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We survey earlier results on factorizations of extremal projectors and relative extremal projectors and present preliminary results on non-commutative factorizations of relative extremal projectors: we deduce the existence of such factorizations for sl(4) and sl(5).
The Lie algebra of vector fields on $R^m$ acts naturally on the spaces of differential operators between tensor field modules. Its projective subalgebra is isomorphic to $sl_{m+1}$, and its affine subalgebra is a maximal parabolic subalgebra of the projective subalgebra with Levi factor $gl_m$. We prove two results. First, we realize all injective objects of the parabolic category O$^{gl_m}(sl_{m+1})$ of $gl_m$-finite $sl_{m+1}$-modules as submodules of differential operator modules. Second, we study projective quantizations of differential operator modules, i.e., $sl_{m+1}$-invariant splittings of their order filtrations. In the case of modules of differential operators from a tensor density module to an arbitrary tensor field module, we determine when there exists a unique projective quantization, when there exists no projective quantization, and when there exist multiple projective quantizations.
We study the algebras of differential operators invariant with respect to the scalar slash actions of real Jacobi groups of arbitrary rank. These algebras are non-commutative and are generated by their elements of orders 2 and 3. We prove that their centers are polynomial in one variable and are generated by the Casimir operator. For slash actions with invertible indices we also compute the characters of the IDO algebras: in rank exceeding 1 there are two, and in rank 1 there are in general five. In rank 1 we compute in addition all irreducible admissible representations of the IDO algebras.
117 - Charles H. Conley 2013
We study the equivalence classes of the non-resonant subquotients of spaces of pseudodifferential operators between tensor density modules over the 1|1 superline, as modules of the Lie superalgebra of contact vector fields. There is a 2-parameter family of subquotients with any given Jordan-Holder composition series. We give a complete set of even equivalence invariants for subquotients of all lengths. In the critical case of length 6, the even equivalence classes within each non-resonant 2-parameter family are specified by a pencil of conics. In lengths exceeding 6 our invariants are not fully simplified: in length 7 we expect that there are only finitely many equivalences other than conjugation, and in lengths exceeding 7 we expect that conjugation is the only equivalence. We prove this in lengths exceeding 14. We also analyze certain lacunary subquotients.
Consider the spaces of pseudodifferential operators between tensor density modules over the line as modules of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the line. We compute the equivalence classes of various subquotients of these modules. There is a 2-parameter family of subquotients with any given Jordan-Holder composition series. In the critical case of subquotients of length 5, the equivalence classes within each non-resonant 2-parameter family are specified by the intersections of a pencil of conics with a pencil of cubics. In the case of resonant subquotients of length 4 with self-dual composition series, as well as of lacunary subquotients of lengths 3 and 4, equivalence is specified by a single pencil of conics. Non-resonant subquotients of length exceeding 7 admit no non-obvious equivalences. The cases of lengths 6 and 7 are unresolved.
We consider differential operators between sections of arbitrary powers of the determinant line bundle over a contact manifold. We extend the standard notions of the Heisenberg calculus: noncommutative symbolic calculus, the principal symbol, and the contact order to such differential operators. Our first main result is an intrinsically defined subsymbol of a differential operator, which is a differential invariant of degree one lower than that of the principal symbol. In particular, this subsymbol associates a contact vector field to an arbitrary second order linear differential operator. Our second main result is the construction of a filtration that strengthens the well-known contact order filtration of the Heisenberg calculus.
We define and investigate real analytic weak Jacobi forms of degree 1 and arbitrary rank. En route we calculate the Casimir operator associated to the maximal central extension of the real Jacobi group, which for rank exceeding 1 is of order 4. In ranks exceeding 1, the notions of H-harmonicity and semi-holomorphicity are the same.
100 - Charles H. Conley 2009
Let K be the Lie superalgebra of contact vector fields on the supersymmetric line. We compute the action of K on the modules of differential and pseudodifferential operators between spaces of tensor densities, in terms of their conformal symbols. As applications we deduce the geometric subsymbols, 1-cohomology, and various uniserial subquotients of these modules. We also outline the computation of the K-equivalences and symmetries of their subquotients.
88 - Charles H. Conley 2008
Fix a manifold M, and let V be an infinite dimensional Lie algebra of vector fields on M. Assume that V contains a finite dimensional semisimple maximal subalgebra A, the projective or conformal subalgebra. A projective or conformal quantization of a V-module of differential operators on M is a decomposition into irreducible A-modules. We survey recent results on projective quantizations and their applications to cohomology, geometric equivalences and symmetries of differential operator modules, and indecomposable modules.

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