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We present Mobile-Former, a parallel design of MobileNet and Transformer with a two-way bridge in between. This structure leverages the advantage of MobileNet at local processing and transformer at global interaction. And the bridge enables bidirectional fusion of local and global features. Different with recent works on vision transformer, the transformer in Mobile-Former contains very few tokens (e.g. less than 6 tokens) that are randomly initialized, resulting in low computational cost. Combining with the proposed light-weight cross attention to model the bridge, Mobile-Former is not only computationally efficient, but also has more representation power, outperforming MobileNetV3 at low FLOP regime from 25M to 500M FLOPs on ImageNet classification. For instance, it achieves 77.9% top-1 accuracy at 294M FLOPs, gaining 1.3% over MobileNetV3 but saving 17% of computations. When transferring to object detection, Mobile-Former outperforms MobileNetV3 by 8.6 AP.
Recent research shows deep neural networks are vulnerable to different types of attacks, such as adversarial attack, data poisoning attack and backdoor attack. Among them, backdoor attack is the most cunning one and can occur in almost every stage of deep learning pipeline. Therefore, backdoor attack has attracted lots of interests from both academia and industry. However, most existing backdoor attack methods are either visible or fragile to some effortless pre-processing such as common data transformations. To address these limitations, we propose a robust and invisible backdoor attack called Poison Ink. Concretely, we first leverage the image structures as target poisoning areas, and fill them with poison ink (information) to generate the trigger pattern. As the image structure can keep its semantic meaning during the data transformation, such trigger pattern is inherently robust to data transformations. Then we leverage a deep injection network to embed such trigger pattern into the cover image to achieve stealthiness. Compared to existing popular backdoor attack methods, Poison Ink outperforms both in stealthiness and robustness. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate Poison Ink is not only general to different datasets and network architectures, but also flexible for different attack scenarios. Besides, it also has very strong resistance against many state-of-the-art defense techniques.
The intellectual property (IP) of Deep neural networks (DNNs) can be easily ``stolen by surrogate model attack. There has been significant progress in solutions to protect the IP of DNN models in classification tasks. However, little attention has been devoted to the protection of DNNs in image processing tasks. By utilizing consistent invisible spatial watermarks, one recent work first considered model watermarking for deep image processing networks and demonstrated its efficacy in many downstream tasks. Nevertheless, it highly depends on the hypothesis that the embedded watermarks in the network outputs are consistent. When the attacker uses some common data augmentation attacks (e.g., rotate, crop, and resize) during surrogate model training, it will totally fail because the underlying watermark consistency is destroyed. To mitigate this issue, we propose a new watermarking methodology, namely ``structure consistency, based on which a new deep structure-aligned model watermarking algorithm is designed. Specifically, the embedded watermarks are designed to be aligned with physically consistent image structures, such as edges or semantic regions. Experiments demonstrate that our method is much more robust than the baseline method in resisting data augmentation attacks for model IP protection. Besides that, we further test the generalization ability and robustness of our method to a broader range of circumvention attacks.
Point cloud segmentation is a fundamental task in 3D. Despite recent progress on point cloud segmentation with the power of deep networks, current deep learning methods based on the clean label assumptions may fail with noisy labels. Yet, object class labels are often mislabeled in real-world point cloud datasets. In this work, we take the lead in solving this issue by proposing a novel Point Noise-Adaptive Learning (PNAL) framework. Compared to existing noise-robust methods on image tasks, our PNAL is noise-rate blind, to cope with the spatially variant noise rate problem specific to point clouds. Specifically, we propose a novel point-wise confidence selection to obtain reliable labels based on the historical predictions of each point. A novel cluster-wise label correction is proposed with a voting strategy to generate the best possible label taking the neighbor point correlations into consideration. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of PNAL on both synthetic and real-world noisy datasets. In particular, even with $60%$ symmetric noisy labels, our proposed method produces much better results than its baseline counterpart without PNAL and is comparable to the ideal upper bound trained on a completely clean dataset. Moreover, we fully re-labeled the validation set of a popular but noisy real-world scene dataset ScanNetV2 to make it clean, for rigorous experiment and future research. Our code and data are available at url{}.
Unsupervised pretraining has achieved great success and many recent works have shown unsupervised pretraining can achieve comparable or even slightly better transfer performance than supervised pretraining on downstream target datasets. But in this paper, we find this conclusion may not hold when the target dataset has very few labeled samples for finetuning, ie, few-label transfer. We analyze the possible reason from the clustering perspective: 1) The clustering quality of target samples is of great importance to few-label transfer; 2) Though contrastive learning is essential to learn how to cluster, its clustering quality is still inferior to supervised pretraining due to lack of label supervision. Based on the analysis, we interestingly discover that only involving some unlabeled target domain into the unsupervised pretraining can improve the clustering quality, subsequently reducing the transfer performance gap with supervised pretraining. This finding also motivates us to propose a new progressive few-label transfer algorithm for real applications, which aims to maximize the transfer performance under a limited annotation budget. To support our analysis and proposed method, we conduct extensive experiments on nine different target datasets. Experimental results show our proposed method can significantly boost the few-label transfer performance of unsupervised pretraining.
