ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
For most language combinations, parallel data is either scarce or simply unavailable. To address this, unsupervised machine translation (UMT) exploits large amounts of monolingual data by using synthetic data generation techniques such as back-translation and noising, while self-supervised NMT (SSNMT) identifies parallel sentences in smaller comparable data and trains on them. To date, the inclusion of UMT data generation techniques in SSNMT has not been investigated. We show that including UMT techniques into SSNMT significantly outperforms SSNMT and UMT on all tested language pairs, with improvements of up to +4.3 BLEU, +50.8 BLEU, +51.5 over SSNMT, statistical UMT and hybrid UMT, respectively, on Afrikaans to English. We further show that the combination of multilingual denoising autoencoding, SSNMT with backtranslation and bilingual finetuning enables us to learn machine translation even for distant language pairs for which only small amounts of monolingual data are available, e.g. yielding BLEU scores of 11.6 (English to Swahili).
We explore ways of incorporating bilingual dictionaries to enable semi-supervised neural machine translation. Conventional back-translation methods have shown success in leveraging target side monolingual data. However, since the quality of back-tran
A large number of significant assets are available online in English, which is frequently translated into native languages to ease the information sharing among local people who are not much familiar with English. However, manual translation is a ver
Self-supervised pre-training of text representations has been successfully applied to low-resource Neural Machine Translation (NMT). However, it usually fails to achieve notable gains on resource-rich NMT. In this paper, we propose a joint training a
Unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) is beneficial especially for low resource languages such as those from the Dravidian family. However, UNMT systems tend to fail in realistic scenarios involving actual low resource languages. Recent work
Unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) that relies solely on massive monolingual corpora has achieved remarkable results in several translation tasks. However, in real-world scenarios, massive monolingual corpora do not exist for some extreme