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We demonstrate a novel type of solar cell, one that uses fixed negative charges, formed at the interface of n-Si with Al2O3, to generate strong inversion at the Si surface by electrostatic repulsion. Built-in voltages of up to 755 mV are found at this interface. To be able to harness this large built-in voltage, we demonstrate a new photovoltaic device concept, where the photocurrent, generated in this inversion layer, is extracted via an inversion layer induced by a high work function PEDOT:PSS top contact, deposited on top of a passivating and dipole-inducing molecular monolayer. Results of the effect of the molecular monolayer on device performance yield open-circuit voltages of up to 550 mV for moderately doped Si, demonstrating the effectiveness of this contact structure in removing the Fermi level pinning that has hindered past efforts in developing this type of solar cell with n-type Si.
Results of resistivity, Hall effect, magnetoresistance, susceptibility and heat capacity measurements are presented for single crystals of indium-doped tin telluride with compositions Sn$_{.988-x}$In$_x$Te where $0 leq x leq 8.4 %$, along with microstructural analysis based on transmission electron microscopy. For small indium concentrations, $x leq 0.9 %$ the material does not superconduct above 0.3 K, and the transport properties are consistent with simple metallic behavior. For $x geq 2.7 %$ the material exhibits anomalous low temperature scattering and for $x geq 6.1 %$ bulk superconductivity is observed with critical temperatures close to 2 K. Intermediate indium concentrations $2.7% leq x leq 3.8%$ do not exhibit bulk superconductivity above 0.7 K. Susceptibility data indicate the absence of magnetic impurities, while magnetoresistance data are inconsistent with localization effects, leading to the conclusion that indium-doped SnTe is a candidate charge Kondo system, similar to thallium-doped PbTe.
Recent evidence for a charge-Kondo effect in superconducting samples of Pb$_{1-x}$Tl$_x$Te [1] has brought renewed attention to the possibility of negative U superconductivity in this material, associated with valence fluctuations on the Tl impurity sites [2]. Here, we use indium as an electron-donor to counterdope Pb$_{.99}$Tl$_{.01}$Te and study the effect of the changing chemical potential on the Kondo-like physics and on the superconducting critical temperature, $T_c$. We find that, as the chemical potential moves away from the value where superconductivity, Kondo-like physics, and chemical potential pinning are expected, both $T_c$ and the low-temperature resistance anomaly are suppressed. This provides further evidence that both the superconductivity and the Kondo-like behavior are induced by the same source, as anticipated in the negative U model.
The ferroelectric degenerate semiconductor Sn$_{1-delta}$Te exhibits superconductivity with critical temperatures, $T_c$, of up to 0.3 K for hole densities of order 10$^{21}$ cm$^{-3}$. When doped on the tin site with greater than $x_c$ $= 1.7(3)%$ indium atoms, however, superconductivity is observed up to 2 K, though the carrier density does not change significantly. We present specific heat data showing that a stronger pairing interaction is present for $x > x_c$ than for $x < x_c$. By examining the effect of In dopant atoms on both $T_c$ and the temperature of the ferroelectric structural phase transition, $T_{SPT}$, we show that phonon modes related to this transition are not responsible for this $T_c$ enhancement, and discuss a plausible candidate based on the unique properties of the indium impurities.

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