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Reply to: Extracting Kondo temperature of strongly-correlated systems from the inverse local magnetic susceptibility

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 نشر من قبل Seung-Sup Lee Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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This is a reply to A. A. Katanins comment [A. A. Katanin, Nat. Commun. 12, 1433 (2021); arXiv:2103.02966] on our paper [X. Deng et al., Nat. Commun. 10, 2721 (2019); arXiv:1708.05752].

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Temperature dependence of thermopower in the multiorbital Hubbard model is studied by using the dynamical mean-field theory with the non-crossing approximation impurity solver. It is found that the Coulomb interaction, the Hund coupling, and the crys tal filed splitting bring about non-monotonic temperature dependence of the thermopower, including its sign reversal. The implication of our theoretical results to some materials is discussed.
We formulate a low-energy theory for the magnetic interactions between electrons in the multi-band Hubbard model under non-equilibrium conditions determined by an external time-dependent electric field which simulates laser-induced spin dynamics. We derive expressions for dynamical exchange parameters in terms of non-equilibrium electronic Green functions and self-energies, which can be computed, e.g., with the methods of time-dependent dynamical mean-field theory. Moreover, we find that a correct description of the system requires, in addition to exchange, a new kind of magnetic interaction, that we name twist exchange, which formally resembles Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya coupling, but is not due to spin-orbit, and is actually due to an effective three-spin interaction. Our theory allows the evaluation of the related time-dependent parameters as well.
285 - Enrique Mu~noz , C. J. Bolech , 2013
A recent comment on our work (Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 110, 016601 (2013)) by A.A.Aligia claims that we made mistakes in the evaluation of the lesser quantities. It is further claimed that the distribution function of the single-particle selfenergy of the interacting region in the Fermi liquid regime, e.g. at small bias voltage, low temperature, and small frequency, is continuous. These claims are based on a comparison of the particle-hole symmetric case with results obtained from the approach of A.A.Aligia. We disagree with these claims and show that the discrepancies that the comment alludes to originate from a violation of Ward identities by the method employed in the comment. A comparison of our approach with the numerical renormalization group shows perfect agreement for the symmetric case.
141 - N.M. Plakida 2021
A consistent microscopic theory of superconductivity for strongly correlated electronic systems is presented. The Dyson equation for the normal and anomalous Green functions for the projected (Hubbard) electronic operators is derived. To compare vari ous mechanisms of pairing, the extended Hubbard model is considered where the intersite Coulomb repulsion and the electron-phonon interaction are taken into account. We obtain the $d$-wave pairing with high-$T_c$ induced by the strong kinematical interaction of electrons with spin fluctuations, while the Coulomb repulsion and the electron-phonon interaction are suppressed for the $d$-wave pairing. These results support the spin-fluctuation mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates previously proposed in phenomenological models.
Numerical simulations of strongly correlated electron systems suffer from the notorious fermion sign problem which has prevented progress in understanding if systems like the Hubbard model display high-temperature superconductivity. Here we show how the fermion sign problem can be solved completely with meron-cluster methods in a large class of models of strongly correlated electron systems, some of which are in the extended Hubbard model family and show s-wave superconductivity. In these models we also find that on-site repulsion can even coexist with a weak chemical potential without introducing sign problems. We argue that since these models can be simulated efficiently using cluster algorithms they are ideal for studying many of the interesting phenomena in strongly correlated electron systems.
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