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In this paper we perform a comprehensive study of the main sources of random and systematic errors in stellar mass measurement for galaxies using their Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs). We use mock galaxy catalogs with simulated multi-waveband photometry (from U-band to mid-infrared) and known redshift, stellar mass, age and extinction for individual galaxies. Given different parameters affecting stellar mass measurement (photometric S/N ratios, SED fitting errors, systematic effects, the inherent degeneracies and correlated errors), we formulated different simulated galaxy catalogs to quantify these effects individually. We studied the sensitivity of stellar mass estimates to the codes/methods used, population synthesis models, star formation histories, nebular emission line contributions, photometric uncertainties, extinction and age. For each simulated galaxy, the difference between the input stellar masses and those estimated using different simulation catalogs, $Deltalog(M)$, was calculated and used to identify the most fundamental parameters affecting stellar masses. We measured different components of the error budget, with the results listed as follows: (1). no significant bias was found among different codes/methods, with all having comparable scatter; (2). A source of error is found to be due to photometric uncertainties and low resolution in age and extinction grids; (3). The median of stellar masses among different methods provides a stable measure of the mass associated with any given galaxy; (4). The deviations in stellar mass strongly correlate with those in age, with a weaker correlation with extinction; (5). the scatter in the stellar masses due to free parameters are quantified, with the sensitivity of the stellar mass to both the population synthesis codes and inclusion of nebular emission lines studied.
It is well-known that galaxy environment has a fundamental effect in shaping its properties. We study the environmental effects on galaxy evolution, with an emphasis on the environment defined as the local number density of galaxies. The density field is estimated with different estimators (weighted adaptive kernel smoothing, 10$^{th}$ and 5$^{th}$ nearest neighbors, Voronoi and Delaunay tessellation) for a K$_{s}<$24 sample of $sim$190,000 galaxies in the COSMOS field at 0.1$<$z$<$3.1. The performance of each estimator is evaluated with extensive simulations. We show that overall, there is a good agreement between the estimated density fields using different methods over $sim$2 dex in overdensity values. However, our simulations show that adaptive kernel and Voronoi tessellation outperform other methods. Using the Voronoi tessellation method, we assign surface densities to a mass complete sample of quiescent and star-forming galaxies out to z$sim$3. We show that at a fixed stellar mass, the median color of quiescent galaxies does not depend on their host environment out to z$sim$3. We find that the number and stellar mass density of massive ($>$10$^{11}$M$_{odot}$) star-forming galaxies have not significantly changed since z$sim$3, regardless of their environment. However, for massive quiescent systems at lower redshifts (z$lesssim$1.3), we find a significant evolution in the number and stellar mass densities in denser environments compared to lower density regions. Our results suggest that the relation between stellar mass and local density is more fundamental than the color-density relation and that environment plays a significant role in quenching star formation activity in galaxies at z$lesssim$1.
We investigate the evolution of the H$beta$+[OIII] and [OII] luminosity functions from $z sim 0.8$ to $sim5$ in four redshift slices per emission line using data from the High-{it z} Emission Line Survey (HiZELS). This is the first time that the H$beta$+[OIII] and [OII] luminosity functions have been studied at these redshifts in a self-consistent analysis. This is also the largest sample of [OII] and H$beta$+[OIII] emitters (3475 and 3298 emitters, respectively) in this redshift range, with large co-moving volumes $sim 1 times 10^6$ Mpc$^{-3}$ in two independent volumes (COSMOS and UDS), greatly reducing the effects of cosmic variance. The emitters were selected by a combination of photometric redshift and color-color selections, as well as spectroscopic follow-up, including recent spectroscopic observations using DEIMOS and MOSFIRE on the Keck Telescopes and FMOS on Subaru. We find a strong increase in $L_star$ and a decrease in $phi_star$ for both H$beta$+[OIII] and [OII] emitters. We derive the [OII] star-formation history of the Universe since $zsim5$ and find that the cosmic SFRD rises from $z sim 5$ to $sim 3$ and then drops towards $z sim 0$. We also find that our star-formation history is able to reproduce the evolution of the stellar mass density up to $zsim 5$ based only on a single tracer of star-formation. When comparing the H$beta$+[OIII] SFRDs to the [OII] and H$alpha$ SFRD measurements in the literature, we find that there is a remarkable agreement, suggesting that the H$beta$+[OIII] sample is dominated by star-forming galaxies at high-$z$ rather than AGNs.
