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We study the evolution of disc galaxies in group environments under the effect of both the global tidal field and close-encounters between galaxies, using controlled N-body simulations of isolated mergers. We find that close-range encounters between galaxies are less frequent and less damaging to disc galaxies than originally expected, since they mostly occur when group members have lost a significant fraction of their initial mass to tidal stripping. We also find that group members mostly affect disc galaxies indirectly by modifying their common global tidal field. Different initial orbital parameters of group members introduce a significant scatter in the evolution of general properties of disc galaxies around a median evolution that is similar to when only the effect of the global tidal field is included. Close-encounters introduce a high variability in the properties of disc galaxies, even slowing their evolution in some cases, and could wash out correlations between galaxy properties and the group total mass. The combined effect of the global tidal field and close-encounters appears to be inefficient at forming/enhancing central stellar bulges. This implies that bulges of S0 galaxies should be mostly composed by young stars, which is consistent with recent observations.
We compare three analytical prescriptions for merger times available from the literature to simulations of isolated mergers. We probe three different redshifts, and several halo concentrations, mass ratios, orbital circularities and orbital energies of the satellite. We find that prescriptions available in the literature significantly under-predict long timescales for mergers at high redshift. We argue that these results have not been highlighted previously either because the evolution of halo concentration of satellite galaxies has been neglected (in previous isolated merger simulations), or because long merger times and mergers with high initial orbital circularities are under-represented (for prescriptions based on cosmological simulations). Motivated by the evolution of halo concentration at fixed mass, an explicit dependence on redshift added as t_merger,modified(z) = (1+z)^0.44 t_merger to the prescription based on isolated mergers gives a significant improvement in the predicted merger times up to ~20 t_dyn in the redshift range 0<z<2. When this modified prescription is used to compute galaxy stellar mass functions, we find that it leads up to a 25 per cent increase in the number of low mass galaxies surviving at z=0, and a 10 per cent increase for more massive galaxies. This worsen the known over-prediction in the number of low mass galaxies by hierarchical models of galaxy formation.
We present the results of a series of numerical simulations aimed to study the evolution of a disc galaxy within the global tidal field of a group environment. Both the disc galaxy and the group are modelled as multi-component, collision-less, N-body systems, composed by both dark matter and stars. In our simulations, the evolution of disc galaxies is followed as their orbits sink towards the group centre, under the effect of dynamical friction. We explore a broad parameter space, covering several aspects of the galaxy-group interaction that are potentially relevant to galaxy evolution. Namely, prograde and retrograde orbits, orbital eccentricities, disc inclination, role of a central bulge in discs, internal disc kinematics, and galaxy-to-group mass ratios. We find that significant disc transformations occur only after the mean density of the group, measured within the orbit of the galaxy, exceeds ~0.3-1 times the central mean density of the galaxy. The morphological evolution of discs is found to be strongly dependent on the initial inclination of the disc with respect to its orbital plane. That is, discs on face-on and retrograde orbits are shown to retain longer their disc structures and kinematics, in comparison to prograde discs. This suggests that after interacting with the global tidal field alone, a significant fraction of disc galaxies should be found in the central regions of groups. Prominent central bulges are not produced, and pre-existing bulges are not enhanced in discs after the interaction with the group. Assuming that most S0 are formed in group environments, this implies that prominent bulges should be formed mostly by young stars, created only after a galaxy has been accreted by a group. Finally, contrary to some current implementations of tidal stripping in semi-analytical models of galaxy evolution, we find that more massive galaxies suffer more tidal stripping.