We present CSWin Transformer, an efficient and effective Transformer-based backbone for general-purpose vision tasks. A challenging issue in Transformer design is that global self-attention is very expensive to compute whereas local self-attention often limits the field of interactions of each token. To address this issue, we develop the Cross-Shaped Window self-attention mechanism for computing self-attention in the horizontal and vertical stripes in parallel that form a cross-shaped window, with each stripe obtained by splitting the input feature into stripes of equal width. We provide a detailed mathematical analysis of the effect of the stripe width and vary the stripe width for different layers of the Transformer network which achieves strong modeling capability while limiting the computation cost. We also introduce Locally-enhanced Positional Encoding (LePE), which handles the local positional information better than existing encoding schemes. LePE naturally supports arbitrary input resolutions, and is thus especially effective and friendly for downstream tasks. Incorporated with these designs and a hierarchical structure, CSWin Transformer demonstrates competitive performance on common vision tasks. Specifically, it achieves 85.4% Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K without any extra training data or label, 53.9 box AP and 46.4 mask AP on the COCO detection task, and 51.7 mIOU on the ADE20K semantic segmentation task, surpassing previous state-of-the-art Swin Transformer backbone by +1.2, +2.0, +1.4, and +2.0 respectively under the similar FLOPs setting. By further pretraining on the larger dataset ImageNet-21K, we achieve 87.5% Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K and state-of-the-art segmentation performance on ADE20K with 55.7 mIoU. The code and models will be available at
This paper studies the problem of StyleGAN inversion, which plays an essential role in enabling the pretrained StyleGAN to be used for real facial image editing tasks. This problem has the high demand for quality and efficiency. Existing optimization-based methods can produce high quality results, but the optimization often takes a long time. On the contrary, forward-based methods are usually faster but the quality of their results is inferior. In this paper, we present a new feed-forward network for StyleGAN inversion, with significant improvement in terms of efficiency and quality. In our inversion network, we introduce: 1) a shallower backbone with multiple efficient heads across scales; 2) multi-layer identity loss and multi-layer face parsing loss to the loss function; and 3) multi-stage refinement. Combining these designs together forms a simple and efficient baseline method which exploits all benefits of optimization-based and forward-based methods. Quantitative and qualitative results show that our method performs better than existing forward-based methods and comparably to state-of-the-art optimization-based methods, while maintaining the high efficiency as well as forward-based methods. Moreover, a number of real image editing applications demonstrate the efficacy of our method. Our project page is ~url{}.
Despite the tremendous success, deep neural networks are exposed to serious IP infringement risks. Given a target deep model, if the attacker knows its full information, it can be easily stolen by fine-tuning. Even if only its output is accessible, a surrogate model can be trained through student-teacher learning by generating many input-output training pairs. Therefore, deep model IP protection is important and necessary. However, it is still seriously under-researched. In this work, we propose a new model watermarking framework for protecting deep networks trained for low-level computer vision or image processing tasks. Specifically, a special task-agnostic barrier is added after the target model, which embeds a unified and invisible watermark into its outputs. When the attacker trains one surrogate model by using the input-output pairs of the barrier target model, the hidden watermark will be learned and extracted afterwards. To enable watermarks from binary bits to high-resolution images, a deep invisible watermarking mechanism is designed. By jointly training the target model and watermark embedding, the extra barrier can even be absorbed into the target model. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the robustness of the proposed framework, which can resist attacks with different network structures and objective functions.
Face forgery by deepfake is widely spread over the internet and has raised severe societal concerns. Recently, how to detect such forgery contents has become a hot research topic and many deepfake detection methods have been proposed. Most of them model deepfake detection as a vanilla binary classification problem, i.e, first use a backbone network to extract a global feature and then feed it into a binary classifier (real/fake). But since the difference between the real and fake images in this task is often subtle and local, we argue this vanilla solution is not optimal. In this paper, we instead formulate deepfake detection as a fine-grained classification problem and propose a new multi-attentional deepfake detection network. Specifically, it consists of three key components: 1) multiple spatial attention heads to make the network attend to different local parts; 2) textural feature enhancement block to zoom in the subtle artifacts in shallow features; 3) aggregate the low-level textural feature and high-level semantic features guided by the attention maps. Moreover, to address the learning difficulty of this network, we further introduce a new regional independence loss and an attention guided data augmentation strategy. Through extensive experiments on different datasets, we demonstrate the superiority of our method over the vanilla binary classifier counterparts, and achieve state-of-the-art performance.
Neural Architecture Search (NAS) often trains and evaluates a large number of architectures. Recent predictor-based NAS approaches attempt to address such heavy computation costs with two key steps: sampling some architecture-performance pairs and fitting a proxy accuracy predictor. Given limited samples, these predictors, however, are far from accurate to locate top architectures due to the difficulty of fitting the huge search space. This paper reflects on a simple yet crucial question: if our final goal is to find the best architecture, do we really need to model the whole space well?. We propose a paradigm shift from fitting the whole architecture space using one strong predictor, to progressively fitting a search path towards the high-performance sub-space through a set of weaker predictors. As a key property of the proposed weak predictors, their probabilities of sampling better architectures keep increasing. Hence we only sample a few well-performed architectures guided by the previously learned predictor and estimate a new better weak predictor. This embarrassingly easy framework produces coarse-to-fine iteration to refine the ranking of sampling space gradually. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method costs fewer samples to find top-performance architectures on NAS-Bench-101 and NAS-Bench-201, as well as achieves the state-of-the-art ImageNet performance on the NASNet search space. In particular, compared to state-of-the-art (SOTA) predictor-based NAS methods, WeakNAS outperforms all of them with notable margins, e.g., requiring at least 7.5x less samples to find global optimal on NAS-Bench-101; and WeakNAS can also absorb them for further performance boost. We further strike the new SOTA result of 81.3% in the ImageNet MobileNet Search Space. The code is available at

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