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The observed Galactic rate of stellar mergers or the initiation of common envelope phases brighter than M_V=-3 (M_I=-4) is of order 0.5 (0.3)/year with 90% confidence statistical uncertainties of 0.24-1.1 (0.14-0.65) and factor of 2 systematic uncertainties. The (peak) luminosity function is roughly dN/dL L^(-1.4+/-0.3), so the rates for events more luminous than V1309 Sco (M_V=-7 mag) or V838Mon (M_V=-10 mag) are lower at r~0.1/year and 0.03/year, respectively. The peak luminosity is a steep function of progenitor mass, L M^(2-3). This very roughly parallels the scaling of luminosity with mass on the main sequence, but the transients are ~2000-4000 times more luminous at peak. Combining these, the mass function of the progenitors, dN/dM M^(-2.0+/-0.8), is consistent with the initial mass function, albeit with broad uncertainties. These observational results are also broadly consistent with the estimates of binary population synthesis models. While extragalactic variability surveys can better define the rates and properties of the high luminosity events, systematic, moderate depth (I>16 mag) surveys of the Galactic plane are needed to characterize the low luminosity events. The existing Galactic samples are only ~20% complete and Galactic surveys are (at best) reaching a typical magnitude limit of <13 mag.
101 - C.S. Kochanek 2012
We use the progenitor of SN2012aw to illustrate the consequences of modeling circumstellar dust using Galactic (interstellar) extinction laws that (1) ignore dust emission in the near-IR and beyond; (2) average over dust compositions, and (3) mis-characterize the optical/UV absorption by assuming that scattered photons are lost to the observer. The primary consequences for the progenitor of SN2012aw are that both the luminosity and the absorption are significantly over-estimated. In particular, the stellar luminosity is most likely in the range 10^4.8 < L/Lsun < 10^5.0 and the star was not extremely massive for a Type IIP progenitor, with M < 15Msun. Given the properties of the circumstellar dust and the early X-ray/radio detections of SN2012aw, the star was probably obscured by an on-going wind with Mdot ~ 10^-5.5 to 10^-5.0 Msun/year at the time of the explosion, roughly consistent with the expected mass loss rates for a star of its temperature (T_* ~ 3600K) and luminosity. In the spirit of Galactic extinction laws, we supply simple interpolation formulas for circumstellar extinction by dusty graphitic and silicate shells as a function of wavelength (>0.3 micron) and total (absorption plus scattering) V-band optical depth (tau < 20). These do not include the contributions of dust emission, but provide a simple, physical alternative to incorrectly using interstellar extinction laws.
197 - C.S. Kochanek 2011
The AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES) is a redshift survey covering, in its standard fields, 7.7 square degrees of the Bootes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS). The final sample consists of 23745 redshifts. There are well-defined galaxy samples in ten bands (the Bw, R, I, J, K, IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 micron and MIPS 24 micron bands) to a limiting magnitude of I<20 mag for spectroscopy. For these galaxies, we obtained 18163 redshifts from a sample of 35200 galaxies, where random sparse sampling was used to define statistically complete sub-samples in all ten photometric bands. The median galaxy redshift is 0.31, and 90% of the redshifts are in the range 0.085<z<0.66. AGN were selected as radio, X-ray, IRAC mid-IR and MIPS 24 micron sources to fainter limiting magnitudes (I<22.5 mag for point sources). Redshifts were obtained for 4764 quasars and galaxies with AGN signatures, with 2926, 1718, 605, 119 and 13 above redshifts of 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. We detail all the AGES selection procedures and present the complete spectroscopic redshift catalogs, spectra, and spectral energy distribution decompositions. The photometric redshift estimates are for all sources in the AGES samples.
