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358 - Enrico Le Donne 2016
In this paper we discuss general properties of geodesic surfaces that are locally biLipschitz homogeneous. In particular, we prove that they are locally doubling and that there exists a special doubling measure analogous to the Haar measure for locally compact groups.
384 - Enrico Le Donne 2016
This paper is connected with the problem of describing path metric spaces that are homeomorphic to manifolds and biLipschitz homogeneous, i.e., whose biLipschitz homeomorphism group acts transitively. Our main result is the following. Let $X = G/H$ be a homogeneous manifold of a Lie group $G$ and let $d$ be a geodesic distance on $X$ inducing the same topology. Suppose there exists a subgroup $G_S$ of $G$ that acts transitively on $X$, such that each element $g in G_S$ induces a locally biLipschitz homeomorphism of the metric space $(X,d)$. Then the metric is locally biLipschitz equivalent to a sub-Riemannian metric. Any such metric is defined by a bracket generating $G_S$-invariant sub-bundle of the tangent bundle. The result is a consequence of a more general fact that requires a transitive family of uniformly biLipschitz diffeomorphisms with a control on their differentials. It will be relevant that the group acting transitively on the space is a Lie group and so it is locally compact, since, in general, the whole group of biLipschitz maps, unlikely the isometry group, is not locally compact. Our method also gives an elementary proof of the following fact. Given a Lipschitz sub-bundle of the tangent bundle of a Finsler manifold, then both the class of piecewise differentiable curves tangent to the sub-bundle and the class of Lipschitz curves almost everywhere tangent to the sub-bundle give rise to the same Finsler-Carnot-Caratheodory metric, under the condition that the topologies induced by these distances coincide with the manifold topology.
We consider sets of locally finite perimeter in Carnot groups. We show that if E is a set of locally finite perimeter in a Carnot group G, then for almost every x in G with respect to the perimeter measure of E, some tangent of E at x is a vertical halfspace. This is a partial extension of a theorem of Franchi-Serapioni-Serra Cassano in step 2 Carnot groups: they have shown that, for almost every x, E has a unique tangent at x, and this tangent is a vertical halfspace.
We find all intrinsic measures of $C^{1,1}$ smooth submanifolds in the Engel group, showing that they are equivalent to the corresponding $d$-dimensional spherical Hausdorff measure restricted to the submanifold. The integer $d$ is the degree of the submanifold. These results follow from a different approach to negligibility, based on a blow-up technique.

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