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The broken inversion symmetry at the surface of a metallic film (or, more generally, at the interface between a metallic film and a different metallic or insulating material) greatly amplifies the influence of the spin-orbit interaction on the surface properties. The best known manifestation of this effect is the momentum-dependent splitting of the surface state energies (Rashba effect). Here we show that the same interaction also generates a spin-polarization of the bulk states when an electric current is driven through the bulk of the film. For a semi-infinite jellium model, which is representative of metals with a closed Fermi surface, we prove as a theorem that, regardless of the shape of the confinement potential, the induced surface spin density at each surface is given by ${bf S} =-gamma hbar {bf hat z}times {bf j}$, where ${bf j}$ is the particle current density in the bulk, ${bf hat z}$ the unit vector normal to the surface, and $gamma=frac{hbar}{4mc^2}$ contains only fundamental constants. For a general metallic solid $gamma$ becomes a material-specific parameter that controls the strength of the interfacial spin-orbit coupling. Our theorem, combined with an {it ab initio} calculation of the spin polarization of the current-carrying film, enables a determination of $gamma$, which should be useful in modeling the spin-dependent scattering of quasiparticles at the interface.
116 - K. Shen , R. Raimondi , G. Vignale 2014
Spin-orbit interactions in two-dimensional electron liquids are responsible for many interesting transport phenomena in which particle currents are converted to spin polarizations and spin currents and viceversa. Prime examples are the spin Hall effect, the Edelstein effect, and their inverses. By similar mechanisms it is also possible to partially convert an optically induced electron-hole density wave to a spin density wave and viceversa. In this paper we present a unified theoretical treatment of these effects based on quantum kinetic equations that include not only the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling from the band structure of the host material, but also the spin-orbit coupling due to an external electric field and a random impurity potential. The drift-diffusion equations we derive in the diffusive regime are applicable to a broad variety of experimental situations, both homogeneous and non-homogeneous, and include on equal footing skew scattering and side-jump from electron-impurity collisions. As a demonstration of the strength and usefulness of the theory we apply it to the study of several effects of current experimental interest: the inverse Edelstein effect, the spin-current swapping effect, and the partial conversion of an electron-hole density wave to a spin density wave in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings, subject to an electric field.
608 - A. Principi , G. Vignale 2014
The Wiedemann-Franz law, connecting the electronic thermal conductivity to the electrical conductivity of a disordered metal, is generally found to be well satisfied even when electron-electron (e-e) interactions are strong. In ultra-clean conductors, however, large deviations from the standard form of the law are expected, due to the fact that e-e interactions affect the two conductivities in radically different ways. Thus, the standard Wiedemann-Franz ratio between the thermal and the electric conductivity is reduced by a factor $1+tau/tau_{rm th}^{rm ee}$, where $1/tau$ is the momentum relaxation rate, and $1/tau_{rm th}^{rm ee}$ is the relaxation time of the thermal current due to e-e collisions. Here we study the density and temperature dependence of $1/tau_{rm th}^{rm ee}$ in the important case of doped, clean single layers of graphene, which exhibit record-high thermal conductivities. We show that at low temperature $1/tau_{rm th}^{rm ee}$ is $8/5$ of the quasiparticle decay rate. We also show that the many-body renormalization of the thermal Drude weight coincides with that of the Fermi velocity.
85 - G. Vignale , C. A. Ullrich , 2012
This comment criticizes the above paper by Xiao-Yin Pan and Viraht Sahni. It is shown that their formulation of Physical Current Density Functional Theory is, at best, a garbled reformulation of the Vignale-Rasolt current-density functional theory, and, at worst, a potential source of mistakes insofar as it complicates the formulation of the variational principle and prevents the constrained search construction of the universal functional.
