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In this paper we study the Casimir energy of QCD within the Gribov-Zwanziger approach. In this model non-perturbative effects of gauge copies are properly taken into account. We show that the computation of the Casimir energy for the MIT bag model within the (refined) Gribov-Zwanziger approach not only gives the correct sign but it also gives an estimate for the radius of the bag.
193 - Fabrizio Canfora 2013
Exact configurations of the four dimensional Skyrme model are presented. The static configurations have the profile which behaves as a kink and, consequently, the corresponding energy momentum tensor describes a domain wall. Furthermore, a class of exact time periodic Skyrmions is discovered. Within such class, it is possible to disclose a remarkable phenomenon which is a genuine effect of the Skyrme term. For a special value of the frequency the Skyrmions admit a non linear superposition principle. One can combine two or more exact elementary Skyrmions (which may depend in a non trivial way on all the space like coordinates) into a new exact composite Skyrmion. Due to such superposition law, despite the explicit presence of non linear effects in the energy momentum tensor, the interaction energy between the elementary Skyrmions can be computed exactly. The relations with the appearance of Skyrme crystals is discussed.
In this paper the arising of Gribov copies both in Landau and Coulomb gauges in regions with non-trivial topologies but flat metric, (such as closed tubes S1XD2, or RXT2) will be analyzed. Using a novel generalization of the hedgehog ansatz beyond spherical symmetry, analytic examples of Gribov copies of the vacuum will be constructed. Using such ansatz, we will also construct the elliptic Gribov pendulum. The requirement of absence of Gribov copies of the vacuum satisfying the strong boundary conditions implies geometrical constraints on the shapes and sizes of the regions with non-trivial topologies.
In this paper an intrinsically non-Abelian black hole solution for the SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions is constructed. The gauge field of this solution has the form of a meron whereas the metric is the one of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole in which, however, the coefficient of the $1/r^2$ term is not an integration constant. Even if the stress-energy tensor of the Yang-Mills field is spherically symmetric, the field strength of the Yang-Mills field itself is not. A remarkable consequence of this fact, which allows to distinguish the present solution from essentially Abelian configurations, is the Jackiw, Rebbi, Hasenfratz, t Hooft mechanism according to which excitations of bosonic fields moving in the background of a gauge field with this characteristic behave as Fermionic degrees of freedom.
In this paper, we analyze the static solutions for the $U(1)^{4}$ consistent truncation of the maximally supersymmetric gauged supergravity in four dimensions. Using a new parametrization of the known solutions it is shown that for fixed charges there exist three possible black hole configurations according to the pattern of symmetry breaking of the (scalars sector of the) Lagrangian. Namely a black hole without scalar fields, a black hole with a primary hair and a black hole with a secondary hair respectively. This is the first, exact, example of a black hole with a primary scalar hair, where both the black hole and the scalar fields are regular on and outside the horizon. The configurations with secondary and primary hair can be interpreted as a spontaneous symmetry breaking of discrete permutation and reflection symmetries of the action. It is shown that there exist a triple point in the thermodynamic phase space where the three solution coexist. The corresponding phase transitions are discussed and the free energies are written explicitly as function of the thermodynamic coordinates in the uncharged case. In the charged case the free energies of the primary hair and the hairless black hole are also given as functions of the thermodynamic coordinates.
We present an analytic study of the Potts model partition function on two different types of self-similar lattices of triangular shape with non integer Hausdorff dimension. Both types of lattices analyzed here are interesting examples of non-trivial thermodynamics in less than two dimensions. First, the Sierpinski gasket is considered. It is shown that, by introducing suitable geometric coefficients, it is possible to reduce the computation of the partition function to a dynamical system, whose variables are directly connected to (the arising of) frustration on macroscopic scales, and to determine the possible phases of the system. The same method is then used to analyse the Hanoi graph. Again, dynamical system theory provides a very elegant way to determine the phase diagram of the system. Then, exploiting the analysis of the basins of attractions of the corresponding dynamical systems, we construct various examples of self-similar lattices with more than one critical temperature. These multiple critical temperatures correspond to crossing phases with different degrees of frustration.
In the present paper, a new class of black hole solutions is constructed in even dimensional Lovelock Born-Infeld theory. These solutions are interesting since, in some respects, they are closer to black hole solutions of an odd dimensional Lovelock Chern-Simons theory than to the more usual black hole solutions in even dimensions. This hybrid behavior arises when non-Einstein base manifolds are considered. The entropies of these solutions have been analyzed using Wald formalism. These metrics exhibit a quite non-trivial behavior. Their entropies can change sign and can even be identically zero depending on the geometry of the corresponding base manifolds. Therefore, the request of thermodynamical stability constrains the geometry of the non-Einstein base manifolds. It will be shown that some of these solutions can support non-vanishing torsion. Eventually, the possibility to define a sort of topological charge associated with torsion will be discussed.
It is shown that on curved backgrounds, the Coulomb gauge Faddeev-Popov operator can have zero modes even in the abelian case. These zero modes cannot be eliminated by restricting the path integral over a certain region in the space of gauge potentials. The conditions for the existence of these zero modes are studied for static spherically symmetric spacetimes in arbitrary dimensions. For this class of metrics, the general analytic expression of the metric components in terms of the zero modes is constructed. Such expression allows to find the asymptotic behavior of background metrics, which induce zero modes in the Coulomb gauge, an interesting example being the three dimensional Anti de-Sitter spacetime. Some of the implications for quantum field theory on curved spacetimes are discussed.
A Kallen-Lehman approach to 3D Ising model is analyzed numerically both at low and high temperature. It is shown that, even assuming a minimal duality breaking, one can fix three parameters of the model to get a very good agreement with the MonteCarlo results at high temperatures. With the same parameters the agreement is satisfactory both at low and near critical temperatures. How to improve the agreement with MonteCarlo results by introducing a more general duality breaking is shortly discussed.
A phenomenological approach to the ferromagnetic two dimensional Potts model on square lattice is proposed. Our goal is to present a simple functional form that obeys the known properties possessed by the free energy of the q-state Potts model. The duality symmetry of the 2D Potts model together with the known results on its critical exponent {alpha} allow to fix consistently the details of the proposed expression for the free energy. The agreement of the analytic ansatz with numerical data in the q=3 case is very good at high and low temperatures as well as at the critical point. It is shown that the q>4 cases naturally fit into the same scheme and that one should also expect a good agreement with numerical data. The limiting q=4 case is shortly discussed.

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