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We present an analysis of the clustering of high-redshift galaxies in the recently completed 94 deg$^2$ Spitzer-SPT Deep Field survey. Applying flux and color cuts to the mid-infrared photometry efficiently selects galaxies at $zsim1.5$ in the stellar mass range $10^{10}-10^{11}M_odot$, making this sample the largest used so far to study such a distant population. We measure the angular correlation function in different flux-limited samples at scales $>6^{prime prime}$ (corresponding to physical distances $>0.05$ Mpc) and thereby map the one- and two-halo contributions to the clustering. We fit halo occupation distributions and determine how the central galaxys stellar mass and satellite occupation depend on the halo mass. We measure a prominent peak in the stellar-to-halo mass ratio at a halo mass of $log(M_{rm halo} / M_odot) = 12.44pm0.08$, 4.5 times higher than the $z=0$ value. This supports the idea of an evolving mass threshold above which star formation is quenched. We estimate the large-scale bias in the range $b_g=2-4$ and the satellite fraction to be $f_mathrm{sat}sim0.2$, showing a clear evolution compared to $z=0$. We also find that, above a given stellar mass limit, the fraction of galaxies that are in similar mass pairs is higher at $z=1.5$ than at $z=0$. In addition, we measure that this fraction mildly increases with the stellar mass limit at $z=1.5$, which is the opposite of the behavior seen at low-redshift.
We analyze the star formation properties of 16 infrared-selected, spectroscopically confirmed galaxy clusters at $1 < z < 1.5$ from the Spitzer/IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey (ISCS). We present new spectroscopic confirmation for six of these high-redshift clusters, five of which are at $z>1.35$. Using infrared luminosities measured with deep Spitzer/MIPS observations at 24 $mu$m, along with robust optical+IRAC photometric redshifts and SED-fitted stellar masses, we present the dust-obscured star-forming fractions, star formation rates and specific star formation rates in these clusters as functions of redshift and projected clustercentric radius. We find that $zsim 1.4$ represents a transition redshift for the ISCS sample, with clear evidence of an unquenched era of cluster star formation at earlier times. Beyond this redshift the fraction of star-forming cluster members increases monotonically toward the cluster centers. Indeed, the specific star formation rate in the cores of these distant clusters is consistent with field values at similar redshifts, indicating that at $z>1.4$ environment-dependent quenching had not yet been established in ISCS clusters. Combining these observations with complementary studies showing a rapid increase in the AGN fraction, a stochastic star formation history, and a major merging episode at the same epoch in this cluster sample, we suggest that the starburst activity is likely merger-driven and that the subsequent quenching is due to feedback from merger-fueled AGN. The totality of the evidence suggests we are witnessing the final quenching period that brings an end to the era of star formation in galaxy clusters and initiates the era of passive evolution.
We measure the faint end slope of the galaxy luminosity function (LF) for cluster galaxies at 1<z<1.5 using Spitzer IRAC data. We investigate whether this slope, alpha, differs from that of the field LF at these redshifts, and with the cluster LF at low redshifts. The latter is of particular interest as low-luminosity galaxies are expected to undergo significant evolution. We use seven high-redshift spectroscopically confirmed galaxy clusters drawn from the IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey to measure the cluster galaxy LF down to depths of M* + 3 (3.6 microns) and M* + 2.5 (4.5 microns). The summed LF at our median cluster redshift (z=1.35) is well fit by a Schechter distribution with alpha[3.6] = -0.97 +/- 0.14 and alpha[4.5] = -0.91 +/- 0.28, consistent with a flat faint end slope and is in agreement with measurements of the field LF in similar bands at these redshifts. A comparison to alpha in low-redshift clusters finds no statistically significant evidence of evolution. Combined with past studies which show that M* is passively evolving out to z~1.3, this means that the shape of the cluster LF is largely in place by z~1.3. This suggests that the processes that govern the build up of the mass of low-mass cluster galaxies have no net effect on the faint end slope of the cluster LF at z<1.3.
The galaxy cluster IDCS J1426.5+3508 at z = 1.75 is the most massive galaxy cluster yet discovered at z > 1.4 and the first cluster at this epoch for which the Sunyaev-ZelDovich effect has been observed. In this paper we report on the discovery with HST imaging of a giant arc associated with this cluster. The curvature of the arc suggests that the lensing mass is nearly coincident with the brightest cluster galaxy, and the color is consistent with the arc being a star-forming galaxy. We compare the constraint on M200 based upon strong lensing with Sunyaev-ZelDovich results, finding that the two are consistent if the redshift of the arc is z > 3. Finally, we explore the cosmological implications of this system, considering the likelihood of the existence of a strongly lensing galaxy cluster at this epoch in an LCDM universe. While the existence of the cluster itself can potentially be accomodated if one considers the entire volume covered at this redshift by all current high-redshift cluster surveys, the existence of this strongly lensed galaxy greatly exacerbates the long-standing giant arc problem. For standard LCDM structure formation and observed background field galaxy counts this lens system should not exist. Specifically, there should be no giant arcs in the entire sky as bright in F814W as the observed arc for clusters at z geq 1.75, and only sim 0.3 as bright in F160W as the observed arc. If we relax the redshift constraint to consider all clusters at z geq 1.5, the expected number of giant arcs rises to sim15 in F160W, but the number of giant arcs of this brightness in F814W remains zero. These arc statistic results are independent of the mass of IDCS J1426.5+3508. We consider possible explanations for this discrepancy.
