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The intra-cluster medium of several galaxy clusters hosts large-scale regions of diffuse synchrotron radio emission, known as radio halos and relics, which demonstrate the presence of magnetic fields and relativistic electrons in clusters. These relativistic electrons should also emit X-rays through inverse-Compton scattering off of cosmic microwave background photons. The detection of such a non-thermal X-ray component, together with the radio measurement, would permit to clearly separate the magnetic field from the relativistic electron distribution as the inverse-Compton emission is independent from the magnetic field in the cluster. However, non-thermal X-rays have not been conclusively detected from any cluster of galaxies so far. In this paper, for the first time, we model the synchrotron and inverse-Compton emission of all clusters hosting radio halos and relics for which the spectral index can be determined. We provide constraints on the volume-average magnetic field by comparing with current X-ray measurements. We then estimate the maximum volume-average magnetic field that will allow the detection of inverse-Compton hard X-rays by the ASTRO-H satellite. We found that several clusters are good targets for ASTRO-H to detect their inverse-Compton emission, in particular that corresponding to radio relics, and propose a list of promising targets for which ASTRO-H can test $ge1$~$mu$G magnetic fields. We conclude that future hard X-ray observations by the already-operating NuSTAR and the soon-to-be-launched ASTRO-H definitely have the potential to shed light on the long-sought non-thermal hard-X-ray emission in clusters of galaxies.
163 - Fabio Zandanel 2014
Cosmic-ray protons accumulate for cosmological times in clusters of galaxies as their typical radiative and diffusive escape times are longer than the Hubble time. Their hadronic interactions with protons of the intra-cluster medium generate secondary electrons, gamma-rays and neutrinos. We here estimate the contribution from clusters to the diffuse gamma-ray and neutrino backgrounds. We model the cluster population by means of their mass function, using a phenomenological luminosity-mass relation applied to all clusters, as well as a detailed semi-analytical model. Additionally, we consider observationally-motivated values for the cluster magnetic field. This is a crucial parameter since the observed radio counts due to synchrotron emission by secondary electrons need to be respected. For a choice of parameters respecting all current constraints, and assuming a spectral index of -2, we find that hadronic interactions in clusters contribute by less than 10% to the extragalactic gamma-ray background observed by Fermi and to the IceCube flux. They account for less than 1% for spectral indices <=-2. The neutrino flux observed by IceCube can be reproduced without violating constraints only if a very hard (and speculative) spectral index >-2 is adopted. However, this scenario is in tension with the IceCube data, which seem to suggest a spectral energy distribution of the neutrino flux that decreases with energy. In the case of proton-photon interactions, we find that very likely protons do not reach sufficiently high energies to produce neutrinos in clusters. We argue that our results are optimistic due to our assumptions, and that clusters of galaxies cannot give any relevant contribution to the extragalactic gamma-ray and neutrino backgrounds. Finally, we find that the cluster contribution to the angular fluctuations in the gamma-ray background is subdominant, less than 10%. [abridged]
155 - Fabio Zandanel 2013
The underlying physics of giant and mini radio halos in galaxy clusters is still an open question. We find that mini halos (such as in Perseus and Ophiuchus) can be explained by radio-emitting electrons that are generated in hadronic cosmic ray (CR) interactions with protons of the intracluster medium. By contrast, the hadronic model either fails to explain the extended emission of giant radio halos (as in Coma at low frequencies) or would require a flat CR profile, which can be realized through outward streaming and diffusion of CRs (in Coma and A2163 at 1.4 GHz). We suggest that a second, leptonic component could be responsible for the missing flux in the outer parts of giant halos within a new hybrid scenario and we describe its possible observational consequences. To study the hadronic emission component of the radio halo population statistically, we use a cosmological mock galaxy cluster catalog built from the MultiDark simulation. Because of the properties of CR streaming and the different scalings of the X-ray luminosity (L_X) and the Sunyaev-Zeldovich flux (Y) with gas density, our model can simultaneously reproduce the observed bimodality of radio-loud and radio-quiet clusters at the same L_X as well as the unimodal distribution of radio-halo luminosity versus Y; thereby suggesting a physical solution to this apparent contradiction. We predict radio halo emission down to the mass scale of galaxy groups, which highlights the unique prospects for low-frequency radio surveys (such as the LOFAR Tier 1 survey) to increase the number of detected radio halos by at least an order of magnitude.
102 - Fabio Zandanel 2013
Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters are still challenged to produce a model for the intracluster medium that matches all aspects of current X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich observations. To facilitate such comparisons with future simulations and to enable realistic cluster population studies for modeling e.g., non-thermal emission processes, we construct a phenomenological model for the intracluster medium that is based on a representative sample of observed X-ray clusters. We create a mock galaxy cluster catalog based on the large collisionless N-body simulation MultiDark, by assigning our gas density model to each dark matter cluster halo. Our clusters are classified as cool-core and non cool-core according to a dynamical disturbance parameter. We demonstrate that our gas model matches the various observed Sunyaev-Zeldovich and X-ray scaling relations as well as the X-ray luminosity function, thus enabling to build a reliable mock catalog for present surveys and forecasts for future experiments. In a companion paper, we apply our catalogs to calculate non-thermal radio and gamma-ray emission of galaxy clusters. We make our cosmologically complete multi-frequency mock catalogs for the (non-)thermal cluster emission at different redshifts publicly and freely available online through the MultiDark database (
We present high resolution 240 and 607 MHz GMRT radio observations, complemented with 74 MHz archival VLA radio observations of the Ophiuchus cluster of galaxies, whose radio mini-halo has been recently detected at 1400 MHz. We also present archival Chandra and XMM-Newton data of the Ophiuchus cluster. Our observations do not show significant radio emission from the mini-halo, hence we present upper limits to the integrated, diffuse non-thermal radio emission of the core of the Ophiuchus cluster. The XMM-Newton observations can be well explained by a two-temperature thermal model with temperatures of ~=1.8 keV and ~=9.0 keV, respectively, which confirms previous results that suggest that the innermost central region of the Ophiuchus cluster is a cooling core. We also used the XMM-Newton data to set up an upper limit to the (non-thermal) X-ray emission from the cluster. The combination of available radio and X-ray data has strong implications for the currently proposed models of the spectral energy distribution (SED) from the Ophiuchus cluster. In particular, a synchrotron+IC model is in agreement with the currently available data, if the average magnetic field is in the range (0.02-0.3) microG. A pure WIMP annihilation scenario can in principle reproduce both radio and X-ray emission, but at the expense of postulating very large boost factors from dark matter substructures, jointly with extremely low values of the average magnetic field. Finally, a scenario where synchrotron and inverse Compton emission arise from PeV electron-positron pairs (via interactions with the CMB), can be ruled out, as it predicts a non-thermal soft X-ray emission that largely exceeds the thermal Bremsstrahlung measured by INTEGRAL.

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