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We theoretically investigate twisted structures where each layer is composed of a strongly correlated material. In particular, we study a twisted t-J model of cuprate multilayers within the slave-boson mean field theory. This treatment encompasses the Mott physics at small doping and self consistently generates d-wave pairing. Furthermore, including the correct inter-layer tunneling form factor consistent with the symmetry of the Cu $d_{x^2-y^2}$ orbital proves to be crucial for the phase diagram. We find spontaneous time reversal (T) breaking around twist angle of $45^circ$, although only in a narrow window of twist angles. Moreover, the gap obtained is small and the Chern number vanishes, implying a non-topological superconductor. At smaller twist angles, driving an interlayer current however can lead to a gapped topological phase. The energy-phase relation of the interlayer Josephson junction displays notable double-Cooper-pair tunneling which dominates around $45^o$. The twist angle dependence of the Josephson critical current and the Shapiro steps are consistent with recent experiments. Utilizing the moire structure as a probe of correlation physics, in particular of the pair density wave state, is discussed.
Motivated by recent experiments on ABC-stacked rhombohedral trilayer graphene (RTG) which observed spin-valley symmetry-breaking and superconductivity, we study instabilities of the RTG metallic state to symmetry breaking orders. We find that interactions select the inter-valley coherent order (IVC) as the preferred ordering channel over a wide range, whose theoretically determined phase boundaries agree well with experiments on both the hole and electron doped sides. The Fermi surfaces near van Hove singularities admit partial nesting between valleys, which promotes both inter-valley superconductivity and IVC fluctuations. We investigate the interplay between these fluctuations and the Hunds (intervalley spin) interaction using a renormalization group approach. For antiferromagnetic Hunds coupling, intervalley pairing appears in the spin-singlet channel with enhanced $T_c$, that scales with the dimensionless coupling $g$ as $T_csimexp(-1/sqrt{g})$ , compared to the standard $exp(-1/g)$ scaling. In its simplest form, this scenario assumes a sign change in the Hunds coupling on increasing hole doping. On the other hand, the calculation incorporates breaking of the independent spin rotations between valleys from the start, and strongly selects spin singlet over spin triplet pairing, and naturally occurs in proximity to the IVC, consistent with observations.
It has recently been established that cluster-like states -- states that are in the same symmetry-protected topological phase as the cluster state -- provide a family of resource states that can be utilized for Measurement-Based Quantum Computation. In this work, we ask whether it is possible to prepare cluster-like states in finite time without breaking the symmetry protecting the resource state. Such a symmetry-preserving protocol would benefit from topological protection to errors in the preparation. We answer this question in the positive by providing a Hamiltonian in one higher dimension whose finite-time evolution is a unitary that acts trivially in the bulk, but pumps the desired cluster state to the boundary. Examples are given for both the 1D cluster state protected by a global symmetry, and various 2D cluster states protected by subsystem symmetries. We show that even if unwanted symmetric perturbations are present in the driving Hamiltonian, projective measurements in the bulk along with post-selection is sufficient to recover a cluster-like state. For a resource state of size $N$, failure to prepare the state is negligible if the size of the perturbations are much smaller than $N^{-1/2}$.
The rich phenomenology of twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) near the magic angle is believed to arise from electron correlations in topological flat bands. An unbiased approach to this problem is highly desirable, but also particularly challenging, given the multiple electron flavors, the topological obstruction to defining tight binding models and the long-ranged Coulomb interactions. While numerical simulations of realistic models have thus far been confined to zero temperature, typically excluding some spin or valley species, analytic progress has relied on fixed point models away from the realistic limit. Here we present for the first time unbiased Monte Carlo simulations of realistic models of magic angle TBG at charge-neutrality. We establish the absence of a sign problem for this model in a momentum space approach, and describe a computationally tractable formulation that applies even on breaking chiral symmetry and including band dispersion. Our results include (i) the emergence of an insulating Kramers inter-valley coherent ground state in competition with a correlated semi-metal phase, (ii) detailed temperature evolution of order parameters and electronic spectral functions which reveal a `pseudogap regime, in which gap features are established at a higher temperature than the onset of order and (iii) predictions for electronic tunneling spectra and their evolution with temperature. Our results pave the way towards uncovering the physics of magic angle graphene through exact simulations of over a hundred electrons across a wide temperature range.
We give a self contained review of a recently developed strong coupling theory of magic-angle graphene. An advantage of this approach is that a single formulation can capture both the insulating and superconducting states, and with a few simplifying assumptions, can be treated analytically. We begin by reviewing the electronic structure of magic angle graphenes flat bands, in a limit that exposes their peculiar band topology and geometry. We highlight how similarities between the flat bands and the lowest Landau level give insight into the effect of interactions. For example, at certain fractional fillings, we note the promise for realizing fractional Chern states. At integer fillings, this approach points to flavor ordered insulators, which can be captured by a sigma-model in its ordered phase. Unexpectedly, topological textures of the sigma model carry electric charge which allows us to extend the same theory to describe the doped phases away from integer filling. We show how this approach can lead to superconductivity on disordering the sigma model, and estimate the T$_c$ for the superconductor. We highlight the important role played by an effective super-exchange coupling both in pairing and in setting the effective mass of Cooper pairs. Seeking to enhance this coupling helps predict new superconducting platforms, including the recently discovered alternating twist trilayer platform. We also contrast our proposal from strong coupling theories for other superconductors.
In symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases, the combination of symmetries and a bulk gap stabilizes protected modes at surfaces or at topological defects. Understanding the fate of these modes at a quantum critical point, when the protecting symmetries are on the verge of being broken, is an outstanding problem. This interplay of topology and criticality must incorporate both the bulk dynamics of critical points, often described by nontrivial conformal field theories, and SPT physics. Here, we study the simplest nontrivial setting - that of a 0+1 dimensional topological mode - a quantum spin - coupled to a 2+1D critical bulk. Using the large-$N$ technique we solve a series of models which, as a consequence of topology, demonstrate intermediate coupling fixed points. We compare our results to previous numerical simulations and find good agreement. We also point out intriguing connections to generalized Kondo problems and Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) models. In particular, we show that a Luttinger theorem derived for the complex SYK models, that relates the charge density to particle-hole asymmetry, also holds in our setting. These results should help stimulate further analytical study of the interplay between SPT physics and quantum criticality.
Motivated by the recent proposal of realizing an SU(4) Hubbard model on triangular moire superlattices, we present a DMRG study of an $SU(4)$ spin model obtained in the limit of large repulsion for integer filling $ u_T=1,3$. We retain terms in the $t/U$ expansion up to $O(frac{t^3}{U^2})$ order, that generates nearest-neighbor exchange $J$, as well as an additional three-site ring exchange term, $K$, which is absent in the SU(2) S=1/2 case. For filling $ u_T=3$, when increasing the three-site ring exchange term $K sim frac{t^3}{U^2}$, we identify three different phases: a spin-symmetric crystal, an $SU(4)_1$ chiral spin liquid (CSL) and a decoupled one dimensional chain (DC) phase. The CSL phase exists at intermediate coupling: $U/t in [11.3,,22.9]$. The sign of $K$ is crucial to stabilizing the CSL and the DC phase. For filling $ u_T=1$ with the opposite sign of $K$, the spin-symmetric crystal phase survives to very large $K$. We propose to search for the CSL phase in moire bilayers. For example, in twisted AB stacked transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) bilayers, the $SU(4)$ spin is formed by layer pseudospin combined with the real spin (locked to valley). The layer pseudospin carries an electric dipole moment in $z$ direction, thus the CSL is really a dipole-spin liquid, with quantum fluctuations in both the electric moment and magnetic moment . The CSL phase spontaneously breaks the time reversal symmetry and shows a quantum anomalous Hall effect in spin transport and dipole transport. Smoking gun evidence for the CSL could be obtained through measurement of the quantized dipole Hall effect in counter-flow transport.
We study systems of bosons whose low-energy excitations are located along a spherical submanifold of momentum space. We argue for the existence of gapless phases which we dub Bose-Luttinger liquids, which in some respects can be regarded as boson
When two graphene sheets are twisted relative to each other by a small angle, enhanced correlations lead to superconductivity whose origin remains under debate. Here, we derive some general constraints on superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (TBG), independent of its underlying mechanism. Neglecting weak coupling between valleys, the global symmetry group of TBG consists of independent spin rotations in each valley in addition to valley charge rotations, $ {rm SU}(2) times {rm SU}(2) times {rm U}_V(1) $. This symmetry is further enhanced to a full ${rm SU}(4)$ in the idealized chiral limit. In both cases, we show that any charge $2e$ pairing must break the global symmetry. Additionally, if the pairing is unitary the resulting superconductor admits fractional vortices. This leads to the following general statement: Any superconducting condensate in either symmetry class has to satisfy one of three possibilities: (i) the superconducting pairing is non-unitary, (ii) the superconducting condensate has charge $2e$ but admits at least half quantum vortices which carry a flux of $h/4e$, or (iii) the superconducting condensate has charge $2me$, $m>1$, with vortices carrying $h/2me$ flux. The latter possibility can be realized by a symmetric charge $4e$ superconductor ($m=2$). Non-unitary pairing (i) is expected in TBG for superconductors observed in the vicinity of flavor polarized states. On the other hand, in the absence of flavor polarization, e.g. in the vicinity of charge neutrality, one of the two exotic possibilities (ii) and (iii) is expected. We sketch how all three scenarios can be realized in different limits within a strong coupling theory of superconductivity based on skyrmions. Finally we discuss the effect of symmetry lowering anisotropies and experimental implications of these scenarios.
We point out that there are two different chiral spin liquid states on the triangular lattice and discuss the conducting states that are expected on doping them. These states labeled CS1 and CS2 are associated with two distinct topological orders with different edge states, although they both spontaneously break time reversal symmetry and exhibit the same quantized spin Hall conductance. While CSL1 is related to the Kalmeyer-Laughlin state, CSL2 is the $ u =4$ member of Kitaevs 16 fold way classification. Both states are described within the Abrikosov fermion representation of spins, and the effect of doping can be accessed by introducing charged holons. On doping CSL2, condensation of charged holons leads to a topological d+id superconductor. However on doping CSL1 , in sharp contrast , two different scenarios can arise: first, if holons condense, a chiral metal with doubled unit cell and finite Hall conductivity is obtained. However, in a second novel scenario, the internal magnetic flux adjusts with doping and holons form a bosonic integer quantum Hall (BIQH) state. Remarkably, the latter phase is identical to a $d+id$ superconductor. In this case the Mott insulator to superconductor transition is associated with a bosonic variant of the integer quantum Hall plateau transition for the holon. We connect the above two scenarios to two recent numerical studies of doped chiral spin liquids on triangular lattice. Our work clarifies the complex relation between topological superconductors, chiral spin liquids and quantum criticality .

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