We report the discovery of an IR-selected massive galaxy cluster in the IRAC Distant Cluster Survey (IDCS). We present new data from the Hubble Space Telescope and the W. M. Keck Observatory that spectroscopically confirm IDCS J1426+3508 at z=1.75. Moreover, the cluster is detected in archival Chandra data as an extended X-ray source, comprising 54 counts after the removal of point sources. We calculate an X-ray luminosity of L{0.5-2 keV} = (5.5 +/- 1.2) X 1e44 ergs/s within r = 60 arcsec (~1 Mpc diameter), which implies M_{200,L_x} = (5.6 +/- 1.6) X 1e14 Msun. IDCS J1426+3508 appears to be an exceptionally massive cluster for its redshift.
We present composite 3.6 and 4.5 micron luminosity functions for cluster galaxies measured from the Spitzer Deep, Wide-Field Survey (SDWFS) for 0.3<z<2. We compare the evolution of m* for these luminosity functions to models for passively evolving stellar populations to constrain the primary epoch of star formation in massive cluster galaxies. At low redshifts (z < 1.3) our results agree well with models with no mass assembly and passively evolving stellar populations with a luminosity-weighted mean formation redshift zf=2.4 assuming a Kroupa initial mass function (IMF). We conduct a thorough investigation of systematic biases that might influence our results, and estimate systematic uncertainites of Delta zf=(+0.16-0.18) (model normalization), Delta zf=(+0.40-0.05) (alpha), and Delta zf=(+0.30-0.45) (choice of stellar population model). For a Salpeter type IMF, the typical formation epoch is thus strongly constrained to be z ~2-3. Higher formation redshifts can only be made consistent with the data if one permits an evolving IMF that is bottom-light at high redshift, as suggested by van Dokkum et al 2008. At high redshift (z > 1.3) we also witness a statistically significant (>5sigma) disagreement between the measured luminosity function and the continuation of the passive evolution model from lower redshifts. After considering potential systematic biases that might influence our highest redshift data points, we interpret the observed deviation as potential evidence for ongoing mass assembly at this epoch.
We report spectroscopic confirmation and high-resolution infrared imaging of a z=2.79 triply-imaged galaxy behind the Bullet Cluster. This source, a Spitzer-selected luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG), is confirmed via polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features using the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) and resolved with HST WFC3 imaging. In this galaxy, which with a stellar mass of M*=4e9 Msun is one of the two least massive ones studied with IRS at z>2, we also detect H_2 S(4) and H_2 S(5) pure rotational lines (at 3.1 sigma and 2.1 sigma) - the first detection of these molecular hydrogen lines in a high-redshift galaxy. From the molecular hydrogen lines we infer an excitation temperature T=377+68-84 K. The detection of these lines indicates that the warm molecular gas mass is 6(+36-4)% of the stellar mass and implies the likely existence of a substantial reservoir of cold molecular gas in the galaxy. Future spectral observations at longer wavelengths with facilities like the Herschel Space Observatory, the Large Millimeter Telescope, and the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) thus hold the promise of precisely determining the total molecular gas mass. Given the redshift, and using refined astrometric positions from the high resolution imaging, we also update the magnification estimate and derived fundamental physical properties of this system. The previously published values for total infrared luminosity, star formation rate, and dust temperature are confirmed modulo the revised magnification; however we find that PAH emission is roughly a factor of five stronger than would be predicted by the relations between the total infrared and PAH luminosity reported for SMGs and starbursts in Pope et al. (2008).
We use the Bullet Cluster (1E0657-56) to investigate the extent to which star formation in cluster galaxies is influenced by ram pressure from supersonic gas (Mach 3) during a cluster merger. While the effects of ram pressure have been studied for individual galaxies infalling into galaxy clusters, this system provides a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of dramatic merger events on the cluster galaxy population. In this analysis we use {it Spitzer} IRAC data to study star formation. At the redshift of the cluster the 6.2 $mu$m PAH feature is redshifted into the 8 $mu$m band, enabling use of the m$_{4.5}$-m$_{8}$ color as a proxy for specific star formation rate. We find that the color distribution on the two sides of the shock differ by less than 2$sigma$, and conclude that ram pressure from the shock front has no dramatic, immediate impact on the star formation of cluster galaxies in the Bullet Cluster.
We study a unique proto-cluster of galaxies, the supergroup SG1120-1202. We quantify the degree to which morphological transformation of cluster galaxies occurs prior to cluster assembly in order to explain the observed early-type fractions in galaxy clusters at z=0. SG1120-1202 at z~0.37 is comprised of four gravitationally bound groups that are expected to coalesce into a single cluster by z=0. Using HST ACS observations, we compare the morphological fractions of the supergroup galaxies to those found in a range of environments. We find that the morphological fractions of early-type galaxies (~60 %) and the ratio of S0 to elliptical galaxies (0.5) in SG1120-1202 are very similar to clusters at comparable redshift, consistent with pre-processing in the group environment playing the dominant role in establishing the observed early-type fraction in galaxy clusters.
We present evidence for a Spitzer-selected luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG) behind the Bullet Cluster. The galaxy, originally identified in IRAC photometry as a multiply imaged source, has a spectral energy distribution consistent with a highly extincted (A_V~3.3), strongly star-forming galaxy at z=2.7. Using our strong gravitational lensing model presented in Bradac et al. (2006), we find that the magnifications are 10 to 50 for the three images of the galaxy. The implied infrared luminosity is consistent with the galaxy being a LIRG, with a stellar mass of M_*~2e11 M_Sun and a star formation rate of ~90 M_Sun/yr. With lensed fluxes at 24 microns of 0.58 mJy and 0.39 mJy in the two brightest images, this galaxy presents a unique opportunity for detailed study of an obscured starburst with star fomation rate comparable to that of L* galaxies at z>2.

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