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We test experimentally the quantum ``paradox proposed by Lucien Hardy in 1993 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 1665 (1993)] by using single photons instead of photon pairs. This is achieved by addressing two compatible degrees of freedom of the same particle, namely its spin angular momentum, determined by the photon polarization, and its orbital angular momentum, a property related to the optical transverse mode. Because our experiment involves a single particle, we cannot use locality to logically enforce non-contextuality, which must therefore be assumed based only on the observables compatibility. On the other hand, our single-particle experiment can be implemented more simply and allows larger detection efficiencies than typical two-particle ones, with a potential future advantage in terms of closing the detection loopholes.
Inspired by the classical phenomenon of random walk, the concept of quantum walk has emerged recently as a powerful platform for the dynamical simulation of complex quantum systems, entanglement production and universal quantum computation. Such a wide perspective motivates a renewing search for efficient, scalable and stable implementations of this quantum process. Photonic approaches have hitherto mainly focused on multi-path schemes, requiring interferometric stability and a number of optical elements that scales quadratically with the number of steps. Here we report the experimental realization of a quantum walk taking place in the orbital angular momentum space of light, both for a single photon and for two simultaneous indistinguishable photons. The whole process develops in a single light beam, with no need of interferometers, and requires optical resources scaling linearly with the number of steps. Our demonstration introduces a novel versatile photonic platform for implementing quantum simulations, based on exploiting the transverse modes of a single light beam as quantum degrees of freedom.
In contrast to the case of quasi-monochromatic waves, a focused optical pulse in the few-cycle limit may exhibit two independent curved wavefronts, associated with phase and group retardations, respectively. Focusing optical elements will generally affect these two wavefronts differently, thus leading to very different behavior of the pulse near focus. As limiting cases, we consider an ideal diffractive lens introducing only phase retardations and a perfect non-dispersive refractive lens (or a curved mirror) introducing equal phase and group retardations. We study the resulting diffraction effects on the pulse, finding both strong deformations of the pulse shape and shifts in the spectrum. We then show how important these effects can be in highly nonlinear optics, by studying their role in attosecond pulse generation. In particular, the focusing effects are found to affect substantially the generation of isolated attosecond pulses in gases from few-cycle fundamental optical fields.
In quantum information, complementarity of quantum mechanical observables plays a key role. If a system resides in an eigenstate of an observable, the probability distribution for the values of a complementary observable is flat. The eigenstates of these two observables form a pair of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs). More generally, a set of MUBs consists of bases that are all pairwise unbiased. Except for specific dimensions of the Hilbert space, the maximal sets of MUBs are unknown in general. Even for a dimension as low as six, the identification of a maximal set of MUBs remains an open problem, although there is strong numerical evidence that no more than three simultaneous MUBs do exist. Here, by exploiting a newly developed holographic technique, we implement and test different sets of three MUBs for a single photon six-dimensional quantum state (a qusix), encoded either in a hybrid polarization-orbital angular momentum or a pure orbital angular momentum Hilbert space. A close agreement is observed between theory and experiments. Our results can find applications in state tomography, quantitative wave-particle duality, quantum key distribution and tests on complementarity and logical indeterminacy.
A proposal for an electron-beam device that can act as an efficient spin-polarization filter has been recently put forward [E. Karimi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 044801 (2012)]. It is based on combining the recently developed diffraction technology for imposing orbital angular momentum to the beam with a multipolar Wien filter inducing a sort of artificial non-relativistic spin-orbit coupling. Here we reconsider the proposed device with a fully quantum-mechanical simulation of the electron beam propagation, based on the well established multi-slice method, supplemented with a Pauli term for taking into account the spin degree of freedom. Using this upgraded numerical tool, we study the feasibility and practical limitations of the proposed method for spin-polarizing a free electron beam
We describe the polarization topology of the vector beams emerging from a patterned birefringent liquid crystal plate with a topological charge $q$ at its center ($q$-plate). The polarization topological structures for different $q$-plates and different input polarization states have been studied experimentally by measuring the Stokes parameters point-by-point in the beam transverse plane. Furthermore, we used a tuned $q=1/2$-plate to generate cylindrical vector beams with radial or azimuthal polarizations, with the possibility of switching dynamically between these two cases by simply changing the linear polarization of the input beam.
We demonstrate electromagnetic quantum states of single photons and of correlated photon pairs exhibiting hybrid entanglement between spin and orbital angular momentum. These states are obtained from entangled photon pairs emitted by spontaneous parametric down conversion, by employing a $q$-plate for coupling the spin and orbital degrees of freedom of a photon. Entanglement and contextual quantum behavior (that is also non-local, in the case of photon pairs) is demonstrated by the reported violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality. In addition a classical analog of the hybrid spin-orbit photonic entanglement is reported and discussed.
We present a novel family of paraxial optical beams having a confluent hypergeometric transverse profile, which we name hypergeometric Gauss modes of type-II (HyGG-II). These modes are eigenmodes of the photon orbital angular momentum and they have the lowest beam divergence at waist of HyGG-II among all known finite power families of paraxial modes. We propose to exploit this feature of HyGG-II modes for generating, after suitable focusing, a light needle having record properties in terms of size and aspect ratio, possibly useful for near-field optics applications.
We calculated the Fresnel paraxial propagator in a birefringent plate having topological charge $q$ at its center, named $q$-plate. We studied the change of the beam transverse profile when it traverses the plate. An analytical closed form of the beam profile propagating in the $q$-plate can be found for many important specific input beam profiles. We paid particular attention to the plate having a topological unit charge and we found that if small losses due to reflection, absorption and scattering are neglected, the plate can convert the photon spin into orbital angular momentum with up to 100% efficiency, provided the thickness of the plate is less than the Rayleigh range of the incident beam.
We studied a novel family of paraxial laser beams forming an overcomplete yet nonorthogonal set of modes. These modes have a singular phase profile and are eigenfunctions of the photon orbital angular momentum. The intensity profile is characterized by a single brilliant ring with the singularity at its center, where the field amplitude vanishes. The complex amplitude is proportional to the degenerate (confluent) hypergeometric function, and therefore we term such beams hypergeometric gaussian (HyGG) modes. Unlike the recently introduced hypergeometric modes (Opt. Lett. {textbf 32}, 742 (2007)), the HyGG modes carry a finite power and have been generated in this work with a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator. We briefly consider some sub-families of the HyGG modes as the modified Bessel Gaussian modes, the modified exponential Gaussian modes and the modified Laguerre-Gaussian modes.

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