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420 - Boris Shoikhet 2017
It is well-known that the Kontsevich formality [K97] for Hochschild cochains of the polynomial algebra $A=S(V^*)$ fails if the vector space $V$ is infinite-dimensional. In the present paper, we study the corresponding obstructions. We construct an $L_infty$ structure on polyvector fields on $V$ having the even degree Taylor components, with the degree 2 component given by the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket, but having as well higher non-vanishing Taylor components. We prove that this $L_infty$ algebra is quasi-isomorphic to the corresponding Hochschild cochain complex. We prove that our $L_infty$ algebra is $L_infty$ quasi-isomorphic to the Lie algebra of polyvector fields on $V$ with the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket, if $V$ is finite-dimensional.
369 - Boris Shoikhet 2015
In our recent paper [Sh1] a version of the generalized Deligne conjecture for abelian $n$-fold monoidal categories is proven. For $n=1$ this result says that, given an abelian monoidal $k$-linear category $mathscr{A}$ with unit $e$, $k$ a field of characteristic 0, the dg vector space $mathrm{RHom}_{mathscr{A}}(e,e)$ is the first component of a Leinster 1-monoid in $mathscr{A}lg(k)$ (provided a rather mild condition on the monoidal and the abelian structures in $mathscr{A}$, called homotopy compatibility, is fulfilled). In the present paper, we introduce a new concept of a ${it graded}$ Leinster monoid. We show that the Leinster monoid in $mathscr{A}lg(k)$, constructed by a monoidal $k$-linear abelian category in [Sh1], is graded. We construct a functor, assigning an algebra over the chain operad $C(E_2,k)$, to a graded Leinster 1-monoid in $mathscr{A}lg(k)$, which respects the weak equivalences. Consequently, this paper together with loc.cit. provides a complete proof of the generalized Deligne conjecture for 1-monoidal abelian categories, in the form most accessible for applications to deformation theory (such as Tamarkins proof of the Kontsevich formality).
161 - Boris Shoikhet 2014
We provide a more economical refined version of Evrards categorical cocylinder factorization of a functor [Ev1,2]. We show that any functor between small categories can be factored into a homotopy equivalence followed by a (co)fibred functor which satisfies the (dual) assumption of Quillens Theorem B.
131 - Boris Shoikhet 2013
We develop an elementary method for proving the PBW theorem for associative algebras with an ascending filtration. The idea is roughly the following. At first, we deduce a proof of the PBW property for the {it ascending} filtration (with the filtered degree equal to the total degree in $x_i$s) to a suitable PBW-like property for the {it descending} filtration (with the filtered degree equal to the power of a polynomial parameter $hbar$, introduced to the problem). This PBW property for the descending filtration guarantees the genuine PBW property for the ascending filtration, for almost all specializations of the parameter $hbar$. At second, we develop some very constructive method for proving this PBW-like property for the descending filtration by powers of $hbar$, emphasizing its integrability nature. We show how the method works in three examples. As a first example, we give a proof of the classical Poincar{e}-Birkhoff-Witt theorem for Lie algebras. As a second, much less trivial example, we present a new proof of a result of Etingof and Ginzburg [EG] on PBW property of algebras with a cyclic non-commutative potential in three variables. Finally, as a third example, we found a criterium, for a general quadratic algebra which is the quotient-algebra of $T(V)[hbar]$ by the two-sided ideal, generated by $(x_iotimes x_j-x_jotimes x_i-hbarphi_{ij})_{i,j}$, with $phi_{ij}$ general quadratic non-commutative polynomials, to be a PBW for generic specialization $hbar=a$. This result seems to be new.
142 - Boris Shoikhet 2013
We prove a version of the Deligne conjecture for $n$-fold monoidal abelian categories $A$ over a field $k$ of characteristic 0, assuming some compatibility and non-degeneracy conditions for $A$. The output of our construction is a weak Leinster $(n,1)$-algebra over $k$, a relaxed version of the concept of Leinster $n$-algebra in $Alg(k)$. The difference between the Leinster original definition and our relaxed one is apparent when $n>1$, for $n=1$ both concepts coincide. We believe that there exists a functor from weak Leinster $(n,1)$-algebras over $k$ to $C(E_{n+1},k)$-algebras, well-defined when $k=mathbb{Q}$, and preserving weak equivalences. For the case $n=1$ such a functor is constructed in [Sh4] by elementary simplicial methods, providing (together with this paper) a complete solution for 1-monoidal abelian categories. Our approach to Deligne conjecture is divided into two parts. The first part, completed in the present paper, provides a construction of a weak Leinster $(n,1)$-algebra over $k$, out of an $n$-fold monoidal $k$-linear abelian category (provided the compatibility and non-degeneracy condition are fulfilled). The second part (still open for $n>1$) is a passage from weak Leinster $(n,1)$-algebras to $C(E_{n+1},k)$-algebras. As an application, we prove that the Gerstenhaber-Schack complex of a Hopf algebra over a field $k$ of characteristic 0 admits a structure of a weak Leinster (2,1)-algebra over $k$ extending the Yoneda structure. It relies on our earlier construction [Sh1] of a 2-fold monoidal structure on the abelian category of tetramodules over a bialgebra.
