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The vector form factor of the pion is calculated in the framework of chiral effective field theory with vector mesons included as dynamical degrees of freedom. To construct an effective field theory with a consistent power counting, the complex-mass scheme is applied.
Modular invariance strongly constrains the spectrum of states of two dimensional conformal field theories. By summing over the images of the modular group, we construct candidate CFT partition functions that are modular invariant and have positive spectrum. This allows us to efficiently extract the constraints on the CFT spectrum imposed by modular invariance, giving information on the spectrum that goes beyond the Cardy growth of the asymptotic density of states. Some of the candidate modular invariant partition functions we construct have gaps of size (c-1)/12, proving that gaps of this size and smaller are consistent with modular invariance. We also revisit the partition function of pure Einstein gravity in AdS3 obtained by summing over geometries, which has a spectrum with two unphysical features: it is continuous, and the density of states is not positive definite. We show that both of these can be resolved by adding corrections to the spectrum which are subleading in the semi-classical (large central charge) limit.
404 - A. Ketterer , T. Douce , A. Keller 2014
We give a dimension independent formulation of the quantum search algorithm introduced in [L. K. Grover, Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 79}, 325 (1997)]. This algorithm provides a quadratic gain when compared to its classical counterpart by manipulating quantum two--level systems, qubits. We show that this gain, already known to be optimal, is preserved, irrespectively of the dimension of the system used to encode quantum information. This is shown by adapting the protocol to Hilbert spaces of any dimension using the same sequence of operations/logical gates as its original qubit formulation. Our results are detailed and illustrated for a system described by continuous variables, where qubits can be encoded in infinitely many distinct states using the modular variable formalism.
We introduce a novel strategy, based on the use of modular variables, to encode and deterministically process quantum information using states described by continuous variables. Our formalism leads to a general recipe to adapt existing quantum information protocols, originally formulated for finite dimensional quantum systems, to infinite dimensional systems described by continuous variables. This is achieved by using non unitary and non-gaussian operators, obtained from the superposition of gaussian gates, together with adaptative manipulations in qubit systems defined in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. We describe in details the realization of single and two qubit gates and briefly discuss their implementation in a quantum optical set-up.
411 - T. Douce , A. Ketterer , A. Keller 2014
We propose a classical to quantum information encoding system using non--orthogonal states and apply it to the problem of searching an element in a quantum list. We show that the proposed encoding scheme leads to an exponential gain in terms of quantum resources and, in some cases, to an exponential gain in the number of runs of the protocol. In the case where the output of the search algorithm is a quantum state with some particular physical property, the searched state is found with a single query to the introduced oracle. If the obtained quantum state must be converted back to classical information, our protocol demands a number of repetitions that scales polynomially with the number of qubits required to encode a classical string.
221 - Christoph A. Keller 2013
We give a short overview over recent work on finding constraints on partition functions of 2d CFTs from modular invariance. We summarize the constraints on the spectrum and their connection to Calabi-Yau compactifications.
Modular invariance is known to constrain the spectrum of 2d conformal field theories. We investigate this constraint systematically, using the linear functional method to put new improved upper bounds on the lowest gap in the spectrum. We also consider generalized partition functions of N = (2,2) superconformal theories and discuss the application of our results to Calabi-Yau compactifications. For Calabi-Yau threefolds with no enhanced symmetry we find that there must always be non-BPS primary states of weight 0.6 or less.
We derive global constraints on the non-BPS sector of supersymmetric 2d sigma-models whose target space is a Calabi-Yau manifold. When the total Hodge number of the Calabi-Yau threefold is sufficiently large, we show that there must be non-BPS primary states whose total conformal weights are less than 0.656. Moreover, the number of such primary states grows at least linearly in the total Hodge number. We discuss implications of these results for Calabi-Yau geometry.
242 - P. Milman , A. Keller , E. Charron 2008
We detail and extend the results of [Milman {it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 99}, 130405 (2007)] on Bell-type inequalities based on correlations between measurements of continuous observables performed on trapped molecular systems. We show that for some observables with a continuous spectrum which is bounded, one is able to construct non-locality tests sharing common properties with those for two-level systems. The specific observable studied here is molecular spatial orientation, and it can be experimentally measured for single molecules, as required in our protocol. We also provide some useful general properties of the derived inequalities and study their robustness to noise. Finally, we detail possible experimental scenarii and analyze the role played by different experimental parameters.

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