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Magnetic structure in U(Ru0.92Rh0.08)2Si2 single crystal studied by neutron diffraction in static magnetic fields up to 24 T

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 نشر من قبل Karel Prokes
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report the high-field induced magnetic phase in single crystal of U(Ru0.92Rh0.08)2Si2. Our neutron study combined with high-field magnetization, shows that the magnetic phase above the first metamagnetic transition at Hc1 = 21.6 T has an uncompensated commensurate antiferromagnetic structure with propagation vector Q2 = ( 2/3 0 0) possessing two single-Q domains. U moments of 1.45 (9) muB directed along the c axis are arranged in an up-up-down sequence propagating along the a axis, in agreement with bulk measurements. The U magnetic form factor at high fields is consistent with both the U3+ and U4+ type. The low field short-range order that emerges from the pure URu2Si2 due to Rh-doping is initially strengthened by the field but disappears in the field-induced phase. The tetragonal symmetry is preserved across the transition but the a axis lattice parameter increases already at low fields. Our results are in agreement with itinerant electron model with 5f states forming bands pinned in the vicinity of the Fermi surface that is significantly reconstructed by the applied magnetic field.

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We report the crystal structure and highly-anisotropic magnetic, transport and thermal properties of an exceptionally good single crystal of U(Ru0.92Rh0.08)2Si2 prepared using a modified Czochralski method. Our study, that also includes neutron diffr action results, shows all the heavy-fermion signatures of pristine URu2Si2 , however, the superconductivity, hidden order and remanent weak antiferromagnetic orders are absent. Instead, the ground state of the doped system can be classified as a spin liquid that preserves the heavy-fermion character. U(Ru0.92Rh0.08)2Si2 exhibits a short-range magnetic order distinguished by reflections of a Lorentzian profile at qIII = (1/2 1/2 1/2) positions that disappear above approx. 15 K. The short-range order seems to be a precursor of a long-range magnetic order that occurs with higher Rh concentration. We indicate that these short-range fluctuations involve, at least partially, inelastic scattering processes.
The magnetic structure of the intermetallic compound EuGa$_4$ was investigated using single-crystal neutron diffraction with the time-of-flight (TOF) Laue technique on the new diffractometer SENJU at MLF of J-PARC. In spite of high neutron absorption of Eu, a vast number of diffraction spots were observed without isotope enrichment. The magnetic reflections were appeared at the positions with the diffraction indices of $h+k+l{ eq}2n$ below 16 K, indicating that the ordering vector is ${bf q}=(0~0~0)$. Continuous evolution of magnetic reflection intensity below $T_{rm N}$ follows a squared Brillouin function for $S$=7/2. By adopting a wavelength-dependent absorption collection, the magnetic structure of EuGa$_4$ was revealed that a nearly full magnetic moment of 6.4$~{mu}_{rm B}$ of Eu lies within the basal plane of the lattice. The present study reveals a well-localized divalent Eu magnetism in EuGa$_4$ and demonstrates a high ability of SENJU to investigate materials with high neutron absorption.
Neutron diffraction measurements on a single crystal of CeGe1.76 reveal a complex series of magnetic transitions at low temperature. At T_N = 7 K, there is a transition from a paramagnetic state at higher temperature to an incommensurate magnetic str ucture characterized by a magnetic propagation vector (0 0 tau) with tau approx. 1/4 and the magnetic moment along the a axis of the orthorhombic unit cell. Below T_LI = 5 K, the magnetic structure locks in to a commensurate structure with tau = 1/4 and the magnetic moment remains along the a axis. Below T* = 4 K, we find additional half-integer and integer indexed magnetic Bragg peaks consistent with a second commensurately ordered antiferromagnetic state.
The magnetic structure of CsCo2Se2 was investigated using single-crystal neutron diffraction technique. An antiferromagnetic transition with the propagation vector (0,0,1) was observed at T_N = 78 K. The Co magnetic moment 0.772(6) {mu}_B at 10 K poi nting in the basal plane couples ferromagnetically in the plane which stacks antiferromagnetically along the c direction. Tuning and suppressing the interplane antiferromagnetic interaction may be crucial to induce the material to a superconducting state.
213 - Y. Xiao , Y. Su , M. Meven 2009
Among various parent compounds of iron pnictide superconductors, EuFe2As2 stands out due to the presence of both spin density wave of Fe and antiferromagnetic ordering (AFM) of the localized Eu2+ moment. Single crystal neutron diffraction studies hav e been carried out to determine the magnetic structure of this compound and to investigate the coupling of two magnetic sublattices. Long range AFM ordering of Fe and Eu spins was observed below 190 K and 19 K, respectively. The ordering of Fe2+ moments is associated with the wave vector k = (1,0,1) and it takes place at the same temperature as the tetragonal to orthorhombic structural phase transition, which indicates the strong coupling between structural and magnetic components. The ordering of Eu moment is associated with the wave vector k = (0,0,1). While both Fe and Eu spins are aligned along the long a axis as experimentally determined, our studies suggest a weak coupling between the Fe and Eu magnetism.
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