ألقى قانون العمل السوري التزاماً على العامل بالخضوع للتعديلات التي يدخلها صاحب العمل على العمل الذي يقوم به، و أعطى للأخير حق مساءلة العامل في حال إخلاله بهذا الالتزام. إلا أن المشرع لم يترك حق التعديل المؤقّت و الدائم لمحض إرادة صاحب العمل، بل حدد ل
ه قيوداً و ضوابط، بغية حماية العامل بقواعد قانونية تسعى لمناصرته، و لو على النطاق التشريعي.
The Labor Code is usually issued to execute persistent economic and social
demands. The most important ones are achieving the Stabilization of the social
relationships, the Equal treatment among workers and raising the Living standards . As a
lt the Labor Code has been exposed to several objective and nominal conditions
which accompany signing the contract and accomplishing it. Undoubtedly this is one of
the positive points in the Labor Code. Due to the fact that it secures the stabilization of
the individual work relationships and guarantees an end to the controversies that might
arise between the worker and the employer . This will have a positive influence on the
peace and social security . However we couldn’t find a reasonable and legal excuse for not
having the Legislator of the labor code studying the conventional clause of not
competing and leaving the subject for the Civil law.
So we have decided to spot a light on this subject .