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Let X be a space, intended as a possibly curved spacetime, and A a precosheaf of C*-algebras on X. Motivated by algebraic quantum field theory, we study the Kasparov and Theta-summable K-homology of A interpreting them in terms of the holonomy equivariant K-homology of the associated C*-dynamical system. This yields a characteristic class for K-homology cycles of A with values in the odd cohomology of X, that we interpret as a generalized statistical dimension.
The present work tackles the existence of local gauge symmetries in the setting of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT). The net of causal loops, previously introduced by the authors, is a model independent construction of a covariant net of local C*-algebras on any 4-dimensional globally hyperbolic spacetime, aimed to capture some structural properties of any reasonable quantum gauge theory. In fact, representations of this net can be described by causal and covariant connection systems, and the local gauge transformations arise as maps between equivalent connection systems. The present paper completes these abstract results, realizing QED as a representation of the net of causal loops in Minkowski spacetime. More precisely, we map the quantum electromagnetic field F{mu}{ u}, not free in general, into a representation of the net of causal loops and show that the corresponding connection system and local gauge transformations find a counterpart in terms of F{mu}{ u}.
Given a connected and locally compact Hausdorff space X with a good base K we assign, in a functorial way, a C(X)-algebra to any precosheaf of C*-algebras A defined over K. Afterwards we consider the representation theory and the Kasparov K-homology of A, and interpret them in terms, respectively, of the representation theory and the K-homology of the associated C(X)-algebra. When A is an observable net over the spacetime X in the sense of algebraic quantum field theory, this yields a geometric description of the recently discovered representations affected by the topology of X.
We provide a model independent construction of a net of C*-algebras satisfying the Haag-Kastler axioms over any spacetime manifold. Such a net, called the net of causal loops, is constructed by selecting a suitable base K encoding causal and symmetry properties of the spacetime. Considering K as a partially ordered set (poset) with respect to the inclusion order relation, we define groups of closed paths (loops) formed by the elements of K. These groups come equipped with a causal disjointness relation and an action of the symmetry group of the spacetime. In this way the local algebras of the net are the group C*-algebras of the groups of loops, quotiented by the causal disjointness relation. We also provide a geometric interpretation of a class of representations of this net in terms of causal and covariant connections of the poset K. In the case of the Minkowski spacetime, we prove the existence of Poincare covariant representations satisfying the spectrum condition. This is obtained by virtue of a remarkable feature of our construction: any Hermitian scalar quantum field defines causal and covariant connections of K. Similar results hold for the chiral spacetime $S^1$ with conformal symmetry.
In recent times a new kind of representations has been used to describe superselection sectors of the observable net over a curved spacetime, taking into account of the effects of the fundamental group of the spacetime. Using this notion of representation, we prove that any net of C*-algebras over S^1 admits faithful representations, and when the net is covariant under Diff(S^1), it admits representations covariant under any amenable subgroup of Diff(S^1).
The present paper deals with the question of representability of nets of C*-algebras whose underlying poset, indexing the net, is not upward directed. A particular class of nets, called C*-net bundles, is classified in terms of C*-dynamical systems having as group the fundamental group of the poset. Any net of C*-algebras embeds into a unique C*-net bundle, the enveloping net bundle, which generalizes the notion of universal C*-algebra given by Fredenhagen to nonsimply connected posets. This allows a classification of nets; in particular, we call injective those nets having a faithful embedding into the enveloping net bundle. Injectivity turns out to be equivalent to the existence of faithful representations. We further relate injectivity to a generalized Cech cocycle of the net, and this allows us to give examples of nets exhausting the above classification. Using the results of this paper we shall show, in a forthcoming paper, that any conformal net over S^1 is injective.
In algebraic quantum field theory the spacetime manifold is replaced by a suitable base for its topology ordered under inclusion. We explain how certain topological invariants of the manifold can be computed in terms of the base poset. We develop a theory of connections and curvature for bundles over posets in search of a formulation of gauge theories in algebraic quantum field theory.

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