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Partition function of the Potts model on self-similar lattices as a dynamical system and multiple transitions

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 Added by Luca Parisi Ph.D.
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present an analytic study of the Potts model partition function on two different types of self-similar lattices of triangular shape with non integer Hausdorff dimension. Both types of lattices analyzed here are interesting examples of non-trivial thermodynamics in less than two dimensions. First, the Sierpinski gasket is considered. It is shown that, by introducing suitable geometric coefficients, it is possible to reduce the computation of the partition function to a dynamical system, whose variables are directly connected to (the arising of) frustration on macroscopic scales, and to determine the possible phases of the system. The same method is then used to analyse the Hanoi graph. Again, dynamical system theory provides a very elegant way to determine the phase diagram of the system. Then, exploiting the analysis of the basins of attractions of the corresponding dynamical systems, we construct various examples of self-similar lattices with more than one critical temperature. These multiple critical temperatures correspond to crossing phases with different degrees of frustration.

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We calculate zeros of the $q$-state Potts model partition function on $m$th-iterate Sierpinski graphs, $S_m$, in the variable $q$ and in a temperature-like variable, $y$. We infer some asymptotic properties of the loci of zeros in the limit $m to infty$ and relate these to thermodynamic properties of the $q$-state Potts ferromagnet and antiferromagnet on the Sierpinski gasket fractal, $S_infty$.
We determine the general structure of the partition function of the $q$-state Potts model in an external magnetic field, $Z(G,q,v,w)$ for arbitrary $q$, temperature variable $v$, and magnetic field variable $w$, on cyclic, Mobius, and free strip graphs $G$ of the square (sq), triangular (tri), and honeycomb (hc) lattices with width $L_y$ and arbitrarily great length $L_x$. For the cyclic case we prove that the partition function has the form $Z(Lambda,L_y times L_x,q,v,w)=sum_{d=0}^{L_y} tilde c^{(d)} Tr[(T_{Z,Lambda,L_y,d})^m]$, where $Lambda$ denotes the lattice type, $tilde c^{(d)}$ are specified polynomials of degree $d$ in $q$, $T_{Z,Lambda,L_y,d}$ is the corresponding transfer matrix, and $m=L_x$ ($L_x/2$) for $Lambda=sq, tri (hc)$, respectively. An analogous formula is given for Mobius strips, while only $T_{Z,Lambda,L_y,d=0}$ appears for free strips. We exhibit a method for calculating $T_{Z,Lambda,L_y,d}$ for arbitrary $L_y$ and give illustrative examples. Explicit results for arbitrary $L_y$ are presented for $T_{Z,Lambda,L_y,d}$ with $d=L_y$ and $d=L_y-1$. We find very simple formulas for the determinant $det(T_{Z,Lambda,L_y,d})$. We also give results for self-dual cyclic strips of the square lattice.
We study the sign distribution of generalized magnetic susceptibilities in the temperature-external magnetic field plane using the three-dimensional three-state Potts model. We find that the sign of odd-order susceptibility is opposite in the symmetric (disorder) and broken (order) phases, but that of the even-order one remains positive when it is far away from the phase boundary. When the critical point is approached from the crossover side, negative fourth-order magnetic susceptibility is observable. It is also demonstrated that non-monotonic behavior occurs in the temperature dependence of the generalized susceptibilities of the energy. The finite-size scaling behavior of the specific heat in this model is mainly controlled by the critical exponent of the magnetic susceptibility in the three-dimensional Ising universality class.
The Potts model is one of the most popular spin models of statistical physics. The prevailing majority of work done so far corresponds to the lattice version of the model. However, many natural or man-made systems are much better described by the topology of a network. We consider the q-state Potts model on an uncorrelated scale-free network for which the node-degree distribution manifests a power-law decay governed by the exponent lambda. We work within the mean-field approximation, since for systems on random uncorrelated scale-free networks this method is known to often give asymptotically exact results. Depending on particular values of q and lambda one observes either a first-order or a second-order phase transition or the system is ordered at any finite temperature. In a case study, we consider the limit q=1 (percolation) and find a correspondence between the magnetic exponents and those describing percolation on a scale-free network. Interestingly, logarithmic corrections to scaling appear at lambda=4 in this case.
We have explained in detail why the canonical partition function of Interacting Self Avoiding Walk (ISAW), is exactly equivalent to the configurational average of the weights associated with growth walks, such as the Interacting Growth Walk (IGW), if the average is taken over the entire genealogical tree of the walk. In this context, we have shown that it is not always possible to factor the the density of states out of the canonical partition function if the local growth rule is temperature-dependent. We have presented Monte Carlo results for IGWs on a diamond lattice in order to demonstrate that the actual set of IGW configurations available for study is temperature-dependent even though the weighted averages lead to the expected thermodynamic behavior of Interacting Self Avoiding Walk (ISAW).
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