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217 - Benjamin Shlaer 2014
Despite the ultraviolet problems with canonical quantum gravity, as an effective field theory its infrared phenomena should enjoy fully quantum mechanical unitary time evolution. Currently this is not possible, the impediment being what is known as the problem of time. Here, we provide a solution by promoting the cosmological constant $Lambda$ to a Lagrange multiplier constraining the metric volume element to be manifestly a total derivative. Because $Lambda$ appears linearly in the Hamiltonian constraint, it unitarily generates time evolution, yielding a functional Schroedinger equation for gravity. Two pleasant side effects of this construction are that vacuum energy is dissociated from the cosmological constant problem, much like in unimodular gravity, and the natural foliation provided by the time variable defines a sensible solution to the measure problem of eternal inflation.
191 - Benjamin Shlaer 2012
We illustrate a framework for constructing models of chaotic inflation where the inflaton is the position of a D3 brane along the universal cover of a string compactification. In our scenario, a brane rolls many times around a non-trivial one-cycle, thereby unwinding a Ramond-Ramond flux. These flux monodromies are similar in spirit to the monodromies of Silverstein, Westphal, and McAllister, and their four-dimensional description is that of Kaloper and Sorbo. Assuming moduli stabilization is rigid enough, the large-field inflationary potential is protected from radiative corrections by a discrete shift symmetry.
We examine the effects of cosmic strings on structure formation and on the ionization history of the universe. While Gaussian perturbations from inflation are known to provide the dominant contribution to the large scale structure of the universe, density perturbations due to strings are highly non-Gaussian and can produce nonlinear structures at very early times. This could lead to early star formation and reionization of the universe. We improve on earlier studies of these effects by accounting for high loop velocities and for the filamentary shape of the resulting halos. We find that for string energy scales Gmu > 10^{-7} the effect of strings on the CMB temperature and polarization power spectra can be significant and is likely to be detectable by the Planck satellite. We mention shortcomings of the standard cosmological model of galaxy formation which may be remedied with the addition of cosmic strings, and comment on other possible observational implications of early structure formation by strings.
We investigate the recent suggestion that a Minkowski vacuum is either absolutely stable, or it has a divergent decay rate and thus fails to have a locally Minkowski description. The divergence comes from boost integration over momenta of the vacuum bubbles. We point out that a prototypical example of false-vacuum decay is pair production in a uniform electric field, so if the argument leading to the divergence is correct, it should apply to this case as well. We provide evidence that no catastrophic vacuum instability occurs in a constant electric field, indicating that the argument cannot be right. Instead, we argue that the boost integration that leads to the divergence is unnecessary: when all possible fluctuations of the vacuum bubble are included, the quantum state of the bubble is invariant under Lorentz boosts.
Using a new parallel computing technique, we have run the largest cosmic string simulations ever performed. Our results confirm the existence of a long transient period where a non-scaling distribution of small loops is produced at lengths depending on the initial correlation scale. As time passes, this initial population gives way to the true scaling regime, where loops of size approximately equal to one-twentieth the horizon distance become a significant component. We observe similar behavior in matter and radiation eras, as well as in flat space. In the matter era, the scaling population of large loops becomes the dominant component; we expect this to eventually happen in the other eras as well.
We construct a simple AdS_4 x S^1 flux compactification stabilized by a complex scalar field winding the extra dimension and demonstrate an instability via nucleation of a bubble of nothing. This occurs when the Kaluza -- Klein dimension degenerates to a point, defining the bubble surface. Because the extra dimension is stabilized by a flux, the bubble surface must be charged, in this case under the axionic part of the complex scalar. This smooth geometry can be seen as a de Sitter topological defect with asymptotic behavior identical to the pure compactification. We discuss how a similar construction can be implemented in more general Freund -- Rubin compactifications.
99 - Benjamin Shlaer 2009
We demonstrate that possession of a single negative mode is not a sufficient criterion for an instanton to mediate exponential decay. For example, de Sitter space is generically stable against decay via the Coleman-De Luccia instanton. This is due to the fact that the de Sitter Euclidean action is bounded below, allowing for an approximately de Sitter invariant false vacuum to be constructed.
We analyze the gravitational wave signatures of a network of metastable cosmic strings. We consider the case of cosmic string instability to breakage, with no primordial population of monopoles. This scenario is well motivated from GUT and string theoretic models with an inflationary phase below the GUT/string scale. The network initially evolves according to a scaling solution, but with breakage events resulting from confined monopoles (beads) being pair produced and accelerated apart. We find these ultra-relativistic beads to be a potent source of gravitational waves bursts, detectable by Initial LIGO, Advanced LIGO, and LISA. Indeed, Advanced LIGO could observe bursts from strings with tensions as low as $Gmu sim 10^{-12}$. In addition, we find that ultra-relativistic beads produce a scale-invariant stochastic background detectable by LIGO, LISA, and pulsar timing experiments. The stochastic background is scale invariant up to Planckian frequencies. This phenomenology provides new constraints and signatures of cosmic strings that disappear long before the present day.

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