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Six New ZZ Ceti Stars from the SPY and the HQS Surveys

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 Added by Bj\\\"orn Voss
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report on the discovery of six new ZZ Ceti stars. They were selected as candidates based on preparatory photometric observations of objects from the Hamburg Quasar Survey (HQS), and based on the spectra of the Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey (SPY). Time-series photometry of 19 candidate stars was carried out at the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) at Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory, Spain. The new variables are relatively bright, 15.4<B<16.6. Among them is WD1150-153, which is the third ZZ Ceti star that shows photospheric CaII in its spectrum.

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97 - Zs. Bognar , Cs. Kalup , A. Sodor 2019
We present our results on the continuation of our survey searching for new ZZ Ceti stars, inspired by the recently launched TESS space mission. The seven targets were bright DA-type white dwarfs located close to the empirical ZZ Ceti instability strip. We successfully identified one new pulsator candidate, namely PM J22299+3024, derived detection limits for possible pulsations of four objects for the first time, and determined new detection limits for two targets.
We report the discovery of eleven new ZZ Cetis using telescopes at OPD (Observatorio do Pico dos Dias/LNA) in Brazil, the 4.1 m SOAR (Southern Astrophysical Research) telescope at Cerro Pachon, Chile, and the 2.1 m Otto Struve telescope at McDonald observatory. The candidates were selected from the SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) and SPY (ESO SN Ia progenitor survey), based on their Teff obtained from optical spectra fitting. This selection criterion yields the highest success rate of detecting new ZZ Cetis, above 90% in the Teff range from 12000 to 11000 K. We also report on a DA not observed to vary, with a Teff placing the star close to the blue edge of the instability strip. Among our new pulsators, one is a little bit cooler than this star for which pulsations were not detected. Our observations are an important constraint on the location of the blue edge of the ZZ Ceti instability strip.
215 - Zs. Bognar , Cs. Kalup , A. Sodor 2021
Context. We continued our ground-based observing project with the season-long observations of ZZ Ceti stars at Konkoly Observatory. Our present targets are the newly discovered PM J22299+3024, and the already known LP 119-10 variables. LP 119-10 was also observed by the TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) space telescope in 120-second cadence mode. Methods. We performed standard Fourier analysis of the daily, weekly, and the whole data sets, together with test data of different combinations of weekly observations. We then performed asteroseismic fits utilising the observed and the calculated pulsation periods. For the calculations of model grids necessary for the fits, we applied the 2018 version of the White Dwarf Evolution Code. Results. We derived six possible pulsation modes for PM J22299+3024, and five plus two TESS pulsation frequencies for LP 119-10. Note that further pulsation frequencies may be present in the data sets, but we found their detection ambiguous, so we omitted them from the final frequency list. Our asteroseismic fits of PM J22299+3024 give 11 400 K and 0.46 Msun for the effective temperature and the stellar mass. The temperature is ~800 K higher, while the mass of the model star is exactly the same as it was earlier derived by spectroscopy. Our model fits of LP~119-10 put the effective temperature in the range of 11 800 - 11 900 K, which is again higher than the spectroscopic 11 290 K value, while our best model solutions give M* = 0.70 Msun mass for this target, near to the spectroscopic value of 0.65 Msun, likewise in the case of PM J22299+3024. The seismic distances of our best-fitting model stars agree with the Gaia astrometric distances of PM J22299+3024 and LP 119-10 within the errors, validating our model results.
There is a fairly tight correlation between the pulsation periods and effective temperatures of ZZ Ceti stars (cooler stars have longer periods). This seems to fit the theoretical picture, where driving occurs in the partial ionization zone, which lies deeper and deeper within the star as it cools. It is reasonable to assume that the pulsation periods should be related to the thermal timescale in the region where driving occurs. As that region sinks further down below the surface, that thermal timescale increases. Assuming this connection, the pulsation periods could provide an additional way to determine effective temperatures, independent of spectroscopy. We explore this idea and find that in practice, things are not so simple.
The lightcurves of variable DA stars are usually multi-periodic and non-sinusoidal, so that their Fourier transforms show peaks at eigenfrequencies of the pulsation modes and at sums and differences of these frequencies. These combination frequencies provide extra information about the pulsations, both physical and geometrical, that is lost unless they are analyzed. Several theories provide a context for this analysis by predicting combination frequency amplitudes. In these theories, the combination frequencies arise from nonlinear mixing of oscillation modes in the outer layers of the white dwarf, so their analysis cannot yield direct information on the global structure of the star as eigenmodes provide. However, their sensitivity to mode geometry does make them a useful tool for identifying the spherical degree of the modes that mix to produce them. In this paper, we analyze data from eight hot, low-amplitude DAV white dwarfs and measure the amplitudes of combination frequencies present. By comparing these amplitudes to the predictions of the theory of Goldreich & Wu, we have verified that the theory is crudely consistent with the measurements. We have also investigated to what extent the combination frequencies can be used to measure the spherical degree (ell) of the modes that produce them. We find that modes with ell > 2 are easily identifiable as high ell based on their combination frequencies alone. Distinguishing between ell=1 and 2 is also possible using harmonics. These results will be useful for conducting seismological analysis of large ensembles of ZZ Ceti stars, such as those being discovered using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Because this method relies only on photometry at optical wavelengths, it can be applied to faint stars using 4 m class telescopes.
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