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Flavor Mixing and Neutrino Masses

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 نشر من قبل Shun Zhou
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Harald Fritzsch

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We discuss mass matrices with four texture zeros for the quarks and leptons. The three mixing angles for the quarks and leptons are functions of the fermion masses. The results agree with the experimental data. The ratio of the masses of the first two neutrinos is given by the solar mixing angle. The neutrino masses are calculated: $m_1$ $approx$ 0.004 eV, $m_2$ $approx$ 0.010 eV, $m_3$ $approx$ 0.070 eV.

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236 - Harald Fritzsch 2015
We discuss the neutrino oscillations, using texture zero mass matrices for the leptons. The reactor mixing angle $theta^{}_{l}$ is calculated. The ratio of the masses of two neutrinos is determined by the solar mixing angle. We can calculate the mass es of the three neutrinos: $m_1$ $approx$ 0.003 eV - $m_2$ $approx$ 0.012 eV - $m_3$ $approx$ 0.048 eV.
156 - H. Fritzsch 2009
We study a model for the mass matrices of the leptons. We are ablte to relate the mass eigenvalues of the charged leptons and of the neutrinos to the mxiing angles and can predict the masses of the neutrinos. We find a normal hierarchy -the masses ar e 0.004 eV, 0.01 eV and 0.05 eV. The atmospheric mixing angle is given by the mass ratios of the charged leptons and of the neutrinos. We find 38 degrees, consistent with the experiments. The mixing element, connecting the first neutrino with the electron, is found to be 0.05.
169 - H. Fritzsch 2009
We discuss first the flavor mixing of the quarks, using the texture zero mass matrices. Then we study a similar model for the mass matrices of the leptons. We are able to relate the mass eigenvalues of the charged leptons and of the neutrinos to the mixing angles and can predict the masses of the neutrinos. We find a normal hierarchy - the masses are 0.004 eV, 0.01 eV and 0.05 eV. The atmospheric mixing angle is given by the mass ratios of the charged leptons and the neutrinos. we find about 40 degrees, consistent with the experiments. The mixing element, connecting the first neutrino wit the electron, is predicted to be 0.05. This prediction can soon be checked by the Daya Bay experiment.
We discuss a neutrino mass model based on the S4 discrete symmetry where the symmetry breaking is triggered by the boundary conditions of the bulk right-handed neutrino in the fifth spacial dimension. While the symmetry restricts bare mass parameters to flavor-diagonal forms, the viable mixing angles emerge from the wave functions of the Kaluza-Klein modes which carry symmetry breaking effect. The magnitudes of the lepton mixing angles, especially the reactor angle is related to the neutrino mass patterns and the model will be tested in future neutrino experiments, e.g., an early (late) discovery of the reactor angle favors the normal (inverted) hierarchy. The size of extra dimension has a connection to the possible mass spectrum; a small (large) volume corresponds to the normal (inverted) mass hierarchy.
We present the $D_4times Z_2$ flavor symmetry, which is different from the previous work by Grimus and Lavoura. Our model reduces to the standard model in the low energy and there is no FCNC at the tree level. Putting the experimental data, parameter s are fixed, and then the implication of our model is discussed. The condition to realize the tri-bimaximal mixing is presented. The possibility for stringy realization of our model is also discussed.
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