We investigate the role of the delineated cosmic web/filaments on the star formation activity by exploring a sample of 425 narrow-band selected H{alpha} emitters, as well as 2846 color-color selected underlying star-forming galaxies for a large scale structure (LSS) at z=0.84 in the COSMOS field from the HiZELS survey. Using the scale-independent Multi-scale Morphology Filter (MMF) algorithm, we are able to quantitatively describe the density field and disentangle it into its major components: fields, filaments and clusters. We show that the observed median star formation rate (SFR), stellar mass, specific star formation rate (sSFR), the mean SFR-Mass relation and its scatter for both H{alpha} emitters and underlying star-forming galaxies do not strongly depend on different classes of environment, in agreement with previous studies. However, the fraction of H{alpha} emitters varies with environment and is enhanced in filamentary structures at z~1. We propose mild galaxy-galaxy interactions as the possible physical agent for the elevation of the fraction of H{alpha} star-forming galaxies in filaments. Our results show that filaments are the likely physical environments which are often classed as the intermediate densities, and that the cosmic web likely plays a major role in galaxy formation and evolution which has so far been poorly investigated.
We use data taken as part of HST/WFC3 observations of the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) to identify massive and evolved galaxies at 3<z<4.5. This is performed using the strength of the Balmer break feature at rest-frame 3648A, which is a diagnostic of the age of the stellar population in galaxies. Using WFC3 H-band selected catalog for the CANDELS GOODS-S field and deep multi-waveband photometry from optical (HST) to mid-infrared (Spitzer) wavelengths, we identify a population of old and evolved post-starburst galaxies based on the strength of their Balmer breaks (Balmer Break Galaxies- BBGs). The galaxies are also selected to be bright in rest-frame near-IR wavelengths and hence, massive. We identify a total of 16 BBGs. Fitting the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the BBGs show that the candidate galaxies have average estimated ages of ~800 Myr and average stellar masses of ~5x10^10 M_sun, consistent with being old and massive systems. Two of our BBG candidates are also identified by the criteria that is sensitive to star forming galaxies (LBG selection). We find a number density of ~3.2x10^-5 Mpc^-3 for the BBGs corresponding to a mass density of ~2.0x10^6 M_sun/Mpc^3 in the redshift range covering the survey. Given the old age and the passive evolution, it is argued that some of these objects formed the bulk of their mass only a few hundred million years after the Big Bang.
We present results from the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) photometric redshift methods investigation. In this investigation, the results from eleven participants, each using a different combination of photometric redshift code, template spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and priors, are used to examine the properties of photometric redshifts applied to deep fields with broad-band multi-wavelength coverage. The photometry used includes U-band through mid-infrared filters and was derived using the TFIT method. Comparing the results, we find that there is no particular code or set of template SEDs that results in significantly better photometric redshifts compared to others. However, we find codes producing the lowest scatter and outlier fraction utilize a training sample to optimize photometric redshifts by adding zero-point offsets, template adjusting or adding extra smoothing errors. These results therefore stress the importance of the training procedure. We find a strong dependence of the photometric redshift accuracy on the signal-to-noise ratio of the photometry. On the other hand, we find a weak dependence of the photometric redshift scatter with redshift and galaxy color. We find that most photometric redshift codes quote redshift errors (e.g., 68% confidence intervals) that are too small compared to that expected from the spectroscopic control sample. We find that all codes show a statistically significant bias in the photometric redshifts. However, the bias is in all cases smaller than the scatter, the latter therefore dominates the errors. Finally, we find that combining results from multiple codes significantly decreases the photometric redshift scatter and outlier fraction. We discuss different ways of combining data to produce accurate photometric redshifts and error estimates.
We investigate spectroscopically measured Ly{alpha} equivalent widths and escape fractions of 244 sources of which 95 are Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) and 106 Lyman Alpha Emitters (LAEs) at z~4.2, z~4.8, and z~5.6 selected from intermediate and narrow band observations. The sources were selected from the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS), and observed with the DEIMOS spectrograph. We find that the distribution of equivalent widths shows no evolution with redshift for both the LBG selected sources and the intermediate/narrowband LAEs. We also find that the Ly{alpha} escape fraction of intermediate and narrow band LAEs is on average higher and has a larger variation than the escape fraction of LBG selected sources. The escape fraction does not show a dependence with redshift. Similar to what has been found for LAEs at low redshifts, the sources with the highest extinctions show the lowest escape fractions. The range of escape fractions increases with decreasing extinction. This is evidence that the dust extinction is the most important factor affecting the escape of Ly{alpha} photons, but at low extinctions other factors such as HI covering fraction and gas kinematics can be just as effective at inhibiting the escape of Ly{alpha} photons.
