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We report the existence of unstable, s-wave modes, for black strings in Gauss-Bonnet theory (which is quadratic in the curvature) in seven dimensions. This theory admits analytic uniform black strings that in the transverse section are black holes of the same Gauss-Bonnet theory in six dimensions. All the components of the perturbation can be written in terms of a single one and its derivatives. For this latter component we find a master equation which admits bounded solutions provided the characteristic time of the exponential growth of the perturbation is related with the wave number along the extra direction, as it occurs in General-Relativity. It is known that these configurations suffer from a thermal instability, and therefore the results presented here provide evidence for the Gubser-Mitra conjecture in the context of Gauss-Bonnet theory. Due to the non-triviality of the curvature of the background, all the components of the metric perturbation appear in the linearized equations. As it occurs for spherical black holes, these black strings should be obtained as the short distance $r<<alpha^{1/2}$ limit of the black string solution of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory, which is not know analytically, where $alpha$ is the Gauss-Bonnet coupling.
In this paper an intrinsically non-Abelian black hole solution for the SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions is constructed. The gauge field of this solution has the form of a meron whereas the metric is the one of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole in which, however, the coefficient of the $1/r^2$ term is not an integration constant. Even if the stress-energy tensor of the Yang-Mills field is spherically symmetric, the field strength of the Yang-Mills field itself is not. A remarkable consequence of this fact, which allows to distinguish the present solution from essentially Abelian configurations, is the Jackiw, Rebbi, Hasenfratz, t Hooft mechanism according to which excitations of bosonic fields moving in the background of a gauge field with this characteristic behave as Fermionic degrees of freedom.
In this paper, we analyze the static solutions for the $U(1)^{4}$ consistent truncation of the maximally supersymmetric gauged supergravity in four dimensions. Using a new parametrization of the known solutions it is shown that for fixed charges there exist three possible black hole configurations according to the pattern of symmetry breaking of the (scalars sector of the) Lagrangian. Namely a black hole without scalar fields, a black hole with a primary hair and a black hole with a secondary hair respectively. This is the first, exact, example of a black hole with a primary scalar hair, where both the black hole and the scalar fields are regular on and outside the horizon. The configurations with secondary and primary hair can be interpreted as a spontaneous symmetry breaking of discrete permutation and reflection symmetries of the action. It is shown that there exist a triple point in the thermodynamic phase space where the three solution coexist. The corresponding phase transitions are discussed and the free energies are written explicitly as function of the thermodynamic coordinates in the uncharged case. In the charged case the free energies of the primary hair and the hairless black hole are also given as functions of the thermodynamic coordinates.
We consider scalar field perturbations about asymptotically Lifshitz black holes with dynamical exponent z in D dimensions. We show that, for suitable boundary conditions, these Lifshitz black holes are stable under scalar field perturbations. For z=2, we explicitly compute the quasinormal mode frecuencies, which result to be purely imaginary, and then obtain the damping-off of the scalar field perturbation in these backgrounds. The general analysis includes, in particular, the z=3 black hole solution of three-dimensional massive gravity.
In the present paper, a new class of black hole solutions is constructed in even dimensional Lovelock Born-Infeld theory. These solutions are interesting since, in some respects, they are closer to black hole solutions of an odd dimensional Lovelock Chern-Simons theory than to the more usual black hole solutions in even dimensions. This hybrid behavior arises when non-Einstein base manifolds are considered. The entropies of these solutions have been analyzed using Wald formalism. These metrics exhibit a quite non-trivial behavior. Their entropies can change sign and can even be identically zero depending on the geometry of the corresponding base manifolds. Therefore, the request of thermodynamical stability constrains the geometry of the non-Einstein base manifolds. It will be shown that some of these solutions can support non-vanishing torsion. Eventually, the possibility to define a sort of topological charge associated with torsion will be discussed.
It is shown that on curved backgrounds, the Coulomb gauge Faddeev-Popov operator can have zero modes even in the abelian case. These zero modes cannot be eliminated by restricting the path integral over a certain region in the space of gauge potentials. The conditions for the existence of these zero modes are studied for static spherically symmetric spacetimes in arbitrary dimensions. For this class of metrics, the general analytic expression of the metric components in terms of the zero modes is constructed. Such expression allows to find the asymptotic behavior of background metrics, which induce zero modes in the Coulomb gauge, an interesting example being the three dimensional Anti de-Sitter spacetime. Some of the implications for quantum field theory on curved spacetimes are discussed.
In this paper new exact solutions in eight dimensional Lovelock theory will be presented. These solutions are vacuum static wormhole, black hole and generalized Bertotti-Robinson space-times with nontrivial torsion. All the solutions have a cross product structure of the type $M_{5}times Sigma_{3} $ where $M_{5}$ is a five dimensional manifold and $Sigma_{3}$ a compact constant curvature manifold. The wormhole is the first example of a smooth vacuum static Lovelock wormhole which is neither Chern-Simons nor Born-Infeld. It will be also discussed how the presence of torsion affects the navigableness of the wormhole for scalar and spinning particles. It will be shown that the wormhole with torsion may act as geometrical filter: a very large torsion may increase the traversability for scalars while acting as a polarizator on spinning particles. This may have interesting phenomenological consequences.

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