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We investigate the optical conductivity as a function of temperature with light polarized along the in-plane orthorhombic $a$- and $b$-axes of Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ for $x$=0 and 2.5$%$ under uniaxial pressure. The charge dynamics at low frequencies on these detwinned, single domain compounds tracks the anisotropic $dc$ transport properties across their structural and magnetic phase transitions. Our findings allow us to estimate the dichroism, which extends to relatively high frequencies. These results are consistent with a scenario in which orbital order plays a significant role in the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition.
We report on a thorough optical investigation over a broad spectral range and as a function of temperature of the charge dynamics in Ba(Co$_x$Fe$_{1-x}$)$_2$As$_2$ compounds for Co-doping ranging between 0 and 18%. For the parent compound as well as for $x$=0.025 we observe the opening of a pseudogap, due to the spin-density-wave phase transition and inducing a reshuffling of spectral weight from low to high frequencies. For compounds with 0.051$le x le$ 0.11 we detect the superconducting gap, while at $x$=0.18 the material stays metallic at all temperatures. We describe the effective metallic contribution to the optical conductivity with two Drude terms, representing the combination of a coherent and incoherent component, and extract the respective scattering rates. We establish that the $dc$ transport properties in the normal phase are dominated by the coherent Drude term for 0$le x le$0.051 and by the incoherent one for 0.061$le x le$0.18, respectively. Finally through spectral weight arguments, we give clear-cut evidence for moderate electronic correlations for 0$le x le$0.061, which then crossover to values appropriate for a regime of weak interacting and nearly-free electron metals for $xge$0.11.
113 - F. Pfuner , P. Lerch , J.-H. Chu 2010
We provide optical reflectivity data collected over a broad spectral range and as a function of temperature on the ErTe$_3$ and HoTe$_3$ materials, which undergo two consecutive charge-density-wave (CDW) phase transitions at $T_{CDW1}$= 265 and 288 K and at $T_{CDW2}$= 157 and 110 K, respectively. We observe the temperature dependence of both the Drude component, due to the itinerant charge carriers, and the single-particle peak, ascribed to the charge-density-wave gap excitation. The CDW gap progressively opens while the metallic component gets narrow with decreasing temperature. An important fraction of the whole Fermi surface seems to be affected by the CDW phase transitions. It turns out that the temperature and the previously investigated pressure dependence of the most relevant CDW parameters share several common features and behaviors. Particularly, the order parameter of the CDW state is in general agreement with the predictions of the BCS theory.
We report on a thorough optical investigation of BaFe$_2$As$_2$ over a broad spectral range and as a function of temperature, focusing our attention on its spin-density-wave (SDW) phase transition at $T_{SDW}=135$ K. While BaFe$_2$As$_2$ remains metallic at all temperatures, we observe a depletion in the far infrared energy interval of the optical conductivity below $T_{SDW}$, ascribed to the formation of a pseudogap-like feature in the excitation spectrum. This is accompanied by the narrowing of the Drude term consistent with the $dc$ transport results and suggestive of suppression of scattering channels in the SDW state. About 20% of the spectral weight in the far infrared energy interval is affected by the SDW phase transition.
We investigate the rare-earth polychalcogenide $R_2$Te$_5$ ($R$=Nd, Sm and Gd) charge-density-wave (CDW) compounds by optical methods. From the absorption spectrum we extract the excitation energy of the CDW gap and estimate the fraction of the Fermi surface which is gapped by the formation of the CDW condensate. In analogy to previous findings on the related $R$Te$_n$ (n=2 and 3) families, we establish the progressive closing of the CDW gap and the moderate enhancement of the metallic component upon chemically compressing the lattice.
We report results of a magneto-optical investigation of the Zintl-phase compound EuIn$_2$P$_2$. The compound orders magnetically at $T_C$=24 K and exhibits concomitant large magnetoresistance effects. For $Tle$50 K and increasing magnetic fields we observe a transfer of spectral weight in $sigma_1(omega)$ from energies above 1 eV into the low-energy metallic component as well as into a mid-infrared signal centered at about 600 cm$^{-1}$. This latter absorption is reminiscent to what has been seen in a large variety of so-called Kondo materials and ascribed to excitations across the hybridization gap. The observed gain of Drude weight upon increasing magnetic field suggests an enhancement of the itinerant charge-carrier concentration due to the increasing magnetization, a phenomenon that was previously observed in other compounds which exhibit colossal magnetoresistive effects.

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