We use the deepest and the most comprehensive photometric data currently available for GOODS-South galaxies to measure their photometric redshifts. The photometry includes VLT/VIMOS (U-band), HST/ACS (F435W, F606W, F775W, and F850LP bands), VLT/ISAAC (J-, H-, and Ks-bands), and four Spitzer/IRAC channels (3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 micron). The catalog is selected in the z-band (F850LP) and photometry in each band is carried out using the recently completed TFIT algorithm, which performs PSF matched photometry uniformly across different instruments and filters, despite large variations in PSFs and pixel scales. Photometric redshifts are derived using the GOODZ code, which is based on the template fitting method using priors. The code also implements training of the template SED set, using available spectroscopic redshifts in order to minimize systematic differences between the templates and the SEDs of the observed galaxies. Our final catalog covers an area of 153 sq. arcmin and includes photometric redshifts for a total of 32,505 objects. The scatter between our estimated photometric and spectroscopic redshifts is sigma=0.040 with 3.7% outliers to the full z-band depth of our catalog, decreasing to sigma=0.039 and 2.1% outliers at a magnitude limit m(z)<24.5. This is consistent with the best results previously published for GOODS-S galaxies, however, the present catalog is the deepest yet available and provides photometric redshifts for significantly more objects to deeper flux limits and higher redshifts than earlier works. Furthermore, we show that the photometric redshifts estimated here for galaxies selected as dropouts are consistent with those expected based on the Lyman break technique.
We present results of our large-area survey for z-band dropout galaxies at z=7 in a 1568 arcmin^2 sky area covering the SDF and GOODS-N fields. Combining our ultra-deep Subaru/Suprime-Cam z- and y-band (lambda_eff=1um) images with legacy data of Subaru and HST, we have identified 22 bright z-dropout galaxies down to y=26, one of which has a spectroscopic redshift of z=6.96 determined from Lya emission. The z=7 luminosity function (LF) yields the best-fit Schechter parameters of phi*=0.69 +2.62/-0.55 x10^(-3) Mpc^(-3), Muv*=-20.10 +/-0.76 mag, and alpha=-1.72 +/-0.65, and indicates a decrease from z=6 at a >95% confidence level. This decrease is beyond the cosmic variance in our two fields, which is estimated to be a factor of <~2. We have found that the cosmic star formation rate density drops from the peak at z=2-3 to z=7 roughly by a factor of ~10 but not larger than ~100. A comparison with the reionization models suggests either that the Universe could not be totally ionized by only galaxies at z=7, or more likely that properties of galaxies at z=7 are different from those at low redshifts having, e.g., a larger escape fraction (>~0.2), and/or a flatter IMF. Our SDF z-dropout galaxies appear to form 60-Mpc long filamentary structures, and the z=6.96 galaxy with Lya emission is located at the center of an overdense region consisting of four UV bright dropout candidates, which might suggest an existence of a well-developed ionized bubble at z=7.
148 - Bahram Mobasher 2008
For a mass-selected sample of 66544 galaxies with photometric redshifts from the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS), we examine the evolution of star formation activity as a function of stellar mass in galaxies. We estimate the cosmic star formation rates (SFR) over the range 0.2 < z < 1.2, using the rest-frame 2800 A flux (corrected for extinction). We find the mean SFR to be a strong function of the galactic stellar mass at any given redshift, with massive systems (log (M/M(Sun)) > 10.5) contributing less (by a factor of ~ 5) to the total star formation rate density (SFRD). Combining data from the COSMOS and Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS), we extend the SFRD-z relation as a function of stellar mass to z~2. For massive galaxies, we find a steep increase in the SFRD-z relation to z~2; for the less massive systems, the SFRD which also increases from z=0 to 1, levels off at z~1. This implies that the massive systems have had their major star formation activity at earlier epochs (z > 2) than the lower mass galaxies. We study changes in the SFRDs as a function of both redshift and stellar mass for galaxies of different spectral types. We find that the slope of the SFRD-z relation for different spectral type of galaxies is a strong function of their stellar mass. For low and intermediate mass systems, the main contribution to the cosmic SFRD comes from the star-forming galaxies while, for more massive systems, the evolved galaxies are the most dominant population.

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