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398 - Ze-Guo Chen , Xu Ni , Ying Wu 2014
Artificial honeycomb lattices with Dirac cone dispersion provide a macroscopic platform to study the massless Dirac quasiparticles and their novel geometric phases. In this paper, a quadruple-degenerate state is achieved at the center of Brillouin zone (BZ) in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice phononic crystal, which is a result of accidental degeneracy of two double-degenerate states. In the vicinity of the quadruple-degenerate state, the dispersion relation is linear. Such quadruple degeneracy is analyzed by rigorous representation theory of groups. Using method, a reduced Hamiltonian is obtained to describe the linear Dirac dispersion relations of such quadruple-degenerate state, which is well consistent with the simulation results. Near such accidental degeneracy, we observe some unique wave propagating properties, such as defect insensitive propagating character and Talbot effect.
Evolutionary game theory is employed to study topological conditions of scale-free networks for the evolution of cooperation. We show that Apollonian Networks (ANs) are perfect scale-free networks, on which cooperation can spread to all individuals, even though there are initially only 3 or 4 hubs occupied by cooperators and all the others by defectors. Local topological features such as degree, clustering coefficient, gradient as well as topology potential are adopted to analyze the advantages of ANs in cooperation enhancement. Furthermore, a degree-skeleton underlying ANs is uncovered for understanding the cooperation diffusion. Constructing this kind degree-skeleton for random scale-free networks promotes cooperation level close to that of Barabasi-Albert networks, which gives deeper insights into the origin of the latter on organization and further promotion of cooperation.
Quantifying human group dynamics represents a unique challenge. Unlike animals and other biological systems, humans form groups in both real (offline) and virtual (online) spaces -- from potentially dangerous street gangs populated mostly by disaffected male youths, through to the massive global guilds in online role-playing games for which membership currently exceeds tens of millions of people from all possible backgrounds, age-groups and genders. We have compiled and analyzed data for these two seemingly unrelated offline and online human activities, and have uncovered an unexpected quantitative link between them. Although their overall dynamics differ visibly, we find that a common team-based model can accurately reproduce the quantitative features of each simply by adjusting the average tolerance level and attribute range for each population. By contrast, we find no evidence to support a version of the model based on like-seeking-like (i.e. kinship or `homophily).
We show that qualitatively different epidemic-like processes from distinct societal domains (finance, social and commercial blockbusters, epidemiology) can be quantitatively understood using the same unifying conceptual framework taking into account the interplay between the timescales of the grouping and fragmentation of social groups together with typical epidemic transmission processes. Different domain-specific empirical infection profiles, featuring multiple resurgences and abnormal decay times, are reproduced simply by varying the timescales for group formation and individual transmission. Our model emphasizes the need to account for the dynamic evolution of multi-connected networks. Our results reveal a new minimally-invasive dynamical method for controlling such outbreaks, help fill a gap in existing epidemiological theory, and offer a new understanding of complex system response functions.
In this paper a lattice model for the diffusional transport of particles in the interphase cell nucleus is proposed. The dynamic behaviour of single chains on the lattice is investigated and Rouse scaling is verified. Dynamical dense networks are created by a combined version of the bond fluctuation method and a Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm. Semidilute behaviour of the dense chain networks is shown. By comparing diffusion of particles in a static and a dynamical chain network, we demonstrate that chain diffusion does not alter the diffusion process of small particles. However, we prove that a dynamical network facilitates the transport of large particles. By weighting the mean square displacement trajectories of particles in the static chain network data from the dynamical network can be reconstructed. Additionally, it is shown that subdiffusive behaviour of particles on short time scales results from trapping processes in the crowded environment of the chain network. In the presented model a protein with 30 nm diameter has an effective diffusion coefficient of 1.24E-11 m^2/s in a chromatin fiber network.
Via computer simulations, we demonstrate how a densely grafted layer of polymers, a {it brush}, could be turned into an efficient switch through chemical modification of some of its end-monomers. In this way, a surface coating with reversibly switchable properties can be constructed. We analyze the fundamental physical principle behind its function, a recently discovered surface instability, and demonstrate that the combination of a high grafting density, an inflated end-group size and a high degree of monodispersity are conditions for an optimal functionality of the switch.
In this paper a lattice model for diffusional transport of particles in the interphase cell nucleus is proposed. Dense networks of chromatin fibers are created by three different methods: randomly distributed, non-interconnected obstacles, a random walk chain model, and a self avoiding random walk chain model with persistence length. By comparing a discrete and a continuous version of the random walk chain model, we demonstrate that lattice discretization does not alter particle diffusion. The influence of the 3D geometry of the fiber network on the particle diffusion is investigated in detail, while varying occupation volume, chain length, persistence length and walker size. It is shown that adjacency of the monomers, the excluded volume effect incorporated in the self avoiding random walk model, and, to a lesser extent, the persistence length, affect particle diffusion. It is demonstrated how the introduction of the effective chain occupancy, which is a convolution of the geometric chain volume with the walker size, eliminates the conformational effects of the network on the diffusion, i.e., when plotting the diffusion coefficient as a function of the effective chain volume, the data fall onto a master curve.

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