67 - C.S. Kochanek 2011
SN2008S and the 2008 NGC300-OT were explosive transients of stars self-obscured by very dense, dusty stellar winds. An explosive transient with an un-observed shock break-out luminosity of order 10^10 Lsun is required to render the transients little obscured and visible in the optical at their peaks. Such a large break-out luminosity then implies that the progenitor stars were cool, red supergiants, most probably ~9 Msun extreme AGB (EAGB) stars. As the shocks generated by the explosions propagate outward through the dense wind, they produce a shock luminosity in soft X-rays that powers the long-lived luminosity of the transients. Unlike typical cases of transients exploding into a surrounding circumstellar medium, the progenitor winds in these systems are optically thick to soft X-rays, easily absorb radio emission and rapidly reform dust destroyed by the peak luminosity of the transients. As a result, X-rays are absorbed by the gas and the energy is ultimately radiated by the reformed dust. Three years post-peak, both systems are still significantly more luminous than their progenitor stars, but they are again fully shrouded by the re-formed dust and only visible in the mid-IR. The high luminosity and heavy obscuration may make it difficult to determine the survival of the progenitor stars for ~10 years. However, our model indicates that SN2008S, but not the NGC300-OT, should now be a detectable X-ray source. SN2008S has a higher estimated shock velocity and a lower density wind, so the X-rays begin to escape at a much earlier phase.
SN 1961V, one of Zwickys defining Type V supernovae (SN), was a peculiar transient in NGC 1058 that has variously been categorized as either a true core collapse SN leaving a black hole (BH) or neutron star (NS) remnant, or an eruption of a luminous blue variable (LBV) star. The former case is suggested by its association with a decaying non-thermal radio source, while the latter is suggested by its peculiar transient light curve and its low initial expansion velocities. The crucial difference is that the star survives a transient eruption but not an SN. All stars identified as possible survivors are significantly fainter, L_opt ~ 10^5 Lsun, than the L_opt ~ 3 10^6 Lsun progenitor star at optical wavelengths. While this can be explained by dust absorption in a shell of material ejected during the transient, the survivor must then be present as a L_IR ~ 3 10^6 Lsun mid-infrared source. Using archival Spitzer observations of the region, we show that such a luminous mid-IR source is not present. The brightest source of dust emission is only L_IR ~ 10^5 Lsun and does not correspond to the previously identified candidates for the surviving star. The dust cannot be made sufficiently distant and cold to avoid detection unless the ejection energy, mass and velocity scales are those of a SN or greater. We conclude that SN 1961V was a peculiar, but real, supernova. Its peculiarities are probably due to enhanced mass loss just prior to the SN, followed by the interactions of the SN blast wave with this ejecta. This adds to the evidence that there is a population of SN progenitors that have major mass loss episodes shortly before core collapse. The progenitor is a low metallicity, ~1/3 solar, high mass, M_ZAMS > 80 Msun, star, which means either that BH formation can be accompanied by an SN or that surprisingly high mass stars can form a NS.
Using a sample of high-redshift lensed quasars from the CASTLES project with observed-frame ultraviolet or optical and near-infrared spectra, we have searched for possible biases between supermassive black hole (BH) mass estimates based on the CIV, Halpha and Hbeta broad emission lines. Our sample is based upon that of Greene, Peng & Ludwig, expanded with new near-IR spectroscopic observations, consistently analyzed high S/N optical spectra, and consistent continuum luminosity estimates at 5100A. We find that BH mass estimates based on the FWHM of CIV show a systematic offset with respect to those obtained from the line dispersion, sigma_l, of the same emission line, but not with those obtained from the FWHM of Halpha and Hbeta. The magnitude of the offset depends on the treatment of the HeII and FeII emission blended with CIV, but there is little scatter for any fixed measurement prescription. While we otherwise find no systematic offsets between CIV and Balmer line mass estimates, we do find that the residuals between them are strongly correlated with the ratio of the UV and optical continuum luminosities. Removing this dependency reduces the scatter between the UV- and optical-based BH mass estimates by a factor of approximately 2, from roughly 0.35 to 0.18 dex. The dispersion is smallest when comparing the CIV sigma_l mass estimate, after removing the offset from the FWHM estimates, and either Balmer line mass estimate. The correlation with the continuum slope is likely due to a combination of reddening, host contamination and object-dependent SED shapes. When we add additional heterogeneous measurements from the literature, the results are unchanged.
