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Ultraquantum magnetoresistance in single-crystalline $beta $-Ag$_2$Se

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 نشر من قبل Shuang Jia
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In the history of condensed matter physics, reinvestigation of a well-studied material with enhanced quality sometimes led to important scientific discoveries. A well-known example is the discovery of fractional quantum Hall effect in high quality GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctions. Here we report the first single crystal growth and magnetoresistance (MR) measurements of the silver chalcogenide $beta $-Ag$_2$Se (Naumannite), a compound has been known for the unusual, linear-field-dependent MR in its polycrystalline form for over a decade. With the quantum limit (QL) as low as 3 Tesla, a moderate field produced by a superconductor magnet available in many laboratories can easily drive the electrons in Ag$_2$Se to an unprecedented state. We observed significant negative longitudinal MR beyond the QL, which was understood as a `charge-pumping effect between the novel fermions with opposite chiralities. Characterization of the single-crystalline Ag$_2$Se and the fabrication of electric devices working above the QL, will represent a new direction for the study of these exotic electrons.

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The topological semimetal $beta$-Ag2Se features a Kramers Weyl node at the origin in momentum space and a quadruplet of spinless Weyl nodes, which are annihilated by spin-orbit coupling. We show that single crystalline $beta$-Ag2Se manifests giant Sh ubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the longitudinal magnetoresistance which stem from a small electron pocket that can be driven beyond the quantum limit by a field less than 9 T. This small electron pocket is a remainder of the spin-orbit annihilatedWeyl nodes and thus encloses a Berry-phase structure. Moreover, we observed a negative longitudinal magnetoresistance when the magnetic field is beyond the quantum limit. Our experimental findings are complemented by thorough theoretical band structure analyses of this Kramers Weyl semimetal candidate, including first-principle calculations and an effective k*p model.
Yb$_2$Si$_2$Al may be a prototype for exploring different aspects of the Shastry-Sutherland lattice, formed by planes of orthogonally coupled Yb ions. Measurements of the magnetic susceptibility find incoherently fluctuating Yb$^{3+}$ moments coexist ing with a weakly correlated metallic state that is confirmed by measurements of the electrical resistivity. Increasing signs of Kondo coherence are found with decreasing temperature, including an enhanced Sommerfeld coefficient and Kadowaki-Woods ratio that signal that the metallic state found at the lowest temperatures is a Fermi liquid where correlations have become significantly stronger. A pronounced peak in the electronic and magnetic specific heat indicates that the coupling of the Yb moments to the conduction electrons leads to an effective Kondo temperature that is approximately 30 K. The valence of Yb$_2$Si$_2$Al has been investigated with electron spectroscopy methods. Yb$_2$Si$_2$Al is found to be strongly intermediate valent ($v_F=2.68(2)$ at 80 K). Taken together, these experimental data are consistent with a scenario where a coherent Kondo lattice forms in Yb$_2$Si$_2$Al from an incoherently fluctuating ensemble of Yb moments with incomplete Kondo compensation, and strong intermediate valence character.
Magnetoresistance (MR) of the Bi$_{2-x}$Pb$_x$Sr$_2$Co$_2$O$_y$ ($x$=0, 0.3, 0.4) single crystals is investigated systematically. A nonmonotonic variation of the isothermal in-plane and out-of-plane MR with the field is observed. The out-of-plane MR is positive in high temperatures and increases with decreasing $T$, and exhibits a pronounced hump, and changes the sign from positive to negative at a centain temperature. These results strongly suggest that the observed MR consists of two contributions: one emph{negative} and one emph{positive} component. The isothermal MR in high magnetic fields follows a $H^2$ law. While the negative contribution comes from spin scattering of carriers by localized-magnetic-moments based on the Khosla-Fischer model.
We have studied the magnetotransport properties of a Sb$_2$Se$_2$Te single crystal. Magnetoresistance (MR) is maximum when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the sample surface and reaches to a value of 1100% at $B$=31 T with no sign of saturatio n. MR shows Shubnikov de Haas (SdH) oscillations above $B$=15 T. The frequency spectrum of SdH oscillations consists of three distinct peaks at $alpha$=32 T, $beta$=80 T and $gamma$=117 T indicating the presence of three Fermi surface pockets. Among these frequencies, $beta$ is the prominent peak in the frequency spectrum of SdH oscillations measured at different tilt angles of the sample with respect to the magnetic field. From the angle dependence $beta$ and Berry phase calculations, we have confirmed the trivial topology of the $beta$-pocket. The cyclotron masses of charge carriers, obtained by using the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula, are found to be $m^{*}_{beta}=0.16m_o$ and $m^{*}_{gamma}=0.63m_o$ for the $beta$ and $gamma$ bands respectively. Large MR of Sb$_2$Se$_2$Te is suitable for utilization in electronic instruments such as a computer hard disc, high field magnetic sensors, and memory devices.
Spintronic devices using antiferromagnets (AFMs) are promising candidates for future applications. Recently, many interesting physical properties have been reported with AFM-based devices. Here we report a butterfly-shaped magnetoresistance (MR) in a micrometer-sized triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Ag$_2$CrO$_2$. The material consists of two-dimensional triangular-lattice CrO$_2$ layers with antiferromagnetically coupled $S$ = 3/2 spins and Ag$_2$ layers with high electrical conductivity. The butterfly-shaped MR appears only when the magnetic field is applied perpendicularly to the CrO$_2$ plane with the maximum MR ratio ($approx$ 15%) at the magnetic ordering temperature. These features are distinct from those observed in conventional magnetic materials. We propose a theoretical model where fluctuations of partially disordered spins with the Ising anisotropy play an essential role in the butterfly-shaped MR in Ag$_2$CrO$_2$.
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