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A topological Dirac semimetal is a novel state of quantum matter which has recently attracted much attention as an apparent 3D version of graphene. In this paper, we report critically important results on the electronic structure of the 3D Dirac semimetal Na3Bi at a surface that reveals its nontrivial groundstate. Our studies, for the first time, reveal that the two 3D Dirac cones go through a topological change in the constant energy contour as a function of the binding energy, featuring a Lifshitz point, which is missing in a strict 3D analog of graphene (in other words Na3Bi is not a true 3D analog of graphene). Our results identify the first example of a band saddle point singularity in 3D Dirac materials. This is in contrast to its 2D analogs such as graphene and the helical Dirac surface states of a topological insulator. The observation of multiple Dirac nodes in Na3Bi connecting via a Lifshitz point along its crystalline rotational axis away from the Kramers point serves as a decisive signature for the symmetry-protected nature of the Dirac semimetals topological groundstate.
98 - Na Deng , Xin Chen , Chang Liu 2014
Chromospheric rapid blueshifted excursions (RBEs) are suggested to be the disk counterparts of type II spicules at the limb and believed to contribute to the coronal heating process. Previous identification of RBEs was mainly based on feature detection using Dopplergrams. In this paper, we study RBEs on 2011 October 21 in a very quiet region at the disk center, which were observed with the high-cadence imaging spectroscopy of the Ca II 8542 A line from the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer (IBIS). By using an automatic spectral analysis algorithm, a total of 98 RBEs are identified during a 11 minute period. Most of these RBEs have either a round or elongated shape, with an average area of 1.2 arcsec^2. The detailed temporal evolution of spectra from IBIS makes possible a quantitative determination of the velocity (~16 km/s) and acceleration (~400 m/s^2) of Ca II 8542 RBEs, and reveal an additional deceleration (~-160 m/s^2) phase that usually follows the initial acceleration. In addition, we also investigate the association of RBEs with the concomitant photospheric magnetic field evolution, using coordinated high-resolution and high-sensitivity magnetograms made by Hinode. Clear examples are found where RBEs appear to be associated with the preceding magnetic flux emergence and/or the subsequent flux cancellation. However, a further analysis with the aid of the Southwest Automatic Magnetic Identification Suite does not yield a significant statistical association between these RBEs and magnetic field evolution. We discuss the implications of our results in the context of understanding the driving mechanism of RBEs.
We use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to study heavy fermion superconductor Ce2RhIn8. The Fermi surface is rather complicated and consists of several hole and electron pock- ets. We do not observe kz dispersion of Fermi sheets, which is consistent with 2D character of the electronic structure. Comparison of the ARPES data and band structure calculations points to a localized picture of f electrons. Our findings pave the way for understanding the transport and thermodynamical properties of this material.
102 - Chang Liu , Kun Xu , Quanhua Sun 2014
Fluid dynamic equations are valid in their respective modeling scales. With a variation of the modeling scales, theoretically there should have a continuous spectrum of fluid dynamic equations. In order to study multiscale flow evolution efficiently, the dynamics in the computational fluid has to be changed with the scales. A direct modeling of flow physics with a changeable scale may become an appropriate approach. The unified gas-kinetic scheme (UGKS) is a direct modeling method in the mesh size scale, and its underlying flow physics depends on the resolution of the cell size relative to the particle mean free path. The cell size of UGKS is not limited by the particle mean free path. With the variation of the ratio between the numerical cell size and local particle mean free path, the UGKS recovers the flow dynamics from the particle transport and collision in the kinetic scale to the wave propagation in the hydrodynamic scale. The previous UGKS is mostly constructed from the evolution solution of kinetic model equations. This work is about the further development of the UGKS with the implementation of the full Boltzmann collision term in the region where it is needed. The central ingredient of the UGKS is the coupled treatment of particle transport and collision in the flux evaluation across a cell interface, where a continuous flow dynamics from kinetic to hydrodynamic scales is modeled. The newly developed UGKS has the asymptotic preserving (AP) property of recovering the NS solutions in the continuum flow regime, and the full Boltzmann solution in the rarefied regime. In the mostly unexplored transition regime, the UGKS itself provides a valuable tool for the flow study in this regime. The mathematical properties of the scheme, such as stability, accuracy, and the asymptotic preserving, will be analyzed in this paper as well.