We present the J-band luminosity function of 1838 mid-infrared and X-ray selected AGNs in the redshift range 0<z<5.85. These luminosity functions are constructed by combining the deep multi-wavelength broad-band observations from the UV to the mid-IR of the NDWFS Bootes field with the X-ray observations of the XBootes survey and the spectroscopic observations of the same field by AGES. Our sample is primarily composed of IRAC-selected AGNs, targeted using modifications of the Stern et al.(2005) criteria, complemented by MIPS 24 microns and X-ray selected AGNs to alleviate the biases of IRAC mid-IR selection against z~4.5 quasars and AGNs faint with respect to their hosts. This sample provides an accurate link between low and high redshift AGN luminosity functions and does not suffer from the usual incompleteness of optical samples at z~3. We find that the space density of the brightest quasars strongly decreases from z=3 to z=0, while the space density of faint quasars is at least flat, and possibly increasing, over the same redshift range. At z>3 we observe a decrease in the space density of quasars of all brightnesses. We model the luminosity function by a double power-law and find that its evolution cannot be described by either pure luminosity or pure density evolution, but must be a combination of both. Our best-fit model has bright and faint power-law indices consistent with the low redshift measurements based on the 2QZ and 2SLAQ surveys and it generally agrees with the number of bright quasars predicted by other LFs at all redshifts. If we construct the QSO luminosity function using only the IRAC-selected AGNs, we find that the biases inherent to this selection method significantly modify the behavior of phi*(z) only for z<1 and have no significant impact upon the characteristic magnitude M*_J(z).
Extragalactic transient searches have historically been limited to looking for the appearance of new sources such as supernovae. It is now possible to carry out a new kind of survey that will do the opposite, that is, search for the disappearance of massive stars. This will entail the systematic observation of galaxies within a distance of 10 Mpc in order to watch ~10^6 supergiants. Reaching this critical number ensures that something will occur yearly, since these massive stars must end their lives with a core collapse within ~10^6 years. Using deep imaging and image subtraction it is possible to determine the fates of these stars whether they end with a bang (supernova) or a whimper (fall out of sight). Such a survey would place completely new limits on the total rate of all core collapses, which is critical for determining the validity of supernova models. It would also determine the properties of supernova progenitors, better characterize poorly understood optical transients, such as eta Carina-like mass ejections, find and characterize large numbers of Cepheids, luminous blue variables and eclipsing binaries, and allow the discovery of any new phenomena that inhabit this relatively unexplored parameter space.
We built an optimal basis of low resolution templates for galaxies over the wavelength range from 0.2 to 10 $mu$m using a variant of the algorithm presented by Budavari et al. (2000). We derived them using eleven bands of photometry from the NDWFS, FLAMEX, zBootes and IRAC Shallow surveys for 16033 galaxies in the NDWFS Bootes field with spectroscopic redshifts measured by the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey. We also developed algorithms to accurately determine photometric redshifts, K corrections and bolometric luminosities using these templates. Our photometric redshifts have an accuracy of $sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.04$ when clipped to the best 95%. We used these templates to study the spectral type distribution in the field and to estimate luminosity functions of galaxies as a function of redshift and spectral type. In particular, we note that the 5-8$mu$m color distribution of galaxies is bimodal, much like the optical g--r colors.
We use the microlensing variability observed for nine gravitationally lensed quasars to show that the accretion disk size at 2500 Angstroms is related to the black hole mass by log(R_2500/cm) = (15.6+-0.2) + (0.54+-0.28)log(M_BH/10^9M_sun). This scaling is consistent with the expectation from thin disk theory (R ~ M_BH^(2/3)), but it implies that black holes radiate with relatively low efficiency, log(eta) = -1.29+-0.44 + log(L/L_E) where eta=L/(Mdot c^2). These sizes are also larger, by a factor of ~3, than the size needed to produce the observed 0.8 micron quasar flux by thermal radiation from a thin disk with the same T ~ R^(-3/4) temperature profile. More sophisticated disk models are clearly required, particularly as our continuing observations improve the precision of the measurements and yield estimates of the scaling with wavelength and accretion rate.

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