By means of N-body simulations we study the response of a galactic disc to a minor merger event. We find that non-self-gravitating, spiral-like features are induced in the thick disc. As we have shown in a previous work, this ringing also leaves an imprint in velocity space (the u-v plane) in small spatial regions, such as the solar neighbourhood. As the disc relaxes after the event, clumps in the u-v plane get closer with time, allowing us to estimate the time of impact. In addition to confirming the possibility of this diagnostic, here we show that in a more realistic scenario, the in-fall trajectory of the perturber gives rise to an azimuthal dependence of the structure in phase-space. We also find that the space defined by the energy and angular momentum of stars is a better choice than velocity space, as clumps remain visible even in large local volumes. This makes their observational detection much easier since one need not be restricted to a small spatial volume. We show that information about the time of impact, the mass of the perturber, and its trajectory is stored in the kinematics of disc stars.
We perform collisionless N-body simulations to investigate the evolution of the structural and kinematical properties of simulated thick disks induced by the growth of an embedded thin disk. The thick disks used in the present study originate from cosmologically-common 5:1 encounters between initially-thin primary disk galaxies and infalling satellites. The growing thin disks are modeled as static gravitational potentials and we explore a variety of growing-disk parameters that are likely to influence the response of thick disks. We find that the final thick-disk properties depend strongly on the total mass and radial scale-length of the growing thin disk, and much less sensitively on its growth timescale and vertical scale-height as well as the initial sense of thick-disk rotation. Overall, the growth of an embedded thin disk can cause a substantial contraction in both the radial and vertical direction, resulting in a significant decrease in the scale-lengths and scale-heights of thick disks. Kinematically, a growing thin disk can induce a notable increase in the mean rotation and velocity dispersions of thick-disk stars. We conclude that the reformation of a thin disk via gas accretion may play a significant role in setting the structure and kinematics of thick disks, and thus it is an important ingredient in models of thick-disk formation.
We analyse the phase-space structure of simulated thick discs that are the result of a significant merger between a disc galaxy and a satellite. Our main goal is to establish what would be the characteristic imprints of a merger origin for the Galactic thick disc. We find that the spatial distribution predicted for thick disc stars is asymmetric, seemingly in agreement with recent observations of the Milky Way thick disc. Near the Sun, the accreted stars are expected to rotate more slowly, to have broad velocity distributions, and to occupy preferentially the wings of the line-of-sight velocity distributions. The majority of the stars in our model thick discs have low eccentricity orbits (in clear reference to the pre-existing heated disc) which gives rise to a characteristic (sinusoidal) pattern for their line of sight velocities as function of galactic longitude. The z-component of the angular momentum of thick disc stars provides a clear discriminant between stars from the pre-existing disc and those from the satellite, particularly at large radii. These results are robust against the particular choices of initial conditions made in our simulations, and thus provide clean tests of the disc heating via a minor merger scenario for the formation of thick discs.
We present simulations of the formation of thick disks via the accretion of two-component satellites onto a pre-existing thin disk. Our goal is to establish the detailed characteristics of the thick disks obtained in this way, as well as their dependence on the initial orbital and internal properties of the accreted objects. We find that mergers with 10-20% mass of the mass of the host lead to the formation of thick disks whose characteristics are similar, both in morphology as in kinematics, to those observed. Despite the relatively large mass ratios, the host disks are not fully destroyed by the infalling satellites: a remaining kinematically cold and thin component containing ~15-25% of the mass can be identified, which is embedded in a hotter and thicker disk. This may for example, explain the existence of a very old thin disk stars in the Milky Way. The final scale-heights of the disks depend both on the initial inclination and properties of the merger, but the fraction of satellite stellar particles at ~4 scale-heights directly measures the mass ratio between the satellite and host galaxy. Our thick disks typically show boxy isophotes at very low surface brightness levels (>6 magnitudes below their peak value). Kinematically, the velocity ellipsoids of the simulated thick disks are similar to that of the Galactic thick disk at the solar radius. The trend of sigma_Z/sigma_R with radius is found to be a very good discriminant of the initial inclination of the accreted satellite. In the Milky Way, the possible existence of a vertical gradient in the rotational velocity of the thick disk as well as the observed value of sigma_Z/sigma_R at the solar vicinity appear to favour the formation of the thick disk by a merger with either low or intermediate orbital inclination.

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