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In this work, we identify a new class of Z2 topological insulator protected by non-symmorphic crystalline symmetry, dubbed a topological non-symmorphic crystalline insulator. We construct a concrete tight-binding model with the non-symmorphic space group pmg and confirm the topological nature of this model by calculating topological surface states and defining a Z2 topological invariant. Based on the projective representation theory, we extend our discussion to other non-symmorphic space groups that allows to host topological non-symmorphic crystalline insulators.
We investigate interaction effects in three dimensional weak topological insulators (TI) with an even number of Dirac cones on the surface. We find that the surface states can be gapped by a surface charge density wave (CDW) order without breaking the time-reversal symmetry. In this sense, time reversal symmetry alone can not robustly protect the weak TI state in the presence of interactions. If the translational symmetry is additionally imposed in the bulk, a topologically non-trivial weak TI state can be obtained with helical edge states on the CDW domain walls. In other words, a CDW domain wall on the surface is topologically equivalent to the edge of a two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulator. Therefore, the surface state of a weak topological insulator with translation symmetry breaking on the surface has a half quantum spin Hall effect, in the same way that the surface state of a strong topological insulator with time-reversal symmetry breaking on the surface has a half quantum Hall effect. The on-site and nearest neighbor interactions are investigated in the mean field level and the phase diagram for the surface states of weak topological insulators is obtained.
Topological insulators are new states of quantum matter with surface states protected by the time-reversal symmetry. In this work, we perform first-principle electronic structure calculations for $Sb_2Te_3$, $Sb_2Se_3$, $Bi_2Te_3$ and $Bi_2Se_3$ crystals. Our calculations predict that $Sb_2Te_3$, $Bi_2Te_3$ and $Bi_2Se_3$ are topological insulators, while $Sb_2Se_3$ is not. In particular, $Bi_2Se_3$ has a topologically non-trivial energy gap of $0.3 eV$, suitable for room temperature applications. We present a simple and unified continuum model which captures the salient topological features of this class of materials. These topological insulators have robust surface states consisting of a single Dirac cone at the $Gamma$ point.
134 - Qin Liu , Chao-Xing Liu , Cenke Xu 2008
The surface states of a topological insulator are described by an emergent relativistic massless Dirac equation in 2+1 dimensions. In contrast to graphene, there is an odd number of Dirac points, and the electron spin is directly coupled to the momentum. We show that a magnetic impurity opens up a local gap and suppresses the local density of states. Furthermore, the Dirac electronic states mediate an RKKY interaction among the magnetic impurities which is always ferromagnetic, whenever the chemical potential lies near the Dirac point. These effects can be directly measured in STM experiments. We also study the case of quenched disorder through a renormalization group analysis.
Using an RPA approximation, we have calculated the strengths of the singlet and triplet pairing interactions which arise from the exchange of spin and orbital fluctuations for a 2-orbital model of the Fe-pnictide superconductors. When the system is doped with F, the electron pockets become dominant and we find that the strongest pairing occurs in the singlet d-wave pairing and the triplet p-wave pairing channels, which compete closely. The pairing structure in the singlet d-wave channel corresponds to a superposition of near neighbor intra-orbital singlets with a minus sign phase difference between the $d_{xz}$ and $d_{yz}$ pairs. The leading pairing configuration in the triplet channel also involves a nearest neighbor intra-orbital pairing. We find that the strengths of both the singlet and triplet pairing grow, with the singlet pairing growing faster, as the onsite Coulomb interaction approaches the value where the S=1 particle-hole susceptibility diverges.
Following the discovery of the Fe-pnictide superconductors, LDA band structure calculations showed that the dominant contributions to the spectral weight near the Fermi energy came from the Fe 3d orbitals. The Fermi surface is characterized by two hole surfaces around the $Gamma$ point and two electron surfaces around the M point of the 2 Fe/cell Brillouin zone. Here, we describe a 2-band model that reproduces the topology of the LDA Fermi surface and exhibits both ferromagnetic and $q=(pi,0)$ spin density wave (SDW) fluctuations. We argue that this minimal model contains the essential low energy physics of these materials.
The quantum Hall effect is usually observed when the two-dimensional electron gas is subjected to an external magnetic field, so that their quantum states form Landau levels. In this work we predict that a new phenomenon, the quantum anomalous Hall effect, can be realized in Hg$_{1-y}$Mn$_{y}$Te quantum wells, without the external magnetic field and the associated Landau levels. This effect arises purely from the spin polarization of the $Mn$ atoms, and the quantized Hall conductance is predicted for a range of quantum well thickness and the concentration of the $Mn$ atoms. This effect enables dissipationless charge current in spintronics devices.
We investigate the current-induced spin polarization in the two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) with the structure inversion asymmetry. By using the perturbation theory, we re-derive the effective $k$-cubic Rashba Hamiltonian for 2DHG and the generalized spin operators accordingly. Then based on the linear response theory we calculate the current-induced spin polarization both analytically and numerically with the disorder effect considered. We have found that, quite different from the two-dimensional electron gas, the spin polarization in 2DHG depends linearly on Fermi energy in the low doping regime, and with increasing Fermi energy, the spin polarization may be suppressed and even changes its sign. We predict a pronounced peak of the spin polarization in 2DHG once the Fermi level is somewhere between minimum points of two spin-split branches of the lowest light-hole subband. We discuss the possibility of measurements in experiments as regards the temperature and the width of quantum wells.
We propose a topological quantum phase transition for quantum states with different Berry phases in hole-doped III-V semiconductor quantum wells with bulk and structure inversion asymmetry. The Berry phase of the occupied Bloch states can be characteristic of topological metallic states. It is found that the adjustment of thickness of the quantum well may cause a transition of Berry phase in two-dimensional hole gas. Correspondingly, the jump of spin Hall conductivity accompanies the change of the Berry phase. This property is robust against the impurity potentials in the system. Experimental detection of this topological quantum phase transition is discussed.

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