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We study two-dimensional Hamiltonians in phase space with noncommutativity both in coordinates and momenta. We consider the generator of rotations on the noncommutative plane and the Lie algebra generated by Hermitian rotationally invariant quadratic forms of noncommutative dynamical variables. We show that two quantum phases are possible, characterized by the Lie algebras $sl(2,mathbb{R})$ or $su(2)$ according to the relation between the noncommutativity parameters, with the rotation generator related with the Casimir operator. From this algebraic perspective, we analyze the spectrum of some simple models with nonrelativistic rotationally invariant Hamiltonians in this noncommutative phase space, as the isotropic harmonic oscillator, the Landau problem and the cylindrical well potential. PACS: 03.65.-w; 03.65.Fd MSC: 81R05; 20C35; 22E70
We study in this work a steady shearing laminar flow with null heat flux (usually called uniform shear flow) in a gas-solid suspension at low density. The solid particles are modeled as a gas of smooth hard spheres with inelastic collisions while the influence of the surrounding interstitial fluid on the dynamics of grains is modeled by means of a volume drag force, in the context of a rheological model for suspensions. The model is solved by means of three different but complementary routes, two of them being theoretical (Grads moment method applied to the corresponding Boltzmann equation and an exact solution of a kinetic model adapted to granular suspensions) and the other being computational (Monte Carlo simulations of the Boltzmann equation). Unlike in previous studies on granular sheared suspensions, we include in our Grads solution nonlinear terms in the stress tensor in the collisional moment associated with the momentum transfer. This theoretical enhancement allows us for the detection and evaluation of the normal stress differences in the plane normal to the laminar flow. In addition, the exact solution of the kinetic model gives the explicit form of the velocity moments of the velocity distribution function. Comparison between our theoretical and numerical results shows in general a good agreement for the non-Newtonian rheological properties, the kurtosis (fourth velocity moment of the distribution function) and the velocity distribution of the kinetic model for quite strong inelasticity and not too large values of the (scaled) friction coefficient characterizing the viscous drag force. This shows the accuracy of our analytical results that allows us to describe in detail the flow dynamics of the granular suspension with zero heat flux throughout the paper.
104 - F. Vega Reyes , A. Santos , 2013
A gas of inelastic rough spheres admits a spatially homogeneous base state which turns into a hydrodynamic state after a finite relaxation time. We show that this relaxation time is hardly dependent on the degree of inelasticity but increases dramatically with decreasing roughness. An accurate description of translational-rotational velocity correlations at all times is also provided. At a given inelasticity, the roughness parameter can be tuned to produce a huge distortion from the Maxwellian distribution function. The results are obtained from a Grad-like solution of the Boltzmann-Enskog equation complemented by Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations.
153 - F. Vega 2013
We study the Harmonic and Dirac Oscillator problem extended to a three-dimensional noncom- mutative space where the noncommutativity is induced by a shift of the dynamical variables with generators of SL(2;R) in a unitary irreducible representation. The Hilbert space gets the structure of a direct product with the representation space as a factor, where there exist operators which realize the algebra of Lorentz transformations. The spectrum of these models are considered in perturbation theory, both for small and large noncommutativity parameters, finding no constraints between coordinates and momenta noncom- mutativity parameters. Since the representation space of the unitary irreducible representations SL(2;R) can be realized in terms of spaces of square-integrable functions, we conclude that these models are equivalent to quantum mechanical models of particles living in a space with an additional compact dimension. PACS: 03.65.-w; 11.30.Cp; 02.40.Gh
The Self-Assembly of Nano-Objects (SANO) code we implemented demonstrates the ability to predict the molecular self-assembly of different structural motifs by tuning the molecular building blocks as well as the metallic substrate. It consists in a two-dimensional Grand Canonical Monte-Carlo (GCMC) approach developed to perform atomistic simulations of thousands of large organic molecules self-assembling on metal surfaces. Computing adsorption isotherms at room temperature and spanning over the characteristic sub-micrometric scales, we confront the robustness of the approach with three different well-known systems: ZnPcCl8 on Ag(111), CuPcF16 on Au(111) and PTBC on Ag(111). We retrieve respectively their square, oblique and hexagonal supramolecular tilling. The code incorporates generalized force fields to describe the molecular interactions, which provides transferability and versatility to many organic building blocks and metal surfaces.
101 - H. Falomir , F. Vega , J. Gamboa 2012
In this article we considered models of particles living in a three-dimensional space-time with a nonstandard noncommutativity induced by shifting canonical coordinates and momenta with generators of a unitary irreducible representation of the Lorentz group. The Hilbert space gets the structure of a direct product with the representation space, where we are able to construct operators which realize the algebra of Lorentz transformations. We study the modified Landau problem for both Schrodinger and Dirac particles, whose Hamiltonians are obtained through a kind of non-Abelian Bopps shift of the dynamical variables from the ones of the usual problem in the normal space. The spectrum of these models are considered in perturbation theory, both for small and large noncommutativity parameters. We find no constraint between the parameters referring to no-commutativity in coordinates and momenta but they rather play similar roles. Since the representation space of the unitary irreducible representations SL(2,R) can be realized in terms of spaces of square-integrable functions, we conclude that these models are equivalent to quantum mechanical models of particles living in a space with an additional compact dimension.

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