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135 - F. Igloi , G. Roosz , L. Turban 2014
We study the time evolution of the local magnetization in the critical Ising chain in a transverse field after a sudden change of the parameters at a defect. The relaxation of the defect magnetization is algebraic and the corresponding exponent, which is a continuous function of the defect parameters, is calculated exactly. In finite chains the relaxation is oscillating in time and its form is conjectured on the basis of precise numerical calculations.
We consider two disordered lattice models on the square lattice: on the medial lattice the random field Ising model at T=0 and on the direct lattice the random bond Potts model in the large-q limit at its transition point. The interface properties of the two models are known to be related by a mapping which is valid in the continuum approximation. Here we consider finite random samples with the same form of disorder for both models and calculate the respective equilibrium states exactly by combinatorial optimization algorithms. We study the evolution of the interfaces with the strength of disorder and analyse and compare the interfaces of the two models in finite lattices.
We consider two fully frustrated Ising models: the antiferromagnetic triangular model in a field of strength, $h=H T k_B$, as well as the Villain model on the square lattice. After a quench from a disordered initial state to T=0 we study the nonequilibrium dynamics of both models by Monte Carlo simulations. In a finite system of linear size, $L$, we define and measure sample dependent first passage time, $t_r$, which is the number of Monte Carlo steps until the energy is relaxed to the ground-state value. The distribution of $t_r$, in particular its mean value, $< t_r(L) >$, is shown to obey the scaling relation, $< t_r(L) > sim L^2 ln(L/L_0)$, for both models. Scaling of the autocorrelation function of the antiferromagnetic triangular model is shown to involve logarithmic corrections, both at H=0 and at the field-induced Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, however the autocorrelation exponent is found to be $H$ dependent.
103 - V. Eisler , F. Igloi , I. Peschel 2008
We study solvable spin chains where either fields or couplings vary linearly in space and create a sandwich-like structure of the ground state. We find that the entanglement entropy between two halves of a chain varies logarithmically with the interface width. After quenching to a homogeneous critical system, the entropy grows logarithmically in time in the XX model, but quadratically in the transverse Ising chain. We explain this behaviour and indicate generalizations to other power laws.
202 - F. Igloi 2008
We consider the Ising model on the Bethe lattice with aperiodic modulation of the couplings, which has been studied numerically in Phys. Rev. E 77, 041113 (2008). Here we present a relevance-irrelevance criterion and solve the critical behavior exactly for marginal aperiodic sequences. We present analytical formulae for the continuously varying critical exponents and discuss a relationship with the (surface) critical behavior of the aperiodic quantum Ising chain.

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