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We compute the modifications to the attractor mechanism due to fermionic corrections. In N=2, D=4 supergravity, at the fourth order, we find a new contribution to the horizon values of the scalar fields of the vector multiplets.
These lectures give an elementary introduction to the subject of four dimensional black holes (BHs) in supergravity and the Attractor Mechanism in the extremal case. Some thermodynamical properties are discussed and some relevant formulae for the critical points of the BH effective potential are given. The case of Maxwell-Einstein-axion-dilaton (super)gravity is discussed in detail. Analogies among BH entropy and multipartite entanglement of qubits in quantum information theory, as well moduli spaces of extremal BH attractors, are also discussed.
We apply the entropy formalism to the study of the near-horizon geometry of extremal black p-brane intersections in D>5 dimensional supergravities. The scalar flow towards the horizon is described in terms an effective potential given by the superposition of the kinetic energies of all the forms under which the brane is charged. At the horizon active scalars get fixed to the minima of the effective potential and the entropy function is given in terms of U-duality invariants built entirely out of the black p-brane charges. The resulting entropy function reproduces the central charges of the dual boundary CFT and gives rise to a Bekenstein-Hawking like area law. The results are illustrated in the case of black holes and black string intersections in D=6, 7, 8 supergravities where the effective potentials, attractor equations, moduli spaces and entropy/central charges are worked out in full detail.
We study N=2, d=4 attractor equations for the quantum corrected two-moduli prepotential $mathcal{F}=st^2+ilambda$, with $lambda$ real, which is the only correction which preserves the axion shift symmetry and modifies the geometry. In the classical case the black hole effective potential is known to have a flat direction. We found that in the presence of D0-D6 branes the black hole potential exhibits a flat direction in the quantum case as well. It corresponds to non-BPS $Z eq 0$ solutions to the attractor equations. Unlike the classical case, the solutions acquire non-zero values of the axion field. For the cases of D0-D4 and D2-D6 branes the classical flat direction reduces to separate critical points which turn out to have a vanishing axion field.
The general solutions of the radial attractor flow equations for extremal black holes, both for non-BPS with non-vanishing central charge Z and for Z=0, are obtained for the so-called stu model, the minimal rank-3 N=2 symmetric supergravity in d=4 space-time dimensions. Comparisons with previous results, as well as the fake supergravity (first order) formalism and an analysis of the BPS bound all along the non-BPS attractor flows and of the marginal stability of corresponding D-brane configurations, are given.
We consider extremal black hole attractors (both BPS and non-BPS) for N=3 and N=5 supergravity in d=4 space-time dimensions. Attractors for matter-coupled N=3 theory are similar to attractors in N=2 supergravity minimally coupled to Abelian vector multiplets. On the other hand, N=5 attractors are similar to attractors in N=4 pure supergravity, and in such theories only 1N-BPS non-degenerate solutions exist. All the above mentioned theories have a simple interpretation in the first order (fake supergravity) formalism. Furthermore, such theories do not have a d=5 uplift. Finally we comment on the duality relations among the attractor solutions of Ngeq2 supergravities sharing the same full bosonic sector.
75 - S. Ferrara , A. Marrani 2008
We exploit the relation among irreducible Riemannian globally symmetric spaces (IRGS) and supergravity theories in 3, 4 and 5 space-time dimensions. IRGS appear as scalar manifolds of the theories, as well as moduli spaces of the various classes of solutions to the classical extremal black hole Attractor Equations. Relations with Jordan algebras of degree three and four are also outlined.
We review recent results in the study of attractor horizon geometries (with non-vanishing Bekenstein-Hawking entropy) of dyonic extremal d=4 black holes in supergravity. We focus on N=2, d=4 ungauged supergravity coupled to a number n_{V} of Abelian vector multiplets, outlining the fundamentals of the special Kaehler geometry of the vector multiplets scalar manifold (of complex dimension n_{V}), and studying the 1/2-BPS attractors, as well as the non-BPS (non-supersymmetric) ones with non-vanishing central charge. For symmetric special Kaehler geometries, we present the complete classification of the orbits in the symplectic representation of the classical U-duality group (spanned by the black hole charge configuration supporting the attractors), as well as of the moduli spaces of non-BPS attractors (spanned by the scalars which are not stabilized at the black hole event horizon). Finally, we report on an analogous classification for N>2-extended, d=4 ungauged supergravities, in which also the 1/N-BPS attractors yield a related moduli space.
We generalize the description of the d=4 Attractor Mechanism based on an effective black hole (BH) potential to the presence of a gauging which does not modify the derivatives of the scalars and does not involve hypermultiplets. The obtained results do not rely necessarily on supersymmetry, and they can be extended to d>4, as well. Thence, we work out the example of the stu model of N=2 supergravity in the presence of Fayet-Iliopoulos terms, for the supergravity analogues of the magnetic and D0-D6 BH charge configurations, and in three different symplectic frames: the SO(1,1)^{2}, SO(2,2) covariant and SO(8)-truncated ones. The attractive nature of the critical points, related to the semi-positive definiteness of the Hessian matrix, is also studied.
We study the attractor equations for a quantum corrected prepotential F=t^3+ilambda, with lambda in R,which is the only correction which preserves the axion shift symmetry and modifies the geometry. By performing computations in the ``magnetic charge configuration, we find evidence for interesting phenomena (absent in the classical limit of vanishing lambda). For a certain range of the quantum parameter lambda we find a ``separation of attractors, i.e. the existence of multiple solutions to the Attractor Equations for fixed supporting charge configuration. Furthermore, we find that, away from the classical limit, a ``transmutation of the supersymmetry-preserving features of the attractors takes place when lambda reaches a particular critical value.

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