132 - Boris Shoikhet 2012
This preprint contains a part of the results of our earlier preprint arXiv:0907.3335v2 presented in a form suitable for journal publication. It covers a construction of a 2-fold monoidal structure on the category of tetramodules, with all necessary definitions, and an overview of the results of R.Taillefer [Tai1,2] on tetramodules and the Gerstenhaber-Schack cohomology [GS] (formerly served as Appendix in arXiv:0907.3335v2), as well as a computation of the Gerstenhaber-Schack cohomology for the free commutative cocommutative bialgebra S(V), for a V is a vector space.
98 - Boris Shoikhet 2009
Let $alpha$ be a quadratic Poisson bivector on a vector space $V$. Then one can also consider $alpha$ as a quadratic Poisson bivector on the vector space $V^*[1]$. Fixed a universal deformation quantization (prediction some weights to all Kontsevich graphs [K97]), we have deformation quantization of the both algebras $S(V^*)$ and $Lambda(V)$. These are graded quadratic algebras, and therefore Koszul algebras. We prove that for some universal deformation quantization, independent on $alpha$, these two algebras are Koszul dual. We characterize some deformation quantizations for which this theorem is true in the framework of the Tamarkins theory [T1].
170 - Boris Shoikhet 2007
This paper is based on the authors paper Koszul duality in deformation quantization, I, with some improvements. In particular, an Introduction is added, and the convergence of the spectral sequence in Lemma 2.1 is rigorously proven. Some informal discussion in Section 1.5 is added.
398 - Boris Shoikhet 2007
Let $alpha$ be a polynomial Poisson bivector on a finite-dimensional vector space $V$ over $mathbb{C}$. Then Kontsevich [K97] gives a formula for a quantization $fstar g$ of the algebra $S(V)^*$. We give a construction of an algebra with the PBW property defined from $alpha$ by generators and relations. Namely, we define an algebra as the quotient of the free tensor algebra $T(V^*)$ by relations $x_iotimes x_j-x_jotimes x_i=R_{ij}(hbar)$ where $R_{ij}(hbar)in T(V^*)otimeshbar mathbb{C}[[hbar]]$, $R_{ij}=hbar Sym(alpha_{ij})+mathcal{O}(hbar^2)$, with one relation for each pair of $i,j=1...dim V$. We prove that the constructed algebra obeys the PBW property, and this is a generalization of the Poincar{e}-Birkhoff-Witt theorem. In the case of a linear Poisson structure we get the PBW theorem itself, and for a quadratic Poisson structure we get an object closely related to a quantum $R$-matrix on $V$. At the same time we get a free resolution of the deformed algebra (for an arbitrary $alpha$). The construction of this PBW algebra is rather simple, as well as the proof of the PBW property. The major efforts should be undertaken to prove the conjecture that in this way we get an algebra isomorphic to the Kontsevich star-algebra.
103 - Boris Shoikhet 2007
Let $g_1$ and $g_2$ be two dg Lie algebras, then it is well-known that the $L_infty$ morphisms from $g_1$ to $g_2$ are in 1-1 correspondence to the solutions of the Maurer-Cartan equation in some dg Lie algebra $Bbbk(g_1,g_2)$. Then the gauge action by exponents of the zero degree component $Bbbk(g_1,g_2)^0$ on $MCsubsetBbbk(g_1,g_2)^1$ gives an explicit homotopy relation between two $L_infty$ morphisms. We prove that the quotient category by this relation (that is, the category whose objects are $L_infty$ algebras and morphisms are $L_infty$ morphisms modulo the gauge relation) is well-defined, and is a localization of the category of dg Lie algebras and dg Lie maps by quasi-isomorphisms. As localization is unique up to an equivalence, it is equivalent to the Quillen-Hinich homotopical category of dg Lie algebras [Q1,2], [H1,2]. Moreover, we prove that the Quillens concept of a homotopy coincides with ours. The last result was conjectured by V.Dolgushev [D].

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