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Chiral anomaly, a non-conservation of chiral charge pumped by the topological nontrivial gauge fields, has been predicted to exist in Weyl semimetals. However, until now, the experimental signature of this effect exclusively relies on the observation of negative longitudinal magnetoresistance at low temperatures. Here, we report the field-modulated chiral charge pumping process and valley diffusion in Cd3As2. Apart from the conventional negative magnetoresistance, we observe an unusual nonlocal response with negative field dependence up to room temperature, originating from the diffusion of valley polarization. Furthermore, a large magneto-optic Kerr effect generated by parallel electric and magnetic fields is detected. These new experimental approaches provide a quantitative analysis of the chiral anomaly phenomenon which is inaccessible previously. The ability to manipulate the valley polarization in topological semimetal at room temperature opens up a brand-new route towards understanding its fundamental properties and utilizing the chiral fermions.
Three dimensional (3D) Dirac semimetals are 3D analogue of graphene, which display Dirac points with linear dispersion in k-space, stabilized by crystal symmetry. Cd3As2 and Na3Bi were predicted to be 3D Dirac semimetals and were subsequently demonstrated by photoemission experiments. As unveiled by transport measurements, several exotic phases, such as Weyl semimetals, topological insulators, and topological superconductors, can be deduced by breaking time reversal or inversion symmetry. Here, we reported a facile and scalable chemical vapor deposition method to fabricate high-quality Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 microbelts, they have shown ultrahigh mobility up to 1.15*10^5 cm^2/V s and pronounced Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. Such extraordinary features are attributed to the suppression of electron backscattering. This research opens a new avenue for the scalable fabrication of Cd3As2 materials towards exciting electronic applications of 3D Dirac semimetals.
The chiral magnetic effect is the generation of electric current induced by chirality imbalance in the presence of magnetic field. It is a macroscopic manifestation of the quantum anomaly in relativistic field theory of chiral fermions (massless spin $1/2$ particles with a definite projection of spin on momentum) -- a dramatic phenomenon arising from a collective motion of particles and antiparticles in the Dirac sea. The recent discovery of Dirac semimetals with chiral quasi-particles opens a fascinating possibility to study this phenomenon in condensed matter experiments. Here we report on the first observation of chiral magnetic effect through the measurement of magneto-transport in zirconium pentatelluride, ZrTe_5. Our angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments show that this materials electronic structure is consistent with a 3D Dirac semimetal. We observe a large negative magnetoresistance when magnetic field is parallel with the current. The measured quadratic field dependence of the magnetoconductance is a clear indication of the chiral magnetic effect. The observed phenomenon stems from the effective transmutation of Dirac semimetal into a Weyl semimetal induced by the parallel electric and magnetic fields that represent a topologically nontrivial gauge field background.
We investigate interaction effects in three dimensional weak topological insulators (TI) with an even number of Dirac cones on the surface. We find that the surface states can be gapped by a surface charge density wave (CDW) order without breaking the time-reversal symmetry. In this sense, time reversal symmetry alone can not robustly protect the weak TI state in the presence of interactions. If the translational symmetry is additionally imposed in the bulk, a topologically non-trivial weak TI state can be obtained with helical edge states on the CDW domain walls. In other words, a CDW domain wall on the surface is topologically equivalent to the edge of a two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulator. Therefore, the surface state of a weak topological insulator with translation symmetry breaking on the surface has a half quantum spin Hall effect, in the same way that the surface state of a strong topological insulator with time-reversal symmetry breaking on the surface has a half quantum Hall effect. The on-site and nearest neighbor interactions are investigated in the mean field level and the phase diagram for the surface states of weak topological insulators is obtained.
The quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) state is a two-dimensional bulk insulator with a non-zero Chern number in absence of external magnetic fields. Protected gapless chiral edge states enable dissipationless current transport in electronic devices. Doping topological insulators with random magnetic impurities could realize the QAH state, but magnetic order is difficult to establish experimentally in the bulk insulating limit. Here we predict that the single quintuple layer of GdBiTe3 film could be a stoichiometric QAH insulator based on ab-initio calculations, which explicitly demonstrate ferromagnetic order and chiral edge states inside the bulk gap. We further investigate the topological quantum phase transition by tuning the lattice constant and interactions. A simple low-energy effective model is presented to capture the salient physical feature of this topological material.
148 - Hong Yao , Shou-Cheng Zhang , 2008
We have proposed an exactly solvable quantum spin-3/2 model on a square lattice. Its ground state is a quantum spin liquid with a half integer spin per unit cell. The fermionic excitations are gapless with a linear dispersion, while the topological vison excitations are gapped. Moreover, the massless Dirac fermions are stable. Thus, this model is, to the best of our knowledge, the first exactly solvable model of half-integer spins whose ground state is an algebraic spin liquid.
We introduce a fully probabilistic framework of consumer product choice based on quality assessment. It allows us to capture many aspects of marketing such as partial information asymmetry, quality differentiation, and product placement in a supermarket.
Using heat conduction mechanism on a social network we develop a systematic method to predict missing values as recommendations. This method can treat very large matrices that are typical of internet communities. In particular, with an innovative, exact formulation that accommodates arbitrary boundary condition, our method is easy to use in real applications. The performance is assessed by comparing with traditional recommendation methods using real data.
Information overload in the modern society calls for highly efficient recommendation algorithms. In this letter we present a novel diffusion based recommendation model, with users ratings built into a transition matrix. To speed up computation we introduce a Green function method. The numerical tests on a benchmark database show that our prediction is superior to the standard recommendation methods.

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