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The cool white dwarf SDSS J124231.07+522626.6 exhibits photospheric absorption lines of 8 distinct heavy elements in medium resolution optical spectra, notably including oxygen. The Teff = 13000 K atmosphere is helium-dominated, but the convection zone contains significant amounts of hydrogen and oxygen. The four most common rock-forming elements (O, Mg, Si, and Fe) account for almost all the accreted mass, totalling at least 1.2e+24 g, similar to the mass of Ceres. The time-averaged accretion rate is 2e+10 g/s, one of the highest rates inferred among all known metal-polluted white dwarfs. We note a large oxygen excess, with respect to the most common metal oxides, suggesting that the white dwarf accreted planetary debris with a water content of ~38 per cent by mass. This star, together with GD 61, GD 16, and GD 362, form a small group of outliers from the known population of evolved planetary systems accreting predominantly dry, rocky debris. This result strengthens the hypothesis that, integrated over the cooling ages of white dwarfs, accretion of water-rich debris from disrupted planetesimals may significantly contribute to the build-up of trace hydrogen observed in a large fraction of helium-dominated white dwarf atmospheres.
99 - S. Xu 2014
We report Keck/HIRES and HST/COS spectroscopic studies of extrasolar rocky planetesimals accreted onto two hydrogen atmosphere white dwarfs, G29-38 and GD 133. In G29-38, 8 elements are detected, including C, O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr and Fe while in GD 133, O, Si, Ca and marginally Mg are seen. These two extrasolar planetesimals show a pattern of refractory enhancement and volatile depletion. For G29-38, the observed composition can be best interpreted as a blend of a chondritic object with some refractory-rich material, a result from post-nebular processing. Water is very depleted in the parent body accreted onto G29-38, based on the derived oxygen abundance. The inferred total mass accretion rate in GD 133 is the lowest of all known dusty white dwarfs, possibly due to non-steady state accretion. We continue to find that a variety of extrasolar planetesimals all resemble to zeroth order the elemental composition of bulk Earth.
The existence of water in extrasolar planetary systems is of great interest as it constrains the potential for habitable planets and life. Here, we report the identification of a circumstellar disk that resulted from the destruction of a water-rich and rocky, extrasolar minor planet. The parent body formed and evolved around a star somewhat more massive than the Sun, and the debris now closely orbits the white dwarf remnant of the star. The stellar atmosphere is polluted with metals accreted from the disk, including oxygen in excess of that expected for oxide minerals, indicating the parent body was originally composed of 26% water by mass. This finding demonstrates that water-bearing planetesimals exist around A- and F-type stars that end their lives as white dwarfs.
133 - S. Xu 2013
With the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we have detected molecular hydrogen in the atmospheres of three white dwarfs with effective temperatures below 14,000 K, G29-38, GD 133 and GD 31. This discovery provides new independent constraints on the stellar temperature and surface gravity of white dwarfs.
We present a new catalog of spectroscopically-confirmed white dwarf stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 spectroscopic catalog. We find 20,407 white dwarf spectra, representing 19,712 stars, and provide atmospheric model fits to 14,120 DA and 1011 DB white dwarf spectra from 12,843 and 923 stars, respectively. These numbers represent a more than factor of two increase in the total number of white dwarf stars from the previous SDSS white dwarf catalog based on DR4 data. Our distribution of subtypes varies from previous catalogs due to our more conservative, manual classifications of each star in our catalog, supplementing our automatic fits. In particular, we find a large number of magnetic white dwarf stars whose small Zeeman splittings mimic increased Stark broadening that would otherwise result in an overestimated log(g) if fit as a non-magnetic white dwarf. We calculate mean DA and DB masses for our clean, non-magnetic sample and find the DB mean mass is statistically larger than that for the DAs.
The ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey (SPY) took high-resolution spectra of more than 1000 white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs. About two thirds of the stars observed are hydrogen-dominated DA white dwarfs. Here we present a catalog and detailed spectroscopic analysis of the DA stars in the SPY. Atmospheric parameters effective temperature and surface gravity are determined for normal DAs. Double-degenerate binaries, DAs with magnetic fields or dM companions, are classified and discussed. The spectra are compared with theoretical model atmospheres using a chi^2 fitting technique. Our final sample contains 615 DAs, which show only hydrogen features in their spectra, although some are double-degenerate binaries. 187 are new detections or classifications. We also find 10 magnetic DAs (4 new) and 46 DA+dM pairs (10 new).
123 - B. Zuckerman 2007
We report the relative abundances of 17 elements in the atmosphere of the white dwarf star GD 362, material that, very probably, was contained previously in a large asteroid or asteroids with composition similar to the Earth/Moon system. The asteroid may have once been part of a larger parent body not unlike one of the terrestrial planets of our solar system.
We present a detailed spectroscopic analysis of the stars with helium-dominated spectra in the ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey (SPY). Atmospheric parameters, masses, and abundances of trace hydrogen are determined and discussed in the context of spectral evolution of white dwarfs. Our final sample contains 71 objects, of which 6 are new detections and 14 are reclassified from DB to DBA because of the presence of H lines. 55% of the DB sample show hydrogen and are thus DBA, a significantly higher fraction than found before. The large incidence of DBA, and the derived total hydrogen masses are compatible with the scenario that DBs ``reappear around 30000 K from the DB gap by mixing and diluting a thin hydrogen layer of the order of E-15 Msun. This hydrogen mass is then during the evolution continuously increased by interstellar accretion. There are indications that the accretion rate increases smoothly with age or decreasing temperature, a trend which continuous even below the current low temperature limit (Dufour 2006). A remaining mystery is the low accretion rate of H compared to that of Ca observed in the DBZA, but a stellar wind extending down to the lowest temperatures with decreasing strength might be part of the solution.
We report on the discovery of six new ZZ Ceti stars. They were selected as candidates based on preparatory photometric observations of objects from the Hamburg Quasar Survey (HQS), and based on the spectra of the Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey (SPY). Time-series photometry of 19 candidate stars was carried out at the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) at Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory, Spain. The new variables are relatively bright, 15.4<B<16.6. Among them is WD1150-153, which is the third ZZ Ceti star that shows photospheric CaII in its spectrum.

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