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The SiO outflow from IRAS 17233-3603 at high resolution

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 نشر من قبل Pamela Klaassen
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Context: Jets and outflows are key ingredients in the formation of stars across the mass spectrum. In clustered regions, understanding powering sources and outflow components poses a significant problem. Aims: To understand the dynamics in the outflow(s) from a cluster in the process of forming massive stars. Methods: We use new VLA observations of the molecular gas (SiO, CS, OCS and molec) in the massive star forming region IRAS 17233-3606 which contains a number of HII regions. We compare these observations to previously published molecular data for this source in order to get a holistic view of the outflow dynamics. Results:We find that the dynamics of the various species can be explained by a single large scale ($sim 0.15$ pc) outflow when compared to the sizes of the HII regions, with the different morphologies of the blue and red outflow components explained with respect to the morphology of the surrounding envelope. We further find that the direction of the velocity gradients seen in OCS and molec are suggestive of a combination of rotation and outflow motions in the warm gas surrounding the HII regions near the base of the large scale outflow. Conclusions: Our results show that the massive protostars forming within this region appear to be contributing to a single outflow on large scales. This single large scale outflow is traced by a number of different species as the outflow interacts with its surroundings. On the small scales, there appear to be multiple mechanisms contributing to the dynamics which could be a combination of either a small scale outflow or rotation with the dynamics of the large scale outflow.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Studies of molecular outflows in high-mass young stellar objects reveal important information about the formation process of massive stars. We therefore selected the close-by IRAS 17233-3606 massive star-forming region to perform SiO observations wit h the SMA interferometer in the (5-4) line and with the APEX single-dish telescope in the (5-4) and (8-7) transitions. In this paper, we present a study of one of the outflows in the region, OF1, which shows several properties similar to jets driven by low-mass protostars, such as HH211 and HH212. It is compact and collimated, and associated with extremely high velocity CO emission, and SiO emission at high velocities. We used a state-of-the-art shock model to constrain the pre-shock density and shock velocity of OF1. The model also allowed us to self-consistently estimate the mass of the OF1 outflow. The shock parameters inferred by the SiO modelling are comparable with those found for low-mass protostars, only with higher pre-shock density values, yielding an outflow mass in agreement with those obtained for molecular outflows driven by early B-type young stellar objects. Our study shows that it is possible to model the SiO emission in high-mass star-forming regions in the same way as for shocks from low-mass young stellar objects.
470 - S. Leurini 2009
Molecular outflows from high-mass young stellar objects provide an excellent way to study the star formation process, and investigate if they are scaled-u
114 - L. Cerrigone 2013
Maser lines of OH, H2 O, and SiO are commonly observed in O-rich AGB stars, but their presence after the end of the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) phase is linked to non-spherical mass-loss processes. IRAS 15452-5459 is a post-AGB star with an hourgla ss nebula whose maser lines are quite peculiar. We observed all of the three maser species with the Australia Telescope Compact Array with angular resolutions of 6 , 0.6 , 0.3 , and 1.7 at 18 cm, 13 mm, 7 mm, and 3 mm, respectively. While double peaks are routinely seen in OH and water masers and interpreted as due to expanding envelopes, only very few sources display SiO lines with a similar spectral profile. Our observations confirm the detection of the double peak of SiO at 86 GHz; the same spectral shape is seen in the lower-J maser at 43 GHz. A double peak is also detected in the water line, which covers the same velocity range as the SiO masers. Thermally excited lines of SiO are detected at 7 and 3 mm and span the same velocity range as the maser lines of this species. Although observations at higher angular resolution are desirable to further investigate the spatial distributions of the maser spots, the current data allow us to conclude that the SiO masers are distributed in an hourglass shape and are likely due to the sputtering of dust grains caused by shock propagation. The complex OH profile would instead be due to emission from the fast outflow and an orthogonal structure.
Direct observations of accretion disks around high-mass young stellar objects would help to discriminate between different models of formation of massive stars. However, given the complexity of massive star forming regions, such studies are still lim ited in number. Additionally, there is still no general consensus on the molecular tracers to be used for such investigations. Because of its close distance and high luminosity, IRAS 17233-3606 is a potential good laboratory to search for traces of rotation in the inner gas around the protostar(s). Therefore, we selected the source for a detailed analysis of its molecular emission at 230 GHz with the SMA. We systematically investigated the velocity fields of transitions in the SMA spectra which are not affected by overlap with other transitions, and searched for coherent velocity gradients to compare them to the distribution of outflows in the region. Beside CO emission we also used high-angular H2 images to trace the outflow motions driven by the IRAS 17233-3606 cluster. We find linear velocity gradients in many transitions of the same molecular species and in several molecules. We report the first detection of HNCO in molecular outflows from massive YSOs. We discuss the CH3CN velocity gradient taking into account various scenarios: rotation, presence of multiple unresolved sources with different velocities, and outflow(s). Although other interpretations cannot be ruled out, we propose that the CH3CN emission might be affected by the outflows of the region. Higher angular observations are needed to discriminate between the different scenarios. The present observations, with the possible association of CH3CN with outflows in a few thousands AU around the YSOs cluster, (i) question the choice of the tracer to probe rotating structures, and (ii) show the importance of the use of H2 images for detailed studies of kinematics.
The cluster NGC 3603 hosts some of the most massive stars in the Galaxy. With a modest 50 ks exposure with the Chandra High Energy Grating Spectrometer, we have resolved emission lines in spectra of several of the brightest cluster members which are of WNh and O spectral types. This observation provides our first definitive high-resolution spectra of such stars in this nearby starburst region. The stars studied have broadened X-ray emission lines, some with blue-shifted centroids, and are characteristic of massive stellar winds with terminal velocities around 2000--3000 km/s. X-ray luminosities and plasma temperatures are very high for both the WNh and O stars studied. We conclude that their X-rays are likely the result of colliding winds.
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