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We present a novel high-fidelity generative adversarial network (GAN) inversion framework that enables attribute editing with image-specific details well-preserved (e.g., background, appearance and illumination). We first formulate GAN inversion as a lossy data compression problem and carefully discuss the Rate-Distortion-Edit trade-off. Due to this trade-off, previous works fail to achieve high-fidelity reconstruction while keeping compelling editing ability with a low bit-rate latent code only. In this work, we propose a distortion consultation approach that employs the distortion map as a reference for reconstruction. In the distortion consultation inversion (DCI), the distortion map is first projected to a high-rate latent map, which then complements the basic low-rate latent code with (lost) details via consultation fusion. To achieve high-fidelity editing, we propose an adaptive distortion alignment (ADA) module with a self-supervised training scheme. Extensive experiments in the face and car domains show a clear improvement in terms of both inversion and editing quality.
To enhance low-light images to normally-exposed ones is highly ill-posed, namely that the mapping relationship between them is one-to-many. Previous works based on the pixel-wise reconstruction losses and deterministic processes fail to capture the complex conditional distribution of normally exposed images, which results in improper brightness, residual noise, and artifacts. In this paper, we investigate to model this one-to-many relationship via a proposed normalizing flow model. An invertible network that takes the low-light images/features as the condition and learns to map the distribution of normally exposed images into a Gaussian distribution. In this way, the conditional distribution of the normally exposed images can be well modeled, and the enhancement process, i.e., the other inference direction of the invertible network, is equivalent to being constrained by a loss function that better describes the manifold structure of natural images during the training. The experimental results on the existing benchmark datasets show our method achieves better quantitative and qualitative results, obtaining better-exposed illumination, less noise and artifact, and richer colors.
Domain generalization aims to learn an invariant model that can generalize well to the unseen target domain. In this paper, we propose to tackle the problem of domain generalization by delivering an effective framework named Variational Disentanglement Network (VDN), which is capable of disentangling the domain-specific features and task-specific features, where the task-specific features are expected to be better generalized to unseen but related test data. We further show the rationale of our proposed method by proving that our proposed framework is equivalent to minimize the evidence upper bound of the divergence between the distribution of task-specific features and its invariant ground truth derived from variational inference. We conduct extensive experiments to verify our method on three benchmarks, and both quantitative and qualitative results illustrate the effectiveness of our method.
Traditional fine-grained image classification generally requires abundant labeled samples to deal with the low inter-class variance but high intra-class variance problem. However, in many scenarios we may have limited samples for some novel sub-categories, leading to the fine-grained few shot learning (FG-FSL) setting. To address this challenging task, we propose a novel method named foreground object transformation (FOT), which is composed of a foreground object extractor and a posture transformation generator. The former aims to remove image background, which tends to increase the difficulty of fine-grained image classification as it amplifies the intra-class variance while reduces inter-class variance. The latter transforms the posture of the foreground object to generate additional samples for the novel sub-category. As a data augmentation method, FOT can be conveniently applied to any existing few shot learning algorithm and greatly improve its performance on FG-FSL tasks. In particular, in combination with FOT, simple fine-tuning baseline methods can be competitive with the state-of-the-art methods both in inductive setting and transductive setting. Moreover, FOT can further boost the performances of latest excellent methods and bring them up to the new state-of-the-art. In addition, we also show the effectiveness of FOT on general FSL tasks.
Surface reconstruction from noisy, non-uniformly, and unoriented point clouds is a fascinating yet difficult problem in computer vision and computer graphics. In this paper, we propose Neural-IMLS, a novel approach that learning noise-resistant signed distance function (SDF) for reconstruction. Instead of explicitly learning priors with the ground-truth signed distance values, our method learns the SDF from raw point clouds directly in a self-supervised fashion by minimizing the loss between the couple of SDFs, one obtained by the implicit moving least-square function (IMLS) and the other by our network. Finally, a watertight and smooth 2-manifold triangle mesh is yielded by running Marching Cubes. We conduct extensive experiments on various benchmarks to demonstrate the performance of Neural-IMLS, especially for point clouds with noise.