We present an analytical study of the Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation time for degenerate electrons in a photo-excited electron-hole liquid in intrinsic semiconductors exhibiting a spin-split band structure. The Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation of electrons in these materials is controlled by electron-hole scattering, with small corrections from electron-electron scattering and virtually none from electron-impurity scattering. We derive simple expressions (one-dimensional and two-dimensional integrals respectively) for the effective electron-hole and electron-electron scattering rates which enter the spin relaxation time calculation. The electron-hole scattering rate is found to be comparable to the scattering rates from impurities in the electron liquid - a common model for n-type doped semiconductors. As the density of electron-hole pairs decreases (within the degenerate regime), a strong enhancement of the scattering rates and a corresponding slowing down of spin relaxation is predicted due to exchange and correlation effects in the electron-hole liquid. In the opposite limit of high density, the original Dyakonov-Perel model fails due to decreasing scattering rates and is eventually superseded by free precession of individual quasiparticle spins.
158 - Oleg Chalaev , G. Vignale 2010
In the absence of an external field, the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) in a two-dimensional electron gas in a semiconductor quantum well arises entirely from the screened electrostatic potential of ionized donors. We adjust the wave functions of a quantum well so that electrons occupying the first (lowest) subband conserve their spin projection along the growth axis (Sz), while the electrons occupying the second subband precess due to Rashba SOI. Such a specially designed quantum well may be used as a spin relaxation trigger: electrons conserve Sz when the applied voltage (or current) is lower than a certain threshold V*; higher voltage switches on the Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation.
By exploiting our recently derived exact formula for the Lindhard polarization function in the presence of Bychkov-Rashba (BR) and Dresselhaus (D) spin-orbit interaction (SOI), we show that the interplay of different SOI mechanisms induces highly anisotropic modifications of the static dielectric function. We find that under certain circumstances the polarization function exhibits doubly-singular behavior, which leads to an intriguing novel phenomenon, beating of Friedel oscillations. This effect is a general feature of systems with BR+D SOI and should be observed in structures with a sufficiently strong SOI.
Energy gaps are crucial aspects of the electronic structure of finite and extended systems. Whereas much is known about how to define and calculate charge gaps in density-functional theory (DFT), and about the relation between these gaps and derivative discontinuities of the exchange-correlation functional, much less is know about spin gaps. In this paper we give density-functional definitions of spin-conserving gaps, spin-flip gaps and the spin stiffness in terms of many-body energies and in terms of single-particle (Kohn-Sham) energies. Our definitions are as analogous as possible to those commonly made in the charge case, but important differences between spin and charge gaps emerge already on the single-particle level because unlike the fundamental charge gap spin gaps involve excited-state energies. Kohn-Sham and many-body spin gaps are predicted to differ, and the difference is related to derivative discontinuities that are similar to, but distinct from, those usually considered in the case of charge gaps. Both ensemble DFT and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) can be used to calculate these spin discontinuities from a suitable functional. We illustrate our findings by evaluating our definitions for the Lithium atom, for which we calculate spin gaps and spin discontinuities by making use of near-exact Kohn-Sham eigenvalues and, independently, from the single-pole approximation to TDDFT. The many-body corrections to the Kohn-Sham spin gaps are found to be negative, i.e., single particle calculations tend to overestimate spin gaps while they underestimate charge gaps.
Spin-orbit coupling induced anisotropies of plasmon dynamics are investigated in two-dimensional semiconductor structures. The interplay of the linear Bychkov-Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions drastically affects the plasmon spectrum: the dynamical structure factor exhibits variations over several decades, prohibiting plasmon propagation in specific directions. While this plasmon filtering makes the presence of spin-orbit coupling in plasmon dynamics observable, it also offers a control tool for plasmonic devices. Remarkably, if the strengths of the two interactions are equal, not only the anisotropy, but all the traces of the linear spin-orbit coupling in the collective response disappear.
358 - V. U. Nazarov , G. Vignale , 2008
The dynamical exchange-correlation kernel $f_{xc}$ of a non-uniform electron gas is an essential input for the time-dependent density functional theory of electronic systems. The long-wavelength behavior of this kernel is known to be of the form $f_{xc}= alpha/q^2$ where $q$ is the wave vector and $alpha$ is a frequency-dependent coefficient. We show that in the limit of weak non-uniformity the coefficient $alpha$ has a simple and exact expression in terms of the ground-state density and the frequency-dependent kernel of a {it uniform} electron gas at the average density. We present an approximate evaluation of this expression for Si and discuss its implications for the theory of excitonic effects.

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