Novel phases of two dimensional electron systems resulting from new surface or interface modified electronic structures have generated significant interest in material science. We utilize photoemission spectroscopy to show that the near-surface electronic structure of a bulk insulating iridate Sr$_3$Ir$_2$O$_7$ lying near metal-Mott insulator transition exhibit weak metallicity signified by finite electronic spectral weight at the Fermi level. The surface electrons exhibit a unique spin structure resulting from an interplay of spin-orbit, Coulomb interaction and surface quantum magnetism, distinct from a topological insulator state. Our results suggest the experimental realization of a novel quasi two dimensional interacting electron surface ground state, opening the door for exotic quantum entanglement and transport phenomena in iridate-based oxide devices.
Symmetry or topology protected Dirac fermion states in two and three dimensions constitute novel quantum systems that exhibit exotic physical phenomena. However, none of the studied spin-orbit materials are suitable for realizing bulk multiplet Dirac states for the exploration of interacting Dirac physics. Here we present experimental evidence, for the first time, that the compound Na3Bi hosts a bulk spin-orbit Dirac multiplet and their interaction or overlap leads to a Lifshitz transition in momentum space - a condition for realizing interactions involving Dirac states. By carefully preparing the samples at a non-natural-cleavage (100) crystalline surface, we uncover many novel electronic and spin properties in Na3Bi by utilizing high resolution angle- and spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements. We observe two bulk 3D Dirac nodes that locate on the opposite sides of the bulk zone center point $Gamma$, which exhibit a Fermi surface Lifshitz transition and a saddle point singularity. Furthermore, our data shows evidence for the possible existence of theoretically predicted weak 2D nontrivial spin-orbit surface state with helical spin polarization that are nestled between the two bulk Dirac cones, consistent with the theoretically calculated (100) surface-arc-modes. Our main experimental observation of a rich multiplet of Dirac structure and the Lifshitz transition opens the door for inducing electronic instabilities and correlated physical phenomena in Na3Bi, and paves the way for the engineering of novel topological states using Na3Bi predicted in recent theory.
58 - Q. Haider , Lon-chang Liu 2013
The use of scattering length of particle-target interaction due to real- valued potential to study the bound states of the particle-target system is well known in nuclear and atomic physics. In view of the current interest in using eta-nucleus scattering length to infer the existence of eta-mesic nucleus, we derive general analytic expressions that relate the binding energy and half-width of an unstable bound state to the complex-valued scattering length due to the same particle-target interaction.
A Z2 topological insulator protected by time-reversal symmetry is realized via spin-orbit interaction driven band inversion. For example, the topological phase in the Bi-Sb system is due to an odd number of band
The surface of topological insulators is proposed as a promising platform for spintronics and quantum information applications. In particular, when time- reversal symmetry is broken, topological surface states are expected to exhibit a wide range of exotic spin phenomena for potential implementation in electronics. Such devices need to be fabricated using nanoscale artificial thin films. It is of critical importance to study the spin behavior of artificial topological MBE thin films associated with magnetic dopants, and with regards to quantum size effects related to surface-to-surface tunneling as well as experimentally isolate time-reversal breaking from non-intrinsic surface electronic gaps. Here we present observation of the first (and thorough) study of magnetically induced spin reorientation phenomena on the surface of a topological insulator. Our results reveal dramatic rearrangements of the spin configuration upon magnetic doping contrasted with chemically similar nonmagnetic doping as well as with quantum tunneling phenomena in ultra-thin high quality MBE films. While we observe that the spin rearrangement induced by quantum tunneling occurs in a time-reversal invariant fashion, we present critical and systematic observation of an out-of-plane spin texture evolution correlated with magnetic interactions, which breaks time-reversal symmetry, demonstrating microscopic TRB at a Kramers point on the surface.
We perform systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopic measurements on the lead tin telluride Pb1-xSnxTe pseudobinary alloy system. We show that the (001) crystalline surface, which is a crystalline surface symmetric about the (110) mirror planes of the Pb1-xSnxTe crystal, pos- sesses four metallic surface states within its surface Brillouin zone. Our systematic Fermi surface and band topology measurements show that the observed Dirac-like surface states lie on the symmetric momentum-space cuts. We further show that upon going to higher electron binding energies, the surface states isoenergetic countours in close vicinity of each X point are observed to hybridize with each other, leading to a Fermi surface fractionalization and the Lifshitz transition. In addition, systematic incident photon energy dependent measurements are performed, which enable us to un- ambiguously identify the surface states from the bulk bands. These systematic measurements of the surface and bulk electronic structure on Pb1-xSnxTe, supported by our first principles calculation results, for the first time, show that the Pb1-xSnxTe system belongs to the topological crystalline insulator phase due to the four band

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