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100 - C.-L. Ho , P. Roy 2015
We utilize the relation between soliton solutions of the mKdV and the combined mKdV-KdV equation and the Dirac equation to construct electrostatic fields which yield exact zero energy states of graphene.
92 - C.-I. Chou , C.-L. Ho 2013
We present numerical study of a model of quantum walk in periodic potential on the line. We take the simple view that different potentials affect differently the way the coin state of the walker is changed. For simplicity and definiteness, we assume the walkers coin state is unaffected at sites without potential, and is rotated in an unbiased way according to Hadamard matrix at sites with potential. This is the simplest and most natural model of a quantum walk in a periodic potential with two coins. Six generic cases of such quantum walks were studied numerically. It is found that of the six cases, four cases display significant localization effect, where the walker is confined in the neighborhood of the origin for sufficiently long times. Associated with such localization effect is the recurrence of the probability of the walker returning to the neighborhood of the origin.
104 - C.-I. Chou , C.-L. Ho 2012
We present four types of infinitely many exactly solvable Fokker-Planck equations, which are related to the newly discovered exceptional orthogonal polynomials. They represent the deform
We propose a unified mathematical scheme, based on a classical tensor isomorphism, for characterizing entanglement that works for pure states of multipartite systems of any number of particles. The degree of entanglement is indicated by a set of absolute values of the determinants for each subspace of the multipartite systems. Unlike other schemes, our scheme provides indication of the degrees of entanglement when the qubits are measured or lost successively, and leads naturally to the necessary and sufficient conditions for multipartite pure states to be separable. For systems with a large number of particles, a rougher indication of the degree of entanglement is provided by the set of mean values of the determinantal values for each subspace of the multipartite systems.
141 - A.I. Solomon , C.-L. Ho 2011
We discuss the analogy between topological entanglement and quantum entanglement, particularly for tripartite quantum systems. We illustrate our approach by first discussing two clearly (topologically) inequivalent systems of three-ring links: The Borromean rings, in which the removal of any one link leaves the remaining two non-linked (or, by analogy, non-entangled); and an inequivalent system (which we call the NUS link) for which the removal of any one link leaves the remaining two linked (or, entangled in our analogy). We introduce unitary representations for the appropriate Braid Group ($B_3$) which produce the related quantum entangled systems. We finally remark that these two quantum systems, which clearly possess inequivalent entanglement properties, are locally unitarily equivalent.
176 - C.-L. Ho , A.I. Solomon , C.-H.Oh 2010
Important developments in fault-tolerant quantum computation using the braiding of anyons have placed the theory of braid groups at the very foundation of topological quantum computing. Furthermore, the realization by Kauffman and Lomonaco that a specific braiding operator from the solution of the Yang-Baxter equation, namely the Bell matrix, is universal implies that in principle all quantum gates can be constructed from braiding operators together with single qubit gates. In this paper we present a new class of braiding operators from the Temperley-Lieb algebra that generalizes the Bell matrix to multi-qubit systems, thus unifying the Hadamard and Bell matrices within the same framework. Unlike previous braiding operators, these new operators generate {it directly}, from separable basis states, important entangled states such as the generalized Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, cluster-like states, and other states with varying degrees of entanglement.

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