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Higgs bundles and fundamental group schemes

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 نشر من قبل Ugo Bruzzo
 تاريخ النشر 2016
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Relying on a notion of numerical effectiveness for Higgs bundles, we show that the category of numerically flat Higgs vector bundles on a smooth projective variety $X$ is a Tannakian category. We introduce the associated group scheme, that we call the Higgs fundamental group scheme of $X$, and show that its properties are related to a conjecture about the vanishing of the Chern classes of numerically flat Higgs vector bundles.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

336 - Steven B. Bradlow 2013
Higgs bundles over a closed orientable surface can be defined for any real reductive Lie group G. In this paper we examine the case G=SO*(2n). We describe a rigidity phenomenon encountered in the case of maximal Toledo invariant. Using this and Morse theory in the moduli space of Higgs bundles, we show that the moduli space is connected in this maximal Toledo case. The Morse theory also allows us to show connectedness when the Toledo invariant is zero. The correspondence between Higgs bundles and surface group representations thus allows us to count the connected components with zero and maximal Toledo invariant in the moduli space of representations of the fundamental group of the surface in SO*(2n).
128 - Emmanuel Letellier 2016
In this paper we count the number of isomorphism classes of geometrically indecomposable quasi-parabolic structures of a given type on a given vector bundle on the projective line over a finite field. We give a conjectural cohomological interpretatio n for this counting using the moduli space of Higgs fields on the given vector bundle over the complex projective line with prescribed residues. We prove a certain number of results which bring evidences to the main conjecture. We detail the case of rank 2 vector bundles.
187 - Peter B. Gothen 2012
These are the lecture notes from my course in the January 2011 School on Moduli Spaces at the Newton Institute. I give an introduction to Higgs bundles and their application to the study of character varieties for surface group representations.
64 - Nigel Hitchin 2016
The paper considers the Dirac operator on a Riemann surface coupled to a symplectic holomorphic vector bundle W. Each spinor in the null-space generates through the moment map a Higgs bundle, and varying W one obtains a holomorphic Lagrangian subvari ety in the moduli space of Higgs bundles. Applying this to the irreducible symplectic representations of SL(2) we obtain Lagrangian submanifolds of the rank 2 moduli space which link up with m-period points on the Prym variety of the spectral curve as well as Brill-Noether loci on the moduli space of semistable bundles. The case of genus 2 is investigated in some detail.
Geometric structures on manifolds became popular when Thurston used them in his work on the geometrization conjecture. They were studied by many people and they play an important role in higher Teichmuller theory. Geometric structures on a manifold a re closely related with representations of the fundamental group and with flat bundles. Higgs bundles can be very useful in describing flat bundles explicitly, via solutions of Hitchins equations. Baraglia has shown in his Ph.D. Thesis that Higgs bundles can also be used to construct geometric structures in some interesting cases. In this paper, we will explain the main ideas behind this theory and we will survey some recent results in this direction, which are joint work with Qiongling Li.
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