267 - Fei Wang , Kexuan Sun , Jay Pujara 2021
Tables provide valuable knowledge that can be used to verify textual statements. While a number of works have considered table-based fact verification, direct alignments of tabular data with tokens in textual statements are rarely available. Moreover, training a generalized fact verification model requires abundant labeled training data. In this paper, we propose a novel system to address these problems. Inspired by counterfactual causality, our system identifies token-level salience in the statement with probing-based salience estimation. Salience estimation allows enhanced learning of fact verification from two perspectives. From one perspective, our system conducts masked salient token prediction to enhance the model for alignment and reasoning between the table and the statement. From the other perspective, our system applies salience-aware data augmentation to generate a more diverse set of training instances by replacing non-salient terms. Experimental results on TabFact show the effective improvement by the proposed salience-aware learning techniques, leading to the new SOTA performance on the benchmark. Our code is publicly available at .
The backbone of traditional CNN classifier is generally considered as a feature extractor, followed by a linear layer which performs the classification. We propose a novel loss function, termed as CAM-loss, to constrain the embedded feature maps with the class activation maps (CAMs) which indicate the spatially discriminative regions of an image for particular categories. CAM-loss drives the backbone to express the features of target category and suppress the features of non-target categories or background, so as to obtain more discriminative feature representations. It can be simply applied in any CNN architecture with neglectable additional parameters and calculations. Experimental results show that CAM-loss is applicable to a variety of network structures and can be combined with mainstream regularization methods to improve the performance of image classification. The strong generalization ability of CAM-loss is validated in the transfer learning and few shot learning tasks. Based on CAM-loss, we also propose a novel CAAM-CAM matching knowledge distillation method. This method directly uses the CAM generated by the teacher network to supervise the CAAM generated by the student network, which effectively improves the accuracy and convergence rate of the student network.
We present a novel approach to reference-based super-resolution (RefSR) with the focus on dual-camera super-resolution (DCSR), which utilizes reference images for high-quality and high-fidelity results. Our proposed method generalizes the standard patch-based feature matching with spatial alignment operations. We further explore the dual-camera super-resolution that is one promising application of RefSR, and build a dataset that consists of 146 image pairs from the main and telephoto cameras in a smartphone. To bridge the domain gaps between real-world images and the training images, we propose a self-supervised domain adaptation strategy for real-world images. Extensive experiments on our dataset and a public benchmark demonstrate clear improvement achieved by our method over state of the art in both quantitative evaluation and visual comparisons.
Unsupervised Domain Adaptive (UDA) object re-identification (Re-ID) aims at adapting a model trained on a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. State-of-the-art object Re-ID approaches adopt clustering algorithms to generate pseudo-labels for the unlabeled target domain. However, the inevitable label noise caused by the clustering procedure significantly degrades the discriminative power of Re-ID model. To address this problem, we propose an uncertainty-aware clustering framework (UCF) for UDA tasks. First, a novel hierarchical clustering scheme is proposed to promote clustering quality. Second, an uncertainty-aware collaborative instance selection method is introduced to select images with reliable labels for model training. Combining both techniques effectively reduces the impact of noisy labels. In addition, we introduce a strong baseline that features a compact contrastive loss. Our UCF method consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance in multiple UDA tasks for object Re-ID, and significantly reduces the gap between unsupervised and supervised Re-ID performance. In particular, the performance of our unsupervised UCF method in the MSMT17$to$Market1501 task is better than that of the fully supervised setting on Market1501. The code of UCF is available at
83 - Jiuyu Liu 2021
In this paper, a novel spatially non-stationary channel model is proposed for link-level computer simulations of massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO) with extremely large aperture array (ELAA). The proposed channel model allows a mix of non-line-of-sight (NLoS) and LoS links between a user and service antennas. The NLoS/LoS state of each link is characterized by a binary random variable, which obeys a correlated Bernoulli distribution. The correlation is described in the form of an exponentially decaying window. In addition, the proposed model incorporates shadowing effects which are non-identical for NLoS and LoS states. It is demonstrated, through computer emulation, that the proposed model can capture almost all spatially non-stationary fading behaviors of the ELAA-mMIMO channel. Moreover, it has a low implementational complexity. With the proposed channel model, Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out to evaluate the channel capacity of ELAA-mMIMO. It is shown that the ELAA-mMIMO channel capacity has considerably different stochastic characteristics from the conventional mMIMO due to the presence of channel spatial non-stationarity.

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