatial dependence of the corresponding low-energy density of states which complies with the predicted spectral features of an anti-phase ordering of the d-wave order parameter within the ab-plane. Such an ordering was recently suggested to account for the 1/8 anomaly in the high temperature superconductors and the dynamical layer decoupling recently reported to occur in the transport studies of La$_{15/8}$Ba$_{1/8}$CuO$_4$.
We performed scanning tunneling spectroscopy of c-axis oriented YBCO films on top of which ferromagnetic SRO islands were grown epitaxially in-situ. When measured on the ferromagnetic islands, the density of states exhibits small gap-like features consistent with the expected short range penetration of the order parameter into the ferromagnet. However, anomalous split-gap structures are measured on the superconductor in the vicinity of ferromagnetic islands. This observation may provide evidence for the recently predicted induced magnetization in the superconductor side of a superconductor/ ferromagnet junction. The length scale of the effect inside the superconductor was found to be an order of magnitude larger than the superconducting coherence length. This is inconsistent with the theoretical prediction of a penetration depth of only a few superconducting coherence lengths. We discuss a possible origin for this discrepancy.
Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy we examined the local density of states of thin c-axis La2-xSrxCuO4 films, over wide doping and temperature ranges. We found that the pseudogap exists only at doping levels lower than optimal. For x = 0.12, close to the anomalous x = 1/8 doping level, a zero bias conductance peak was the dominant spectral feature, instead of the excepted V- shaped (c-axis tunneling) gap structure. We have established that this surprising effect cannot be explained by tunneling into (110) facets. Possible origins for this unique behavior are discussed.

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